Acts of Kindness you have done

Condoms?! LOL

Let's get back on topic now ;) so, AD has thousands of users and yet about a dozen of us had something about doing a kindness towards others ? hehehe
There's so many random acts of kindnesses I have done. You see, my parents instilled the act of being kind to unfortunate people when I was young and it has stuck onto me since I was young. I would carry a backpack with me and pack a bag of apples & oranges and bring lots of loose change. I did it just recently and walked downtown last summer. We had a heat wave and I knew homeless people would be dehydrated, I offered them both apples and oranges and loose change for water or pop. They were so happy to get the fresh fruit. Sometimes in the winter, I d buy muffins and coffee and offer it to homeless people. Their smiles would be enough for me. I do get pissed when I see business people in their Ralph Lauren suits brushing homeless people away. I think to myself, "I'm not well off but I do give to them and the ones that brushed the homeless ones sure dressed much better than me!" It paints a much different picture. I always believe to share my fortune with others. :D HUGS everyone!!! :grouphug:
You guys have good hearts. :)

When my friends needed an interpreter for job interviews, meetings, and customer service at the last minute, I was always willing to help them.

When I have money to spare, I give some to any homeless person and charity in sight. I rarely passed a homeless person asking for spare change, because then I'd feel bad.

I'm sure there are other things I've done out of kindness, but I can't remember them.
One act of kindness I did today:
Helped my best friend move her old dresser out of her bedroom to the porch, for her yard sale this weekend. Tomorrow, I am going to drive us both together to Hamilton (about an hour away) to do some shopping, as we both know that her car is not in a good shape.

Oh! And I helped my best friend help her son to do this homework, teaching him the vowels. He did great!
Originally posted by Liza
Teekie, that's so kind and wonderful! ;)

I am a lil confused, though.. the Chicago bday girl didn't have her surprise party, but did hop that bus? "it's the Chicago girl's loss for a fun and blast weekend. Oh well."

hehe call me a little dense!

Ooh, sorry the birthday girl is from PA, since my friend from indiana was unable to pick her up because she was going on the bus, Me and that friend(from Indiana) drove a hour and half to pick her up so she wouldn't miss her surprise party, the chicago girl dropped the plans last minute and its her loss. Hope you understand now :)
Yesterday, I arrived back to Complicated's house after dropping her off for work. A man approached me with a lawn mower and hedge trimmers and asked if I owned the house and if I needed any work done. I told him that I was just visiting. He told me that he was trying to get some extra money because his house had a fire. He said alot of people in the neighborhood was helping him out the best they could. I reached into my pocked and grabbed $10 and gave it to the man. He didn't want it. He wanted to work for it. I said no, keep it. He was happy, cuz that would help him buy a used refrigerator. IDK if this guy was telling me the truth or lieing, but it sure felt good.

Also, I am not alone. The other day, Sheild and I went out. She gave $5 for some kind of homeless charity. WTG Sheild :D
Aww you guys are making me having a :tears:. I know I've done some good things toward people and done some dumb things I made mistake but that is what I go from day to day... I recall one of my experiences I feel very sadly for this one homeless boy few months ago near my home. He was holding a sign that say he need a ride to downtown, perhap to his home or something that I dunno, but I decide to gently ask him to come with me to ride the public bus to downtown which it was on my way which I paid his fare which is absoutely cheap, his face were dirty, many passenger looked at us gave me some dirty puzzling looks which I didn't care about them. I'd want this boy to get home or somewhere he want to be. As we arrived downtown, he start to run on his own, I stopped him and took him to Mcdonald and gave him a food meal and he left which I never saw him again but I know in his heart that somebody did a little special thing for him. This is something I don't usually do more for people but whatever if I can do something, I'd try to do it...

And also my biggest disappointment thing is my own mother because... My grandma died two year ago in July 2001, a month after I graudated... Anyway back to my mother issue, I'm disappointed in her because my grandpa is on his own ever since my grandma died and my mom don't visit him that much before my grandma died. My aunt's family from Iowa often visit and check on our grandpa more than my mother do... I often tell my mom that we need to visit him at least once to 3 times a months... To tell you the truth, my mom is brainwashed on helping her fine healthy friends than focusing on my grandpa. I often reminded my mom that what if tomorrow my grandpa died and she decide not to visit him today and she will always regret for the rest of her life wishing she had seen him alive. What's more disappointing is that my grandpa often forced himself to drive to see us which is about 45 minutes drive from each way and he often find my mother busy. One day I cancelled all of my mom's plan and tried to forced her to see her own father and as my grandpa, she got mad at me for cancelling her plan, I said hey mom he's your father! To this day I'd wished my mother will wake up and smell the flower and help my grandpa out!
I do not remember any acts of kindness I have ever done to anyone nor do I want to praise myself if ever I did some kindness to anybody.

If there are any acts of kindness I have ever did, they cannot rival anything you all have your strangers... Keep up the good work!
I love the soul-soothing posts in this thread. I have done some random acts of kindness from time to time. The most recent one is MINOR, but funny. I left work late and was very hungry. I decided to stop at a pizza place near my Metro stop, where they make excellent pizzas. When my turn to order was coming up, I noticed behind me was a woman with two children; one was crying. The woman seemed harried and stressed for time. I decided to give her my turn, so she could leave with her children sooner. She smiled and thanked me profusely. But...the funny part starts here...she bought all remaining plain slices. She thanked me again and left with her children quickly. My turn came up and there was no plain slice left. The cashier assured me that the next tray would be ready in five minutes, so I ordered and paid. The waiting took longer...about 20 minutes. I missed the last bus of the rush hour, so I had to wait longer for the next one. Of course, with my luck on that evening, the next bus came late. I got home about two hours late all because I gave up my turn to a woman who needed it. You know the good deed goes unpunished. But still...I felt good that I did something nice.
Originally posted by Liza
I thought Ms Giglz deserved her own thread :D
Ms G, you impressed me so much!

This thread is dedicated to you, Ms G! You are such a good example for us all. :bowdown:

Anybody name any kindness they have done in life towards another person or a group? ;)

Yes, I have known Annie online for a few years and I sense that she is very good person with empathic skills even though she has personal crisis (divorce, budget issues, etc). I am proud of her. She is an :angel: and I wish everyone is following her example of generosity.

Anyway, let me share a few stories with you all:

My friend and her former date were lost in the area where I live and we communicated via pager. I drove to the specific location where they were waiting for me, then I found them. They followed me to my apt and stayed for a little bit before going to the place for gathering event. It was late anyway, but a few people were still staying for chit chat.

My other friend has no family support since he left his family years ago. I helped him going back to school with my own money (I am very poor, but I manage to find a way to earn some money, mind you). Now, he is working on getting a Master Degree and will graduate next year.

The evil spirit stalked my friend all way from east coast to west coast. I decided to cast a bashing spell on evil spirit. Good enough, it was gone. My friend got much better.

I have several listings, but that's about it.
:werd: i agree with u Liza and Oddball in ref to MsGiglz -- she IS an :angel: and ive been so blessed to have known her since 1996 and met her IRL 1997 and since then we stay in touch and meet up IRL whenever timing is right -- shes got a WONDERFUL heart -- thats why i say shes 1 of the 2 MOST bootiful women of Minnesota!!!

my acts of kindness ive done has been for friends -- paying for their flight or bus or whatever tickets to come east or to wherever we were planning to meet for events if not out east (after they have expressed they been wanting to come east twice i did express i WANTED a friend to come east they were 2 different women) knowing they dont have enough $$ to pay me back and i tell them its not expected and not to worry abt paying me back cuz i do NOT want it -- seeing them out east and having some time for themselves to relax from their stressful everyday life was enough for me

helping out friends in need whenever they need my help im there -- and i also help mom out alot by just taking care of the house and do some certain errands i know mom wont have time for and help care for my grandma whose mental health is declining and getting very forgetful :(
Well I can't think of any major kindnesses I've done but I'm pretty sure several small ones count as well. I try and be there for all my friends no matter what, I give them money when they need it for a bus trip home or lunch. I share everything I have with them when they want it or need it. They know they need only ask me and I'll be very happy to help (within reason of course). :) Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Originally posted by Ziusudra
Well I can't think of any major kindnesses I've done but I'm pretty sure several small ones count as well. I try and be there for all my friends no matter what, I give them money when they need it for a bus trip home or lunch. I share everything I have with them when they want it or need it. They know they need only ask me and I'll be very happy to help (within reason of course). :) Treat others the way you want to be treated.


I agree...I've done a few good deeds and acts of kindness to other people in need. It's just me. I can't just be rude to everyone if they haven't done anything wrong towards me.
The only times I'm rude is if people are rude to me. :P:naughty:

Ms. Giglz,

You are truly a woman with a heart of gold and it shows. We don't get that a lot, and it's like a breeze of fresh air coming into a room pushing all the mushy air out of it when we see people like you doing good deeds for the society.

It gives me pleasure to see that happening around here. It truly does.

My experiences in doing good deeds, there has been countless deeds but I can't recall if I have ever done any major good deeds. Probably because I don't care about the attention, but I care about how it affect the people with my good deeds.

I was really horrified by the 9/11 situation, I was desperate and wanted to reach out to them to pull them out of this horrible disaster. I meant, I know a lot of people saw it with their own eyes in person.

But for me, it was like being there only I couldn't imagine how it could been any worse than what I saw on TV... live.

I nearly went... numb.

All I could think of was, what should I do to help these people?

All I could do was donate $30 dollars, but I felt like I haven't done enough to help these people.

Still, almost 2 years has passed by... the images of the towers and people jumping from the towers are still stuck in my head every single day and I don't know if it will ever go away.

I am forced to suffer though these images, and there are a lot of people out there who suffer though these images just like I do.

But to remind ourselves, we did see an unbelievable amount of acts of kindness being committed just right after the 9/11. It was like a wake-up call for us to do our duties and act out our kindness.

But now, it seems like people are getting more hostile than ever.

Myself, I believe it was just a fad to begin with...

I have to say that seeing it as a fad is quite disgusting to myself as it is to you too. But that's what I truly believe, it was just a fad.

Acts of Kindness, I know we are all capable of it at anytime of the year rather just the holidays.

We can't just act it out on the holidays and situations like the 9/11. That's just not enough. We have to act them out if we see somebody in needs of help at any time of the year.

Mrs. Giglz, you did the right thing. I have to give you my respect for what you have done.

Boy, your children are lucky to have you as their mother. They have a mother that they can be proud of for the rest of their lives.
Originally posted by prostock19
:rofl: I have condoms you can HAVE, not borrow. I don't want them back when you're done.

:rofl: I second what you said, prostock! I wouldn't want to borrow and give it back...used condoms.......ergh! :P :P

I'd prefer GIVE condoms away not BORROW.
