Ms. Giglz,
You are truly a woman with a heart of gold and it shows. We don't get that a lot, and it's like a breeze of fresh air coming into a room pushing all the mushy air out of it when we see people like you doing good deeds for the society.
It gives me pleasure to see that happening around here. It truly does.
My experiences in doing good deeds, there has been countless deeds but I can't recall if I have ever done any major good deeds. Probably because I don't care about the attention, but I care about how it affect the people with my good deeds.
I was really horrified by the 9/11 situation, I was desperate and wanted to reach out to them to pull them out of this horrible disaster. I meant, I know a lot of people saw it with their own eyes in person.
But for me, it was like being there only I couldn't imagine how it could been any worse than what I saw on TV... live.
I nearly went... numb.
All I could think of was, what should I do to help these people?
All I could do was donate $30 dollars, but I felt like I haven't done enough to help these people.
Still, almost 2 years has passed by... the images of the towers and people jumping from the towers are still stuck in my head every single day and I don't know if it will ever go away.
I am forced to suffer though these images, and there are a lot of people out there who suffer though these images just like I do.
But to remind ourselves, we did see an unbelievable amount of acts of kindness being committed just right after the 9/11. It was like a wake-up call for us to do our duties and act out our kindness.
But now, it seems like people are getting more hostile than ever.
Myself, I believe it was just a fad to begin with...
I have to say that seeing it as a fad is quite disgusting to myself as it is to you too. But that's what I truly believe, it was just a fad.
Acts of Kindness, I know we are all capable of it at anytime of the year rather just the holidays.
We can't just act it out on the holidays and situations like the 9/11. That's just not enough. We have to act them out if we see somebody in needs of help at any time of the year.
Mrs. Giglz, you did the right thing. I have to give you my respect for what you have done.
Boy, your children are lucky to have you as their mother. They have a mother that they can be proud of for the rest of their lives.