'Active shooter incident' reported in Chattanooga

these dudes do take kids out and many of them I like to bet average joe not clue where though. and that why America got stop saying domestic terrorism..America got get act together as these people get instuctions from IS,it was America this week could just as easily been Britain france etc IS don't care.
When 9/11 happened world knew about it but when I mentioned 7/7 very few americans knew what I talking about same with Madrid Kenya and that not only sad it dangerous..terroists do not see themselves as American british etc so don't treat them like americans

I was referiing to this incedent. To the op.this teororist could of done a bunch of kids in...
As it has happened.re mass shootings at schools so on.
He didnt.and chose military personel instead. Im not condoning it. Im stating considering who he murdererd for. Isis it could of been allot worse.
It's possible but I hope not. In other words, law enforcements like FBI and Homeland Security have to work harder because ISIS encourages the supporters in America to do what it says. That is dangerous. SMH

It will get worse. As is not a sole isis plm. Law enforcment csn only go so far. Considering how much amarican society and freedom has changed since 911, the terririst and those who fund themlest we forget isis is not the onkyones on the bmock andamerics funds friends who in turn fundby the millions grohos who are terrorist. Ssudi comes to mind..there is so much triple triple dealing..the higher one gets the murkeir it gets..america gives billions to a nation loke pakistan. Yet the very stste funds and peotects telaban..and keot bin laden....yet the funds continue. Most the hijackers were saudi. Re 911. And the saudi were given free pss and exit from te ststes during the aftermath...really....there is allot of mislewding nd double triple crossing going on...and its not just the muslems...
Isismakes millionsand millions on oil...who is buying it?
America prevented. Weeks ago..other nations willing to supply kurds with ehavy weapons to fight isis..
In the end...it wont stop as long as america keeps the money, funds, protectionand the rest of it to isis and pakistan (an example) and others going...
Its hard to read..but one needs to look closer to home to see the ones who are keeping these montsers well fed,well armed, well paid...
Now that a deal ha sbeen reached allowing iran to get nukes. Iran a state sponser of terrorism. Iran who still has american hostages. Irn which is resoonsible for most of the americn deaths via sniper in iraq...it doesnt much look to me tha america wants to really engage and put an end to terrorist entities.
If anything.
Those entities will flourish, as americans freedom at home recides...
Patriot Guard Riders will be escorting the funeral of Staff Sgt. David A. Wyatt, Friday, in Chattanooga.
Like a sign will stop people from,shooting? Oh wait, I have a gun..let me put it away - geez - military, law enforcement should have guns at all times when working - it's an establishment regarding security and warfare -