I think that law is stupid, glad that bill get killed in committee. Sometimes in legislative process that bill can come back alive after being dead. I hope it stay dead.
I've been wearing baggy clothes lately becuase they are more comfortable than tight clothes. sometimes they would drop little like to my stomach, lucky I have baggy sweatshirt to cover it. Since I am short, I have to fold my pant bottoms. Funny last month when me and dad was walking in Capitol tunnel, he said "your pants toooo long" and I said "I like baggy clothes not tights like ho's" and he laughed. That one thing he was acting like dad to me, telling me that he doesn't like seeing me in baggy clothes but that's my style. Oh man I love how he react how I dress and do stuff... sometimes that drives him nuts, hope he don't get idea to tell our friends in legislature to make bill in MN, no way! Legislators already know I wear baggy clothes anyways.. You can get baggy pants at Marshall's for cheap.