
A woman can't have abortion before 3 months. Just not after. But if the mother's health is at risks for some reasons, then the doctor would have to perform sugery to remove the fetus. But if a woman decided she want to have an abortion, it up to her and that her business. Face it, You can't tell a woman what to do with her body. She got a right do what she think is best for herself.

And, if the mother's life is at risk, the abortion can only be performed up to 5.5 months.
Ok this post/links may be hard for some people to read so I'm giving a warning......

How Are Abortions Done? - Heritage House Literature.

Please do not veiw this link if you can not with stand seeing abortion pictures. Althought.... I am pro-choice.... seeing these pictures are very disturbing....I only believe in abortions Under specific reasons....Not as a Birth control method....


Reba...hate to say it but they can even abort in the Third Trimester.

Types of abortion, pictures of fetus & facts on abortion procedures

It is such a hard thing to decide.. but if a mother that is in risk of dying...and already have children that are "in the world, living, breathing, risk her life for one that is unborn..the one that is in limbo.

I know if I became pregnant and my life was in danger due to the pregnancy.. I would abort... due to I have to live for my children thats already "in the world"

Third trimester is not an abortion. It is induced labor.
Ok this post/links may be hard for some people to read so I'm giving a warning......

How Are Abortions Done? - Heritage House Literature.

Please do not veiw this link if you can not with stand seeing abortion pictures. Althought.... I am pro-choice.... seeing these pictures are very disturbing....I only believe in abortions Under specific reasons....Not as a Birth control method....


Reba...hate to say it but they can even abort in the Third Trimester.

Types of abortion, pictures of fetus & facts on abortion procedures

It is such a hard thing to decide.. but if a mother that is in risk of dying...and already have children that are "in the world, living, breathing, risk her life for one that is unborn..the one that is in limbo.

I know if I became pregnant and my life was in danger due to the pregnancy.. I would abort... due to I have to live for my children thats already "in the world"

We seem to be ignoring the fact that Roe v Wade did not have an impact upon the medically necessary abortions being performed. Doctors have always had that discretion, and women have had that choice. We are taling about abortion by the choice of the woman, medically unnecessary, but by choice of whether to give birth or not. That is the right that Roe v Wade bestowed on women. Reversal of that ruling will not stop medically necessary abortions from being performed under a doctor's care and advise. Nor will it stop abortion on demand. Those women will simply resort to illegal abortionists, just as they did prior to Roe v Wade.
Third trimester is not an abortion. It is induced labor.

again I advised posters on this link..

More Information about Abortion

It is legal up to nine months....

I understand the Roe v/s Wade....

These pictures were not medically necessary abortions...

so please stop contradicting what I'm posting.

I know you mean well ....but get my point first...:|
Ok this post/links may be hard for some people to read so I'm giving a warning......

How Are Abortions Done? - Heritage House Literature.

Please do not veiw this link if you can not with stand seeing abortion pictures. Althought.... I am pro-choice.... seeing these pictures are very disturbing....I only believe in abortions Under specific reasons....Not as a Birth control method....


Reba...hate to say it but they can even abort in the Third Trimester.

Types of abortion, pictures of fetus & facts on abortion procedures

It is such a hard thing to decide.. but if a mother that is in risk of dying...and already have children that are "in the world, living, breathing, risk her life for one that is unborn..the one that is in limbo.

I know if I became pregnant and my life was in danger due to the pregnancy.. I would abort... due to I have to live for my children thats already "in the world"

Remember, abortion and partial-birth abortion are not the same thing.

I can see from the pictures that it´s partial-birth abortion. I can´t beleive that they throw fetus to trash bin after finish with partial-birth abortion because they are supposed to bury fetus or sent fetus to sciencie or what. I am against mothers´ decision after 12 weeks because fetus´s development is almost into human.

Before 12 weeks is understandable - In my opinion, fetus should remove soon as mothers found out that they expect unwanted baby instead of wait until end of 12 weeks or after 12 weeks. IMO.

Why after 12 weeks for? It´s understandable if fetus is dead in mother´s womb or risk mother´s health.

Interesting to read about Third Trimester to remove fetus. I remember from my health book that they remove fetus with a long spoon. I will scan from my health book to show you all tonight when I find a picture.
Because unless the mother's life is at stake, it is illegal to do so after 12 weeks. An abortion for personal reasons can only be requested and performed up to 12 weeks.


Here in Germany abortion up to 12 weeks accord mother´s personal choice (depend to different reasons what healthcare insurance can cover the cost or not due doctor´s writing) is legal.

After 12 weeks due health reason or dead fetus in mother´s womb is legal - healthcare insurance cover fully.
Because unless the mother's life is at stake, it is illegal to do so after 12 weeks. An abortion for personal reasons can only be requested and performed up to 12 weeks.

Not in some states such as UK, abortion is legal up to the 24th weeks of pregnancy and if the mother's life is at risk, there's no time limit.

Grey JCR :: Abortion

And some abortions are performed up to 13 weeks too.

Abortion Information

I understand the sympathy. But why should a mother endanger her life due to a medical problem, especially if she already have children?

another reason I'm pro-choice is...If the woman/Little girl was raped or sexually abused and the results is an unwanted pregnancy that was not her choice in the first place.should bear the burden. When it wasn't her choice to become pregnant... She should have a choice in the unwanted pregnancy .....the burden falls on the individual....

For women that chose to engage in sexual activity *abuses the abortion rights* should be ashame of themselves..

see... I am only pro-choice for those specific reasons...
partial-birth abortion: Definition and Much More from Answers.com

Whats the difference?

Partial or not.. it is still an abortion...:eek3:as it may seem...

Yes I understand what you are saying... abortion is abortion... I has to give you right but I want to share my POV with you what I think the difference between abortion and partial-birth abortion.

For abortion - like fetus removal with a long spoon and clean inside.
For partial-birth abortion - they can't remove fetus with a long tiny spoon because fetus is too big for long tiny spoon... Right?

Partial-birth abortion (late abortion) is banned in many European countries including Germany.

I am total surprised to see how and what the doctor did with partial-birth abortion which is total different as here in Germany. The doctor only do is remove fetus is give mother drug to push fetus out of her womb after 12 weeks... If after 6 or 7 months then do with caeseran. The doctor respect mother's decision what they do with their fetus - funeral arrangement or to scienic - not throw fetus to trash after partial-birth abortion (late abortion). I beleive they throw under 12 weeks old fetus to trash in Germany but not after 12 weeks.

Here European Abortion Rule
BBC NEWS | Europe | Europe's abortion rules

American Abortion Rule? Can you care to give me link of American Abortion Rule, :ty: The reason I was confused because I thought US partial-birth abortion started to ban in 2003 - Accord the pictures, you provided seem to me that partial-birth abortion is still legal in USA?

I understand the sympathy. But why should a mother endanger her life due to a medical problem, especially if she already have children?

another reason I'm pro-choice is...If the woman/Little girl was raped or sexually abused and the results is an unwanted pregnancy that was not her choice in the first place.should bear the burden. When it wasn't her choice to become pregnant... She should have a choice in the unwanted pregnancy .....the burden falls on the individual....

For women that chose to engage in sexual activity *abuses the abortion rights* should be ashame of themselves..

see... I am only pro-choice for those specific reasons...

Yes I am with you. I am pro-choice for special reasons like you.

I disagree to consider abortion as birth control. (just abort dozen of times without use any birth control.)
Not in some states such as UK, abortion is legal up to the 24th weeks of pregnancy and if the mother's life is at risk, there's no time limit.

Grey JCR :: Abortion

And some abortions are performed up to 13 weeks too.

Abortion Information

24 weeks? I only know UK abortion rule up to 13 weeks. I will check with my British friends about this.

:ty: for provide the link about 3 type of abortions.

Not in some states such as UK, abortion is legal up to the 24th weeks of pregnancy and if the mother's life is at risk, there's no time limit.

Grey JCR :: Abortion

And some abortions are performed up to 13 weeks too.

Abortion Information

But reversal of Roe v Wade would do nothing to change policy in other countries. It would only affect the woman's choice in the U.S. I cited the law as it applies to the U.S.

An abortion performed up to 13 weeks means that it must be performed by the end of the first trimester. A fetus delivered at the end of the first trimester has never been known to survive on its own because it has not developed to the point where it can. Even a fetus delivered at the end of the second trimester requires heroic efforts, and the great majority will not not survive, despite the doctors taking those heroic measures. The few that do survive, suffer lifelong handicaps that require a lifetime of medical interventions because of their extreme prematurity.
I understand the sympathy. But why should a mother endanger her life due to a medical problem, especially if she already have children?

another reason I'm pro-choice is...If the woman/Little girl was raped or sexually abused and the results is an unwanted pregnancy that was not her choice in the first place.should bear the burden. When it wasn't her choice to become pregnant... She should have a choice in the unwanted pregnancy .....the burden falls on the individual....

For women that chose to engage in sexual activity *abuses the abortion rights* should be ashame of themselves..

see... I am only pro-choice for those specific reasons...

I agree with you. Abortion should never be used as a form of birth control. However, it should be a choice available when all other methods have failed. We already have enough children int his world whose parents were not ready for the responsibility of parenthood, and these are the neglected and abused children that we see every day. To decide to have an abortion can not be an easy decision for any woman, and one that she must resolve within herself. However, at times, it may indeed, be the most responsible one that she can make.