
So therefore "abortion" and "spontaneous abortion" are not the same thing.

Spontaneous abortion

A miscarriage may also be called a "spontaneous abortion." This refers to naturally occurring events, not elective or therapeutic abortion procedures, which a woman may choose to have done.

I think kill innoncent babies and children are the mainly WORST than remove under 12 weeks old fetus because babies, toddlers and small children have feeling and mind and can talk and see anything.

I think people keep forgetting how much value one human life can bring to this world.

  1. The baby’s heart starts beating 18-25 days after conception.
  2. By the age of two months, the heart beats so strongly that a doctor actually can listen to it with a Doppler stethoscope.
  3. At about this same time, brain activity can be recorded by use of an electroencephalogram. Brain waves are readily apparent.
  4. By the age of two months, everything is “in place”—feet, hands, head, organs, etc. Upon close examination, fingerprints are evident. Although less than an inch long, the embryo has a head with eyes and ears, a simple digestive system, kidneys, liver, a heart that beats, a bloodstream of its own, and the beginning of a brain.
  5. The unborn child hiccups, sucks his or her thumb, wakes, and sleeps.
  6. The unborn child responds to touch, pain, cold, sound, and light. In fact, a study reported from Queen’s University revealed that, even in utero, human fetuses have the ability to recognize their mother’s voice (see “Fetal Heart…,” 2003). This study demonstrated that the fetus not only could recognize its mother’s voice, but also could distinguish it from other female voices. Using thirty fetuses in their experiment, university researchers played a two-minute audiotape of each fetus’ own mother reading a poem. The researchers then played a second, two-minute audiotape of another female voice reading a poem. The scientists discovered that the unborn babies responded to their own mother’s voice with heart-rate acceleration. When the stranger’s voice was played, the heart rates of the infants decelerated. This confirms what scientists have speculated for more than twenty years—that experiences in the womb help shape newborn preferences and behavior.

Apologetics Press - "Should a Fetus have Rights?”
Originally Posted by jillio
Yes doctors do use the term "spontaneous abortion" to refer to miscarraige.

So therefore "abortion" and "spontaneous abortion" are not the same thing.

Spontaneous abortion

A miscarriage may also be called a "spontaneous abortion." This refers to naturally occurring events, not elective or therapeutic abortion procedures, which a woman may choose to have done.

Yes, Jillos already stated in her previous post that spontaneous abortion is the same word as miscarriage which is a correct.

The wikipedia links, you provided in your previous posts is an opinion, not alway fact. I use MSN Dictonary because they are fact word... end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb - The fact is abortion mean is fetus/embroyo removal, not killing fetus.

If you continue to use abortion as killing a fetus/embryo then is your opinion. If you use those word abortion as a fetus/embryo removal is a fact.

:ty: for link, you provided here to support my claim about "abortion" (fetus/embryo removal) and "spontaneous abortion" (miscarriage). The description of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is an exact same what my favorite interpreter had been through twice.

And stillbirth what my friend had been through when her 6 months old fetus dead in her womb is not miscarriage but "abortion". The doctor broke her water and got her to push her dead fetus out of her womb with drugs and then clean inside her.

I have a question for you... Which "abortion" or "spontaneous abortion" would you consider to if a mother have to let the doctor to remove her alive fetus to end her pregnancy to save her risk life?
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Originally Posted by Liebling:)))
I am against to have abort from 12 weeks old fetus unless they have to abort to save mother's risk life.

12 weeks and up or just 12 weeks only?

Please re-read my post carefully...

I am against to abort from 12 weeks old to ......... which called partial-birth abortion unless they have to abort to save mother's risk life or stillbirth (dead fetus in mother's womb).

I support mother's choice for abort up to 12 weeks (under 12 weeks), not FROM 12 weeks
which called abortion, not partial-birth abortion.
:ty: for post the pictures and videos. This pictures/videos you posted is from 12 weeks, not under 12 weeks what I stated in previous posts.

I am against to have abort from 12 weeks old fetus unless they have to abort to save mother's risk life.
My posting the pictures/videos was not in response to anyone's specific post or statement.
... end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb - The fact is abortion mean is fetus/embroyo removal, not killing fetus. If you continue to use abortion as killing a fetus/embryo then is your opinion. If you use those word abortion as a fetus/embryo removal is a fact.

How is the fetus removed without killing it? Do they take a living fetus out and then kill it? Or do they kill the fetus first, and then remove the dead body parts?
Do you mean that abort under 12 weeks old fetus is worst than abuse/kill babies/toddlers/children?

Excuse me? those are two separate issues, I'm sorry but I'm not going to compare a unborn fetus that is trapped inside a mother's womb to a child that is living outside a mother's womb and you are also missing the point of what I'm trying to say here, a fetus that will never get to grow, feel, love and all of the other things when it is aborted. I've also learned something from those I've known that had a past experiences of abortion, and none of them were positive experiences either. I'm still standing on how I feel about abortion and killing any human being is murder in my own eyes.
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Excuse me? those are two separate issues, I'm sorry but I'm not going to compare a unborn fetus that is trapped inside a mother's womb to a child that is living outside a mother's womb and you are also missing the point of what I'm trying to say here, a fetus that will never get to grow, feel, love and all of the other things when it is aborted. I've also learned something from those I've known that had a past experiences of abortion, and none of them were positive experiences either. I'm still standing on how I feel about abortion and killing any human being is murder in my own eyes.

You quoted my same post what I thought about babies/toddlers/children.

That's why I questioned you about.

I personally would not abort it but I respect women's choice.

So therefore "abortion" and "spontaneous abortion" are not the same thing.

Spontaneous abortion

A miscarriage may also be called a "spontaneous abortion." This refers to naturally occurring events, not elective or therapeutic abortion procedures, which a woman may choose to have done.

No, they are not the same thing, given that one is induced, and one is spontaeous. But they are the same thing in that the result is that the pregnancy is not carried to term.
How is the fetus removed without killing it? Do they take a living fetus out and then kill it? Or do they kill the fetus first, and then remove the dead body parts?

A fetus is not capable of independent life.
And what makes you think that most unwanted mothers aborted their fetus before 12 weeks?

Early abortion is better than late abortion.

I would consider it as partial-birth abortion if they decides to abort after 12 weeks.

Why should they wait until after 12 weeks then abort for when they know in first place that they did not feel ready to become mothers then?
And what makes you think that most unwanted mothers aborted their fetus before 12 weeks?

Because unless the mother's life is at stake, it is illegal to do so after 12 weeks. An abortion for personal reasons can only be requested and performed up to 12 weeks.
A woman can't have abortion before 3 months. Just not after. But if the mother's health is at risks for some reasons, then the doctor would have to perform sugery to remove the fetus. But if a woman decided she want to have an abortion, it up to her and that her business. Face it, You can't tell a woman what to do with her body. She got a right do what she think is best for herself.
may be hard for some posters.

How is the fetus removed without killing it? Do they take a living fetus out and then kill it? Or do they kill the fetus first, and then remove the dead body parts?

Ok this post/links may be hard for some people to read so I'm giving a warning......

How Are Abortions Done? - Heritage House Literature.

Please do not veiw this link if you can not with stand seeing abortion pictures. Althought.... I am pro-choice.... seeing these pictures are very disturbing....I only believe in abortions Under specific reasons....Not as a Birth control method....


Reba...hate to say it but they can even abort in the Third Trimester.

Types of abortion, pictures of fetus & facts on abortion procedures

It is such a hard thing to decide.. but if a mother that is in risk of dying...and already have children that are "in the world, living, breathing, risk her life for one that is unborn..the one that is in limbo.

I know if I became pregnant and my life was in danger due to the pregnancy.. I would abort... due to I have to live for my children thats already "in the world"