

Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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brings back old, old memories!...anyone know the meaning of "abc"?....
No idea, hurry up and tell us! :lol: The only thing I know is it's the first 3 letters of the alphabet.
Nope!...gonna wait a little while to see of a member can get it...it's quite common with deafies in NC....that's about all I'll say about it right now....
Well the one thing I know abc for refers to food items or a rear end....
Nope to all...."abc" was quite popular...and it means...
"always be cool".....so whenever leaving the conversation with some one...it's "abc"....

Corny, huh?
Maybe it was a local saying. :dunno: We used it for chewing gum. :lol:
Some people thought it meant the ABC Liquor Store....:giggle:...and yes, I remember the ABC chewing gum.
But I bet no one here had any ABC gum. :giggle: I do remeber when I lived in Berkeley and my daughter and I were walking to see a movie and I saw a girl around 5 yo pick up some gum that was on the sidewalk and said something to her dad thinking he did not see his child put the gum in her mouth. The guy said he know and has his daughter eat gum off the sidewalk to help build up her immune system. I was like :shock: and my daughter who was 5 yo was :shock: too. That poor little girl had a lot ABC gum that been stepped on and peed on . :barf: The gum was black from being so dirty.
But I bet no one here had any ABC gum. :giggle: I do remeber when I lived in Berkeley and my daughter and I were walking to see a movie and I saw a girl around 5 yo pick up some gum that was on the sidewalk and said something to her dad thinking he did not see his child put the gum in her mouth. The guy said he know and has his daughter eat gum off the sidewalk to help build up her immune system. I was like :shock: and my daughter who was 5 yo was :shock: too. That poor little girl had a lot ABC gum that been stepped on and peed on . :barf: The gum was black from being so dirty.
The gum that we chewed as ABC gum was because we already chewed it ourselves, not other people. It meant we temporarily took the gum out, wrapped it up, and saved it for later. It lost most of its flavor but it was there when we needed it. :giggle:
Which reminds me of that song (tune) when I was a little girl....
"Oh...does your chewing gum lose it's flavor....
on the bed post overnight?
Your mamma told you not to chew it....
so you swallowed it in spite....
Can you hold it on your tonsils...
Can you heave it left and right?....
Oh, does your chewing gum lose it's flavor...
On the bed post every night"?
The gum that we chewed as ABC gum was because we already chewed it ourselves, not other people. It meant we temporarily took the gum out, wrapped it up, and saved it for later. It lost most of its flavor but it was there when we needed it. :giggle:

I had people ask me if I wanted some ABC gum and needless to say
I said "No, thanks". That guy was nuts letting his child eat gum off the sidewalk ! That was ABCG gum . already been chewed gross gum.