
I had people ask me if I wanted some ABC gum and needless to say
I said "No, thanks". That guy was nuts letting his child eat gum off the sidewalk ! That was ABCG gum . already been chewed gross gum.

I agree the guy letting the kid chew abc gum, ack,ack,ack eeeewwwww!!!
Do remember...chewing bubble gum...and sticking it on the back of the bed post (saving it for the next day)....:giggle:...before that, I slept with it in my mouth and woke up with bubble gum all on my long hair...was a mess and had to cut it...made me cry!...So the bed post was the "safer" place to hide it away from my 6 other siblings!....Darn right...they would steal it if they could....:lol:
Which reminds me of that song (tune) when I was a little girl....
"Oh...does your chewing gum lose it's flavor....
on the bed post overnight?
Your mamma told you not to chew it....
so you swallowed it in spite....
Can you hold it on your tonsils...
Can you heave it left and right?....
Oh, does your chewing gum lose it's flavor...
On the bed post every night"?

Loni Donigan
Do remember...chewing bubble gum...and sticking it on the back of the bed post (saving it for the next day)....:giggle:...before that, I slept with it in my mouth and woke up with bubble gum all on my long hair...was a mess and had to cut it...made me cry!...So the bed post was the "safer" place to hide it away from my 6 other siblings!....Darn right...they would steal it if they could....:lol:

Well, at least the germs would all be related. :giggle: