A working life or SSI / disability support, what is it for you?

I'm against deaf people getting SSI. Why? Because deafness changes your -methods- of interaction, not your ability to interact. There are many jobs deaf people will do just as good at if not better than hearing people. You -don't- deserve my tax money because you can't hear the birds chirp. SSI is there for good reasons. There are people with new impairments (recently aquired hearing, vision, mobility) ect that honestly could benefit from financial support while they adjust. There are people in which the nature of their disability is significant enough to limit their ability to work to next-to-nothing. Deafness is not one of them.

Tell that to hearing. Many of them are not hiring deaf people nowdays.
Tell that to hearing. Many of them are not hiring deaf people nowdays.

I agree...it is a very sticky situation. I know we should fight for our rights for better jobs but it takes a lot of energy and a lot of guts. Not many people have that in them. I know I dont cuz I prefer to save my energy for my family. That's why I applaud those who really fight for their rights for a higher paying job in a hearing environment. I am not sure if I have the guts but u know what, if needed I think I could rise to the occasion. I just wish the hearing people just relax about hiring deaf people and make some minor accodomations especially with technology the way it is now and all will be good.
Agreed 100% -

It is hard for the deaf to find jobs when they are against hearing applicants. But at the same time deaf people need to quit riding SSI when they know they can find work but simply refuse to sadly there is a lack of 'try' for some deaf people.

I know it is easier said than done, but sometimes you have to take any little menial job you can find to get started eventually people will notice that hey you are a hard worker and they will hire you for better jobs.

I applaud Shel for the fact that after her divorce she used SSI to help her get through school but once she was finished, she used her education to her full potential and now she has a nice job with a nice pay. She EARNED it.

I have very rarely heard Shel complain about anything. she just knows what has to be done and does it without question. A true go-getter.
Agreed 100% -

It is hard for the deaf to find jobs when they are against hearing applicants. But at the same time deaf people need to quit riding SSI when they know they can find work but simply refuse to sadly there is a lack of 'try' for some deaf people.

I know it is easier said than done, but sometimes you have to take any little menial job you can find to get started eventually people will notice that hey you are a hard worker and they will hire you for better jobs.

I applaud Shel for the fact that after her divorce she used SSI to help her get through school but once she was finished, she used her education to her full potential and now she has a nice job with a nice pay. She EARNED it.

I have very rarely heard Shel complain about anything. she just knows what has to be done and does it without question. A true go-getter.

Awww..u are so sweet! :ty:

Gosh...u know that the whole marriage fall out happened during (I mean DURING) my first semester of grad school..believe me, I wouldnt wish that on my worst enemy. I hope to never go thru that again.

I guess it is because I grew up seeing my mom complain and whine so much about her situation after her divorce with my dad with no job skills nor education and just constantly whine and whine about money and being broke. It made me determined not to end up in the same shoes as her. Ironically, I have a friend who I grew up with grew up in a very stable household with parents being married until death did them apart and all the works..now she is in the same shoes as my mom was in. Stuck in a loveless marriage cuz she is afraid of having to support herself and her children cuz she has NO job skills and no education. I always told her to plllllleeeeaaassee get a college degree at least and not to depend on a man but her faith in marriage overpowered my suggestions but now she is "trapped". Oh boy.. maybe it was a good thing I grew up in such a dysfunctional home life?
Hmm, I am going to counter that with my hearing loss, I require a lot of expensive hearing equipment, special alarm systems, special phones and regular expenses such as medical visits/check-ups, new moulds, maintence and upgrades etc.

This adds up to an expense that really can take a hefty chunk out of your income. I think you'll find that the majority proportion of those working today and holding down a job, they just about break even and have a little left over to pool away or spend on mini-pleasures. As in those who earn a lot of money and live very comfortably are the minority.

So if, like most people you are just breaking even, and then find all these extra expenses that just go towards your ability to participate with 'the rest of civilisation' you find that you have to pay more than you can really afford.

So my point is, I think getting a small embursment to help cover these expenses really can go a long way to giving people incentive to keep working and actually feel they still have money left over to save and invest how they see fit.


Oh and Sumo, I think I will be doing a combo of lo-motion (few fps) movies with the burst fire option of the Canon and then using morphing software to fill in frames inbetween. Why do this, and not just get a camera? Well I hate to compromise on anything other than pristine image quality so to get into that ball park, it used to be very very expensive, however the DV scene is just getting better and better all the time, RED cine finally offers the resolution I am looking for in motion, however being prosumer it's a little out of my budget ;)

So shooting with bursts with a good DSLR will give me the quality I seek, plus morphing frames looks really freaky in a good way.

I also want to get going with some claymation on green-screen backdrops to tell my stories to entertain and delight. :)
Oh and Sumo, I think I will be doing a combo of lo-motion (few fps) movies with the burst fire option of the Canon and then using morphing software to fill in frames inbetween. Why do this, and not just get a camera? Well I hate to compromise on anything other than pristine image quality so to get into that ball park, it used to be very very expensive, however the DV scene is just getting better and better all the time, RED cine finally offers the resolution I am looking for in motion, however being prosumer it's a little out of my budget ;)

So shooting with bursts with a good DSLR will give me the quality I seek, plus morphing frames looks really freaky in a good way.

I also want to get going with some claymation on green-screen backdrops to tell my stories to entertain and delight. :)


I understand what you mean.

I like your website, did it come from your school portfolio or self-taught?
Hey thanks, it's a little old as in I had to make one for one of my University modules however I had already taught myself HTML, CSS and motion graphics previously so it was a breeze.

Do you have an online portfolio of photography per-chance?
Hey thanks, it's a little old as in I had to make one for one of my University modules however I had already taught myself HTML, CSS and motion graphics previously so it was a breeze.

Do you have an online portfolio of photography per-chance?

Not really, although I upload a ton of stuff to my photobucket account that I occasionally refer to as my "portfolio". The names of the sub-albums really have absoluetly no bearing on the contents, and are a reflection of my sick, sick sense of humor.

SumoPope - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

These albums are probably the most represenative of my recent work

SumoPope/mandibles - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

SumoPope/Bridge X - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

SumoPope/Fortress of Justice - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
To be honest, I truly want to return to my job, and everyone at my work want me back very bad.
There is no way I can return because I have no one to watch my children, even my youngest daughter. She is 5 months old now, and I can't afford daycare that costs me so much.
If I reside in Arizona or Florida, then I will be so much exicted to return to work than stuck my ass at home entire time. Right now, I am in California, and my relatives are way far more than 6 hours and out of states. I know it is very tough position for me right now, but I have to get through to keep everything to stay together.
I like to work because I enjoy to meet many different people to learn something new.
I absolutely hate ssi and just have problem with it. But, I need ssi to take care of my family to feed to and shelter and pay directly to bills. I didn't have any chances to use ssi money to spend for fun or clothes.
To be honest, I truly want to return to my job, and everyone at my work want me back very bad.
There is no way I can return because I have no one to watch my children, even my youngest daughter. She is 5 months old now, and I can't afford daycare that costs me so much.
If I reside in Arizona or Florida, then I will be so much exicted to return to work than stuck my ass at home entire time. Right now, I am in California, and my relatives are way far more than 6 hours and out of states. I know it is very tough position for me right now, but I have to get through to keep everything to stay together.
I like to work because I enjoy to meet many different people to learn something new.
I absolutely hate ssi and just have problem with it. But, I need ssi to take care of my family to feed to and shelter and pay directly to bills. I didn't have any chances to use ssi money to spend for fun or clothes.

Just learned from my sister in law, day care is outrage here in Ca so I do not blame u for that. I made decision to stay home and take care of my kids when my second was born. I quit my job because all of my paycheck went to day care and nothing left for gas or pay bills. Not worth it so i applied SS and got it. Stayed home for next 18 years and went back to work two years ago. No more SSA but I still pay for medicare which I need it for my health reasons.

Do not feel bad if u stay home and collect SSI.
Agreed 100% -

It is hard for the deaf to find jobs when they are against hearing applicants. But at the same time deaf people need to quit riding SSI when they know they can find work but simply refuse to sadly there is a lack of 'try' for some deaf people.

I know it is easier said than done, but sometimes you have to take any little menial job you can find to get started eventually people will notice that hey you are a hard worker and they will hire you for better jobs.

I applaud Shel for the fact that after her divorce she used SSI to help her get through school but once she was finished, she used her education to her full potential and now she has a nice job with a nice pay. She EARNED it.

I have very rarely heard Shel complain about anything. she just knows what has to be done and does it without question. A true go-getter.

I agree with u here. :)
Not really, although I upload a ton of stuff to my photobucket account that I occasionally refer to as my "portfolio". The names of the sub-albums really have absoluetly no bearing on the contents, and are a reflection of my sick, sick sense of humor.

SumoPope - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

These albums are probably the most represenative of my recent work

SumoPope/mandibles - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

SumoPope/Bridge X - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

SumoPope/Fortress of Justice - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wow, some great shots here, a fan of architecture I see..
Love: DSC_9314-1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
It looks like it came out of a computer game actually, the clean pristine details and lighting, looks like a HDR shot?

Also liked the one of the towering building set against the moody blue sky, again what processing have you used here?
DSC_9532.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

P.S I got a kick out of your 'sick' humor ;)

Thanks for keeping this thread going the rest of you! Great perspectives from all angles. Very constructive
(Sorry folks for our off-topic banter)
To be honest, I truly want to return to my job, and everyone at my work want me back very bad.
There is no way I can return because I have no one to watch my children, even my youngest daughter. She is 5 months old now, and I can't afford daycare that costs me so much.
If I reside in Arizona or Florida, then I will be so much exicted to return to work than stuck my ass at home entire time. Right now, I am in California, and my relatives are way far more than 6 hours and out of states. I know it is very tough position for me right now, but I have to get through to keep everything to stay together.
I like to work because I enjoy to meet many different people to learn something new.
I absolutely hate ssi and just have problem with it. But, I need ssi to take care of my family to feed to and shelter and pay directly to bills. I didn't have any chances to use ssi money to spend for fun or clothes.

I dont blame u about daycare costs..it is the same here in MD..so expensive for one baby! If it wasnt for my mother in law being able to watch our son, I really dont know what I would do about my job since daycare costs would just take half of my total pay for each month. Ugh!
To be honest, I truly want to return to my job, and everyone at my work want me back very bad.
There is no way I can return because I have no one to watch my children, even my youngest daughter. She is 5 months old now, and I can't afford daycare that costs me so much.
If I reside in Arizona or Florida, then I will be so much exicted to return to work than stuck my ass at home entire time. Right now, I am in California, and my relatives are way far more than 6 hours and out of states. I know it is very tough position for me right now, but I have to get through to keep everything to stay together.
I like to work because I enjoy to meet many different people to learn something new.
I absolutely hate ssi and just have problem with it. But, I need ssi to take care of my family to feed to and shelter and pay directly to bills. I didn't have any chances to use ssi money to spend for fun or clothes.

The difference here is you have an actual reason to be a stay at home mom and collect SSI - you had to make a decision based on the needs of your family. You put your career on hold to provide and I appluad you for it. I hope that once your children are of school age that you can get back into the workforce and pursue your career goals.
Living ON SSD and Substituting

I am currently living SSD (Disability), voluteering, and substituting. In reality, it's very hard for most deaf or HOH to find a job that is suitable for him or her. No matter how much education we may obtain, most companies expect the employees to communicate and hear on the phone. I have a degree in Accounting and numerous certificates from OSU for Residental and Vocational education to work with mentally challenged. Also the reason why i am on SSD is due to my amputation on my leg but it sure doesn't stop me from doing anything :cool:

One of the poster said that in 50 or 60 years, the SSI or SSDI will stop, in that aspect, it's hard for me to believe that. I have worked for CPA (Accounting) and done taxes, financial statemnets and etc... and found that it's almost impossible to lose the SSI or SSD because of the taxpayers. Taxpapers pay for their Social Security and Retirements (if the companies have 401K or retirement plans).

I am proud of those who are able to find job and provide financial stability for him or herself. Someone like me, i enjoy staying home more with my family because most fathers don't have a chance to stay home and spend time with the family. If I needed more income, i can always substitute and if I want to do something without making any income, i can always volunteer. There's always something to do to keep myself occupied.

Also on the brighter note, It's a blessing for me to be part of Alldeaf! Thank you for your insights and opinions on Alldeaf because we all learn something new everyday. :h5:
Wow, some great shots here, a fan of architecture I see..
Love: DSC_9314-1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
It looks like it came out of a computer game actually, the clean pristine details and lighting, looks like a HDR shot?

Also liked the one of the towering building set against the moody blue sky, again what processing have you used here?
DSC_9532.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

(Sorry folks for our off-topic banter)

Thanks! I'm a HUGE fan of architecture, and a history slut to boot. I don't have any programs capable of HDR yet, those images were post processed in Nikon Capture from the RAW file. In the staircase, the lighting was very, very even (b/c of 3-4 light sources) and bland so I bumped up the contrast in curves very much and the color casts comes mostly from the incandescent light and marble tends to have a strong green cast when it reflects.

The tower was taken at twilight, very shortly after sunset and post processed as well to remove some of the yellowness of the street lights and boost the blueness of the sky a bit.

What kind of stories did you have in mind for stop motion? Tale of Two Cities? Dick and Jane? Die Hard?

(a stopmotion version of Die Hard would be awesome, IMHO!)
I dont blame u about daycare costs..it is the same here in MD..so expensive for one baby! If it wasnt for my mother in law being able to watch our son, I really dont know what I would do about my job since daycare costs would just take half of my total pay for each month. Ugh!

Then you'd best be taking Mommy-in-law out to dinner at least once a week! :giggle:
In my area, you still can work part-time and get SSD (not SSI) for as long if you are making at least 900 a month or less and in nine months period time, it will stop depending on these SSI and SSD social workers.

But however, I wash away all these things, Welfare, SSI, and SSD because it is getting you absoulety nowhere and they are not helping you at all, really...they are sending you into deep debts....no matter what, it will always keep you in debts.

I found so many of them so rude and not helping at all at any cost because they always find ways to stop your SSI or SSD if they felt you are making 'TOO MUCH' money, blah blah blah....they would screw you and make you pay them back later...so anyways, I am very happy working at a hotel for over four years and meeting alot of people from all over the states, and sa very few all over the world...so free for the very first time in my life working...free from all worries as to cut back your bank accounts, or have any kind of limits, etc...no more sending copies of paystubs, etc...or having them nosing around your bussiness. Working at the hotel set me free to do whatever I want with my money and I can make more money for as long as I want without having limits of 30 hours a week or less 900 a month...and the best part, many times I get good tips from all guests and that are not taxable, you can always have extra cash on hand besides waiting for paychecks. You still have to pay taxes working part time and getting SSD, and that is not worth it, I am telling ya...just think about it, it is best to work now than to PLAY later...and also PLEASEEEE save those SSI, SSD, welfare, food stamps for the homeless people and children who doesn't have parents, or relatives to help. These are not for people to steal and play around with their monies and sit around and do nothing...it is damn wrong!!! It doesn't matter if you are deaf or not, Deaf people can DO ANYTHING and BE ANYTHING!!! You can get famous too. Think about what you want out of life, and do something and make something out it...don't let anyone let you down just because they wont hire you...there are still one out there who is waiting for you...YOU got to find it... if it never success, always try another dream and goal. So my dream and goal is to write and be an author, I will stick to it no matter what till the end. If it doesn't happen, I am still proud of what I can achieve in life; my talent in writing, and to contiune working at a hotel or anywhere for the rest of my life until my body gives fail in a very very old age...
I have been reading this thread for a while and not commented.

Dixie, you have made so many good points and exactly many things I have wondered about.

One question I have is, Which side are people taking?
I have heard many Deaf say "Do not label me disabled because deaf is what I am and not a disability" but then turn right around and say "Gimme SSI or other benefit for the disabled"
It is confusing.

I agree with Dixie that SSI and other government programs were meant to be temporary help ups and have turned into dependency hand out programs.

Whos fault is this, the recipient, the government?
I have heard of many who are having a hard time and ask for something small (food stamps) or temporary (medical help) and they are denied and then told "but if you quit your job and be on the program forever we will give you this and this and this" I think that is sad.

I have only worked all my life so I do not know anything else.
I would have to say working is best. Working, producing, using your mind and talents keeps you sharp and always learning.
I had no idea a SSI person can earn up to $900. a month without losing the monthly benefits? The last I heard allowance is up to $500. per month. Is it different per state? What is the amount allowed now to earn part time?

Write your reply...