Hmm, I am going to counter that with my hearing loss, I require a lot of expensive hearing equipment, special alarm systems, special phones and regular expenses such as medical visits/check-ups, new moulds, maintence and upgrades etc.
This adds up to an expense that really can take a hefty chunk out of your income. I think you'll find that the majority proportion of those working today and holding down a job, they just about break even and have a little left over to pool away or spend on mini-pleasures. As in those who earn a lot of money and live very comfortably are the minority.
So if, like most people you are just breaking even, and then find all these extra expenses that just go towards your ability to participate with 'the rest of civilisation' you find that you have to pay more than you can really afford.
So my point is, I think getting a small embursment to help cover these expenses really can go a long way to giving people incentive to keep working and actually feel they still have money left over to save and invest how they see fit.
Oh and Sumo, I think I will be doing a combo of lo-motion (few fps) movies with the burst fire option of the Canon and then using morphing software to fill in frames inbetween. Why do this, and not just get a camera? Well I hate to compromise on anything other than pristine image quality so to get into that ball park, it used to be very very expensive, however the DV scene is just getting better and better all the time, RED cine finally offers the resolution I am looking for in motion, however being prosumer it's a little out of my budget
So shooting with bursts with a good DSLR will give me the quality I seek, plus morphing frames looks really freaky in a good way.
I also want to get going with some claymation on green-screen backdrops to tell my stories to entertain and delight.