A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

oh I thought you knew. give the letter to white owl. Hedwig knows where to find me.

Oh, okay. If I can find a way to call her, I shall do that.
Back in 1990, I squashed a brown recluse spider that had bitten my younger brother, and he did not go quietly, either. My babysitter at the time didn't realize it was poisonous, until I told her (I had been studying spiders at the local library at the time, so I immediately knew what it was) That was what saved my brother, and they did a sweep of the van to make sure there weren't any others in it.
At first I thought, your brother "did not go quietly." Glad he's OK. :lol:
It never does. Why? More often than not, we'll run into a freight train and would have to wait for it to pass by before we can continue (Amtrak trains on the Illini runs on a single track going into stations), and more often than not, we get there about 7:45 PM, although last December we got held up good, and arrived there 40 minutes later than usual. It tends to arrive around 7:43 PM.

Ouch my head.
The original question was 'what happens if the train is a minute early or late (give or take).

You said (in blue bold) that it never does. But then further along you note the following:
1. More often than not the train will run into a freight train (well not the whole smash bang boom type..) and have to wait- that causes the train to be LATE
2. you state that usually the train gets in at 7:43 PM but then turn around and say that more often than not (which means on a regular basis...) you ACTUALLY get in at 7:45PM- TWO minutes late.
3. Also mentioned the time the train was 40 minutes late once.

So... the three points above != never does (meaning it is never on time. That is how I read your first statement; that the trains you ride are never early or late.

a couple minutes leeway either way does not exactly require 'careful planning'; you are still going to run into situations that defy even the most meticulous of planning. Go with the flow- as long as you have the basics done- tickets, luggage, when to get there, how to get there.. yer set.
a couple minutes leeway either way does not exactly require 'careful planning'; you are still going to run into situations that defy even the most meticulous of planning. Go with the flow- as long as you have the basics done- tickets, luggage, when to get there, how to get there.. yer set.

Well said, ironically you would likely to enjoy the vacation more if you just stop obsessing over little details like that. I can't just imagine what would happen if <gasp> the train is one minute late, would you have a panic attack?

Instead try treating it as an adventure and enjoy the moments. Some of my most fun motorcycle trips I would get lost on purpose and just wander around to see what is out there.
FYI-- I already did take a break from AllDeaf not long ago, and it wasn't exactly by choice, either. And you are way off on how much time it takes to get to my hometown-- total travel time is about 8 HOURS. I leave here at 1:30 in the afternoon, and arrive in my hometown at around 9:15 PM. Way, way off. There's a lot of factors in that.

Here's how my travel plans look like:

Walk to Metra at 1:30 PM

Board the 2:05 PM train

Arrive at Ogilvie Transportation Center by 2:28 PM

Get lunch

Walk 2 blocks south to Union Station for Train #393

Boarding call at 3:45 PM

Train departs at 4:05 PM

Travel time from Chicago to Effingham is 3:37, and the train is supposed to arrive at 7:19 PM, but because the line runs on Canadian National lines, that line sees a lot of freight trains, so there's the possibility we could get held up.

Arrive in Effingham and ride my parents car 45 minutes to their house.

So yes, a lot of factors.
TCS took a one-week trip to Michigan, almost a 1,000-mile drive one way. He spent about an hour packing, including camping gear. He drove until he got tired then found a nearby camp ground to set up for the night. That's how he always does it, so it's a different camp ground and a different route each time. He likes variety when he travels.

Of course, I realize people traveling by train or plane have to follow a more precise schedule.
TCS took a one-week trip to Michigan, almost a 1,000-mile drive one way. He spent about an hour packing, including camping gear. He drove until he got tired then found a nearby camp ground to set up for the night. That's how he always does it, so it's a different camp ground and a different route each time. He likes variety when he travels.

Of course, I realize people traveling by train or plane have to follow a more precise schedule.

The funny thing is, the Metra isn't my only option. I could also take the #151 Sheridan bus, but that's reserved for trips on Sunday mornings (Because the Metra trains on Sundays don't get to Rogers Park until 8:10 AM, and the morning train leaves at 8:15 AM) Plus, by bus, it takes 63 minutes to get downtown, whereas on the Metra it takes 20. That saves me 40 minutes each time I use the Metra.
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I feel like I should be doing something today but I have to tell myself NO!!!! I already worked on the yard yesterday. I always feel guilty if I stay indoors on a nice day but I spent 4 days outside last weekend on a camping trip.
I feel like I should be doing something today but I have to tell myself NO!!!! I already worked on the yard yesterday. I always feel guilty if I stay indoors on a nice day but I spent 4 days outside last weekend on a camping trip.

Used to feel that way a lot....now I tell myself....take it easy, do something enjoyable (even sleeping)...nothing in the house is gonna pick up and leave anyway....:giggle:...it'll be there when I wake up...same as for the yard....(unless a Tornado hits)....Feel I've worked so hard many, many years....and taking time for "myself" isn't selfish or lazy....but I do like to accomplish "something" everyday, but it's not mandatory in my Life now.
No. He tried to bite others. There were more than just me and my brother in that van.
I get that one can see a spider crawling all over the place but how can you tell when "he tries to bite others"? (could have been a she too).
I get that one can see a spider crawling all over the place but how can you tell when "he tries to bite others"? (could have been a she too).

Because it was being aggressive, and the only reason why it would be that way is if there were babies nearby, which is why they swept the entire van to make sure no other poisonous spiders were in it.
Used to feel that way a lot....now I tell myself....take it easy, do something enjoyable (even sleeping)...nothing in the house is gonna pick up and leave anyway....:giggle:...it'll be there when I wake up...same as for the yard....(unless a Tornado hits)....Feel I've worked so hard many, many years....and taking time for "myself" isn't selfish or lazy....but I do like to accomplish "something" everyday, but it's not mandatory in my Life now.

Just habit from years of working hard. I have had a job since I was 15 years old so I am used to working, going to school, and playing competitive softball in my late teens and early 20s. Then, after I was done with college softball, I got a full time job while going to college full time. Then, quit my full time job to focus on school but yet, I still got part time jobs and then I got pregnant while going to college. Took care of the baby while doing my studies.

Just ongoing so I am used to doing something everyday. Now, I only have one job and my kids are older so don't need full time care (feeding, changing diapers, and all that), I feel weird having "lazy" days.
The funny thing is, the Metra isn't my only option. I could also take the #151 Sheridan bus, but that's reserved for trips on Sunday mornings (Because the Metra trains on Sundays don't get to Rogers Park until 8:10 AM, and the morning train leaves at 8:15 AM) Plus, by bus, it takes 63 minutes to get downtown, whereas on the Metra it takes 20. That saves me 40 minutes each time I use the Metra.
It was the brown recluse that didn't go quietly. Took me 20 minutes to kill it.
What method were you using? A recitation of the Chicago area bus schedule? Did he finally put himself out of misery?