A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part III

Speaking of which, not that long ago I was watching a Rescue 911 episode on YouTube about that. Think I need to brush up on what to do if I encounter another poisonous spider. Been 24 years since I have.

You smack it like a boss!!!
ok but what about black widow?

Black widows are not nearly as toxic as brown recluses are. Their venom very rarely kills, but a brown recluse certainly can if you are allergic to bites and stings.
Find someone or ask your family to drive you to hospital or you can drive on your own if conscious.

Ambulance cost a lot of money and I agree if you get bite by rattlesnake.

cost a lot of money? or cost you a life? which? :lol:
Black widows are not nearly as toxic as brown recluses are. Their venom very rarely kills, but a brown recluse certainly can if you are allergic to bites and stings.

hence.... 911
Black widows are not nearly as toxic as brown recluses are. Their venom very rarely kills, but a brown recluse certainly can if you are allergic to bites and stings.


Just for your information, there has never been one confirmed case of a brown recluse killing someone... ever. 92% of brown recluse bites are often treatable with a first aid kit and may leave a scar but that's about it. Recluses get a bad name from being over-diagnosed by doctors or mis-diagnosed. Size ratio to humans, their venom doesn't have that much power to destroy our size unless it were to land on your heart and bite it... which is a bit impossible. The media will run with stories of brown recluses, but medically speaking from autopsies or actual diagnosis' and according to California's Loma Linda University Medical Center specializing in venomous bites and stings... No deaths from recluses have ever been confirmed medically. Stop listening to the media and throwing out incorrect information. This is what feeds fear and panic in the masses. Also, According to Dr. Phillip Anderson, a Missouri physician and recognized authority on brown recluse bites, there has never been a verifiable death as a result of a brown recluse spider bite.. for another confirmed authority on recluses.

Just for your information, there has never been one confirmed case of a brown recluse killing someone... ever. 95% of brown recluse bites are often treatable with a first aid kit and may leave a scar but that's about it. Recluses get a bad name from being over-diagnosed by doctors or mis-diagnosed. Size ratio to humans, their venom doesn't have that much power to destroy our size unless it were to land on your heart and bite it... which is a bit impossible. The media will run with stories of brown recluses, but medically speaking from autopsies or actual diagnosis' and according to California's Loma Linda University Medical Center specializing in venomous bites and stings... No deaths from recluses have ever been confirmed medically. Stop listening to the media and throwing out incorrect information.

You're forgetting the thread I posted a while back about a Florida man dying from complications of a brown recluse bite. He didn't die from the bite itself, but it didn't do him any favors health wise. I think I posted that in February or March.
Never.... been... a... confirmed.... death.... from.... a.... recluse... bite.... ever.... ever...... ever...... Regardless, the bite did not kill him. This means, something else killed him. I'm sure the bite made him feel like poo, but a brown recluse bite is not deadly... it's not... deadly. That, is an over-exaggeration from the media blowing crap up. So, regardless, the bite did not kill him. He did NOT die from the bite. He died from whatever was killing him, and the bite probably made him feel like crap! It maybe possibly got infected and made him sick... I can believe that.... but the bite... is not... deadly... period. :squint: Which, is what... you said... in your previous... statement. End of story.
Never.... been... a... confirmed.... death.... from.... a.... recluse... bite.... ever.... ever...... ever...... Regardless, the bite did not kill him. This means, something else killed him. I'm sure the bite made him feel like poo, but a brown recluse bite is not deadly... it's not... deadly. That, is an over-exaggeration from the media blowing crap up. So, regardless, the bite did not kill him. He did NOT die from the bite. He died from whatever was killing him, and the bite probably made him feel like crap! It maybe possibly got infected and made him sick... I can believe that.... but the bite... is not... deadly... period. :squint: Which, is what... you said... in your previous... statement. End of story.

Yeah? Better read this, then. I had to dig deep to find it.

Yeah? Better read this, then. I had to dig deep to find it.


Oh dear... You need to learn how to process information.... With an IQ as high as yours... I would certainly think you would learn information processing.

Let us pick apart this article together, shall we? :D That way, maybe we won't have this little information misinterpretation issue again... I'm going to cut sentences directly from the article, okay? :D

Nelson said Reese was never tested to determine what type of spider bit him.

Meaning, they don't know for sure definitely what kind of spider bit him... You can not diagnose a spider bite of any kind unless you catch the spider when it bites you and take it to the hospital... just so you know. How do I know, because I work in a hospital! :D I don't know much about spiders, I do however know what we do with species of snakes, spiders and insects that are suspected of biting patients.

Both were believed to be caused by brown recluse spiders.

Both were believed... let us highlight that word, believed one more time... beeeeelllllliiiiiieeeeeveeeeeed.... I beeeeeelieve I can flyyyyyy... I beeeeeeelieve I can touch the sky... meaning.... it's speculation... and NOT... fact.


Here is another face palm for you! :D

I'm sorry you had to dig deep to prove your information skewed... yet again.
Oh dear... You need to learn how to process information.... With an IQ as high as yours... I would certainly think you would learn information processing.

Let us pick apart this article together, shall we? :D That way, maybe we won't have this little information misinterpretation issue again... I'm going to cut sentences directly from the article, okay? :D

Nelson said Reese was never tested to determine what type of spider bit him.

Meaning, they don't know for sure definitely what kind of spider bit him... You can not diagnose a spider bite of any kind unless you catch the spider when it bites you and take it to the hospital... just so you know. How do I know, because I work in a hospital! :D I don't know much about spiders, I do however know what we do with species of snakes, spiders and insects that are suspected of biting patients.

Both were believed to be caused by brown recluse spiders.

Both were believed... let us highlight that word, believed one more time... beeeeelllllliiiiiieeeeeveeeeeed.... I beeeeeelieve I can flyyyyyy... I beeeeeeelieve I can touch the sky... meaning.... it's speculation... and NOT... fact.


Here is another face palm for you! :D

I'm sorry you had to dig deep to prove your information skewed... yet again.

Yeah, well. It's an old topic to me now. I got bigger things to worry about. I head down south exactly a week from today, and I'm trying to get things organized before I do so. Trying not to mess up my carefully laid-out plans.
Yeah, well. It's an old topic to me now. I got bigger things to worry about. I head down south exactly a week from today, and I'm trying to get things organized before I do so. Trying not to mess up my carefully laid-out plans.

carefully laid-out plans? exactly how hard is it to travel? you're not going out of state or out of country. it's just a couple hours away.

well I just got back few days ago from traveling to Canada and Portugal for almost 2 weeks and it took me maybe total of 5 hrs of my time (including packing, booking a trip, making arrangements, and contacting some friends that I will be in town). I wouldn't say my trip plan was carefully laid out. I adapt and make do if situation goes wrong.

Just a couple days before leaving out of country, I found out that I made a mistake in my Portugal trip. I was supposed to land in Porto instead of Lisbon. I contacted my work's travel agency. She issued me another flight from Lisbon to Porto. Problem solved.

A group of my friends and I drove my truck to Canada because it was big enough to hold all merchandises to sell in Toronto for 2-days deaf festival. Initially, there wasn't enough space for luggages + merchandises. So I went to my storage room to install roof cargo box. Problem solved.

that were several more problems as well. the point is.... when it comes to traveling... nothing ever goes as according to "carefully laid-out plan" because it just adds to stress and disappointment.

but perhaps you should take a break from AllDeaf and focus on your travel preparation and then come back here when you're done with everything. :D
carefully laid-out plans? exactly how hard is it to travel? you're not going out of state or out of country. it's just a couple hours away.

well I just got back few days ago from traveling to Canada and Portugal for almost 2 weeks and it took me maybe total of 5 hrs of my time (including packing, booking a trip, making arrangements, and contacting some friends that I will be in town). I wouldn't say my trip plan was carefully laid out. I adapt and make do if situation goes wrong.

Just a couple days before leaving out of country, I found out that I made a mistake in my Portugal trip. I was supposed to land in Porto instead of Lisbon. I contacted my work's travel agency. She issued me another flight from Lisbon to Porto. Problem solved.

A group of my friends and I drove my truck to Canada because it was big enough to hold all merchandises to sell in Toronto for 2-days deaf festival. Initially, there wasn't enough space for luggages + merchandises. So I went to my storage room to install roof cargo box. Problem solved.

that were several more problems as well. the point is.... when it comes to traveling... nothing ever goes as according to "carefully laid-out plan" because it just adds to stress and disappointment.

but perhaps you should take a break from AllDeaf and focus on your travel preparation and then come back here when you're done with everything. :D

FYI-- I already did take a break from AllDeaf not long ago, and it wasn't exactly by choice, either. And you are way off on how much time it takes to get to my hometown-- total travel time is about 8 HOURS. I leave here at 1:30 in the afternoon, and arrive in my hometown at around 9:15 PM. Way, way off. There's a lot of factors in that.

Here's how my travel plans look like:

Walk to Metra at 1:30 PM

Board the 2:05 PM train

Arrive at Ogilvie Transportation Center by 2:28 PM

Get lunch

Walk 2 blocks south to Union Station for Train #393

Boarding call at 3:45 PM

Train departs at 4:05 PM

Travel time from Chicago to Effingham is 3:37, and the train is supposed to arrive at 7:19 PM, but because the line runs on Canadian National lines, that line sees a lot of freight trains, so there's the possibility we could get held up.

Arrive in Effingham and ride my parents car 45 minutes to their house.

So yes, a lot of factors.
FYI-- I already did take a break from AllDeaf not long ago, and it wasn't exactly by choice, either.
this time - do it by choice and I strongly suggest it because I can tell you're easily distracted by this and it's taking you a long time to "prepare" for your trip.

And you are way off on how much time it takes to get to my hometown-- total travel time is about 8 HOURS. I leave here at 1:30 in the afternoon, and arrive in my hometown at around 9:15 PM. Way, way off. There's a lot of factors in that.

couple hrs away.... by car :lol:

anyway - all you have to do is hop on the train. sit your ass down. and then get off at your final destination. give it +/- 1-3 hrs for arrival time. how hard is that?
this time - do it by choice and I strongly suggest it because I can tell you're easily distracted by this and it's taking you a long time to "prepare" for your trip.

couple hrs away.... by car :lol:

anyway - all you have to do is hop on the train. sit your ass down. and then get off at your final destination. give it +/- 1-3 hrs for arrival time. how hard is that?

More than that. 4 hours drive. And I intend to take a break soon enough.
bon voyage! safe travel! don't forget to write a letter! :wave:

Where would I send it? :lol: I'm only headed south for 3 days. I'll be back late at night June 1st, pretty much the same way I'm headed down there
Arrive at Ogilvie Transportation Center by 2:28 PM
Boarding call at 3:45 PM
Train departs at 4:05 PM
Travel time from Chicago to Effingham is 3:37, and the train is supposed to arrive at 7:19 PM

So what are you going to do if the train is a minute early or late? :eek3:
So what are you going to do if the train is a minute early or late? :eek3:

It never does. Why? More often than not, we'll run into a freight train and would have to wait for it to pass by before we can continue (Amtrak trains on the Illini runs on a single track going into stations), and more often than not, we get there about 7:45 PM, although last December we got held up good, and arrived there 40 minutes later than usual. It tends to arrive around 7:43 PM.
Where would I send it? :lol: I'm only headed south for 3 days. I'll be back late at night June 1st, pretty much the same way I'm headed down there

oh I thought you knew. give the letter to white owl. Hedwig knows where to find me.