A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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Sounds like it was a fun day despite the improper clothing! :D

It was fun but right now my whole right side of my body hurts sooo much. Everytime I breathe, sharp stabbing pains. I overdid it big time. I hope it goes away before I return to work tmw as you know, as a teacher, I move around a lot.
It was fun but right now my whole right side of my body hurts sooo much. Everytime I breathe, sharp stabbing pains. I overdid it big time. I hope it goes away before I return to work tmw as you know, as a teacher, I move around a lot.

Anyone who says teaching is a sit-down desk job has absolutely no idea! :lol:
What happened to all of AD's Canadians? There used to be so many around here... They all seem to be disappearing! Royale, Souggy, the db lady from York, etc. I'm assuming they all got bored/busy with life.
What happened to all of AD's Canadians? There used to be so many around here... They all seem to be disappearing! Royale, Souggy, the db lady from York, etc. I'm assuming they all got bored/busy with life.

The lady from York is about to have twins, Royale is around sometimes, I think Souggy said he was cutting away from the deaf world, (not positive about that)
AliciaM is here once in awhile...
I'm the only Arkansan that posts regularly where there used to be 3-4 of us. =/
home sweet home. :wave:
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Dixie said:
I'm the only Arkansan that posts regularly where there used to be 3-4 of us. =/

Lol Im the only Iowan who posts regularly too. Dont feel bad, at least we are in the United States not other country like Serbia or Iraq.
It's been a long time since I was so happy to see my cat go to the bathroom.

Don't ask. Just rambling away! :lol:
I saw too many people eating it today. One of the pizza places around here was having a sale. A small pizza for $2.50. :shock:

Pepperoni and cheese pizza... :eek3:

major nom nom nom *drool*

I haven't had pizza in a week! :eek3:
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Lol Im the only Iowan who posts regularly too. Dont feel bad, at least we are in the United States not other country like Serbia or Iraq.
Ooh, watch out. Botts is going to get you for this. :shock: :giggle:
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Bottesini said:
Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Lol Im the only Iowan who posts regularly too. Dont feel bad, at least we are in the United States not other country like Serbia or Iraq.

Ooh, watch out. Botts is going to get you for this. :shock: :giggle:

:mad2: But then I have only been in Iowa for 17 years. :hmm:

Forgot about ya, sorry. Im second poster in Iowa behind you. Too much on my mind ugh.
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