A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part II

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I want to vent something here.. my mom wanted me to get blood test to see if I have diabetes.. :roll: and I have problems with my foot again.. that pisses me off and I have to see other dr and if he tells me I need to take time off from work I definately will be beyond pissed.. last time I took time off from work was last jan of 2003 3 weeks was pure hell :P but at least if it does happen again then expect me to be posting alot on here by then ;)
I want to vent something here.. my mom wanted me to get blood test to see if I have diabetes.. :roll: and I have problems with my foot again.. that pisses me off and I have to see other dr and if he tells me I need to take time off from work I definately will be beyond pissed.. last time I took time off from work was last jan of 2003 3 weeks was pure hell :P but at least if it does happen again then expect me to be posting alot on here by then ;)

Im so sorry. It won't hurt for you to see doctor for making sure if you dont have diabetes. In case, if it does, then you can take care of yoursself better after you know what the case is. Hang in there.

New shoes for you :)

Thinking I ought to hit the sack. Got to get some sleep for tomorrow's road trip.
so did you stare at the clock when the day went very slow?

there was no clock but my coffee cup was empty. that's when I started feeling like the day went slow :roll:
I'm going to see my landlord tomorrow about my AC. It's 95 degrees inside my apt and I've tried to turn the AC all the way up. I just opened all of my windows even though I don't like bugs coming inside.

When was the last time you change the filter?
I am wondering if I could qualify for an iPhone 4 with AT&T, but not 100% sure. If I were to make the purchase, it would be AFTER Christmas.

I currently have a phone with my parent's family plan through Verizon. The VZW contract is not up until September 2011. The early termination fee would be $350 USD.

My thoughts were to purchase the iPhone and just keep the VZW phone active and when the contract expires to have my parents remove me from their family plan. Until then, the extra phone could be used as a back-up phone in case someone's goes kaput. Or would be this be silly? My portion of the phone bill each month is around $45 as I use very little voice and data, I have a limit of 1500 text messages per month.

Any suggestions?

Verizon plans run lowest at around $60 and then if its an iPhone your looking at $10 usage based or $30 unlimited data etc have to pick one. So lets just say you pick $90 a month not including tax and fees and phone protection insurance.

If you keep your phone with your family and you pay $45 and $90 that's $135 a month up to September is $1215 for 9 months two phone bills and NOT including the cost of the phone after deduction for contract oh and don't forget you might have to pay a deposit.

If you terminate early pay the $350 and $90 a month to September is $1160 for 9 months and an early termination fee and NOT including the cost of the phone after deduction for contract oh and don't forget you might have to pay a deposit.

That is a $55 difference to get your own phone either way your going to be spending a lot of money. Now if you keep the phone which is obviously not the newest and greatest you only pay $405 up to September with no phone cost and no possible deposit.

Personally, I would say save up money so in September you can pay around $500 and buy the phone outright and not have to worry about a contract again. Also if you did this you would still save more money than termination or keeping one line and getting a new account and phone.:hmm: Is it a necessity or an convince, if you just have to have the ability to do all that stuff on the itouch I would say get yourself a 8 gig old model cheapo while your waiting. I just hate phone contracts and always suggest to people they don't get into one.
just feeling blah as usual lol but I'm glad it's friday so I can do errands or whatever to do I am not sure what to do next lol :P but happy friday to all of you ;)
3 hrs left till I'm off to Boston :fruit:
Wirelessly posted

I am graduating from medical assistant school in a few hours :D
a cold overcast weather and today I am attending to a friend's wedding :eek:
better get an umbrella!
yeah but back up plan is inside a building so it should be sweet. The weather is improving as I speak but I, otherwise, are in doubts.
Verizon plans run lowest at around $60 and then if its an iPhone your looking at $10 usage based or $30 unlimited data etc have to pick one. So lets just say you pick $90 a month not including tax and fees and phone protection insurance.

If you keep your phone with your family and you pay $45 and $90 that's $135 a month up to September is $1215 for 9 months two phone bills and NOT including the cost of the phone after deduction for contract oh and don't forget you might have to pay a deposit.

If you terminate early pay the $350 and $90 a month to September is $1160 for 9 months and an early termination fee and NOT including the cost of the phone after deduction for contract oh and don't forget you might have to pay a deposit.

That is a $55 difference to get your own phone either way your going to be spending a lot of money. Now if you keep the phone which is obviously not the newest and greatest you only pay $405 up to September with no phone cost and no possible deposit.

Personally, I would say save up money so in September you can pay around $500 and buy the phone outright and not have to worry about a contract again. Also if you did this you would still save more money than termination or keeping one line and getting a new account and phone.:hmm: Is it a necessity or an convince, if you just have to have the ability to do all that stuff on the itouch I would say get yourself a 8 gig old model cheapo while your waiting. I just hate phone contracts and always suggest to people they don't get into one.

After the crap Verizon pulled on us last night, I am willing to pay to get away from them, it has been posted on another forum in here somewhere.

I have decided I will pay my mom the $350 termination fee, she can terminate it if she wants as she is the authorized user on the Verizon account, but as far as my credit goes it is good and I would have to pay a small deposit if any. I have talked to reps from AT&T inquiring about it.

I have already lost my iTouch, and by the time I purchase an iTouch I can purchase an iPhone. The older models do not record lectures.
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