A Thread About Absolutely Nothing! Part I

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time to return to work after an 11 day weekend! :lol:

lucky :) I want an 11day weekend!

I'm thinking this morning better go uphill! I'm in a great mood, but I seem to be getting sicker :( I have a quiz today and I better get an A :)
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I am on the west coast boys and girls forgive me? Good afternoon =)
My real name is so often misspelled!

As I often misspell other peoples names!

Some people do get funny about it.

Mine is always mis-spelled - It should be Kristina, but I get cristina, christine, kristin, tina, kristy, cris or any variation, but never the correct.
time to return to work after an 11 day weekend! :lol:

yay!!! I know you will be glad to get back into a routine. I hope the kiddos in class will not have forgotten everything.
WTF?? 11 day weekend?? damn I want that.. but lol oh well gotta work.. haha...
hhhhmmmm...... my Austin trip is not looking too good. I have a $1,000 limit for business travel and my Austin trip is $1,300 :roll:

Hotel expense is about $440 :roll: My conference is about 9am-10pm everyday so is there any friendly Texan out there who is willing to loan me a sofa for about 6 nights? :)
hhhhmmmm...... my Austin trip is not looking too good. I have a $1,000 limit for business travel and my Austin trip is $1,300 :roll:

Hotel expense is about $440 :roll: My conference is about 9am-10pm everyday so is there any friendly Texan out there who is willing to loan me a sofa for about 6 nights? :)

southern hospitality... you shouldnt have a problem. or hit up 6th street and pick up a woman every night.
hhhhmmmm...... my Austin trip is not looking too good. I have a $1,000 limit for business travel and my Austin trip is $1,300 :roll:

Hotel expense is about $440 :roll: My conference is about 9am-10pm everyday so is there any friendly Texan out there who is willing to loan me a sofa for about 6 nights? :)

Make a thread.

Might find somewhere to bunk.
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