a deaf girl whose older than me is trying to buy my friendship..


Active Member
Jun 11, 2008
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okay, this might be a long story but i'll try and make it short.

So, when i was in the 2nd grade, I met a few of my best friends who is deaf. and The school i went to is a mainstream school but it has a deaf program for deaf students to go to school with teachers that can sign. Anyways two girls who were older than me, who were in middle school at the time basically were like teammates by picking and bullying me. Now i had nothing to do with them, I was a 2nd grader. My mom told me that when i was young, this one girl, i'll name her Holly. Holly would take advantage of me and pawn off my lunch money so she can use it. I don't remember much about my elementary school days but i do remember her pinching me and kind of pushing me around. I had to deal with her up until 4th grade, when i went to st.ritas school for the deaf in the 1st half of the semester. by the 2nd semester in my 4th grade year, my parents decided to move me out of that school and back into mainstreaming schools that were near my home.

I went to deaf kids camp for awhile, Holly and this other girl who is best friends with her..i'll name her Renee. Renee never liked me from the start. because I'm best friends with 2 guys whose also deaf. And i honestly think she's jealous. and she even IMed me on Facebook in my junior year in november telling me that i need to stay away from them and calling me all different kind of nasty words to me and that i'm a liar to Holly but i have done nothing to her, i have not been in contact with her or seen her in person since my friend's graduation party or leaving st.rita's. Anyways, Holly i guess the word would be, wants to be my "sister" but i don't trust her that much, because she always wants to know about my personal business or who my friends are. And that she mostly follows me around like a dog because I got interviews by BOA (bands of america) and WGI (winter guard international) and in a movie documentary. I think its also because i'm a really talented musician and i think she wants some of that attention. She recently tells me that she stopped being friends with Renee because she's always complaining about how i'm friends with my best friends and that i'm a Bi##h and stuff and how she needs help with scheduling for school and she's like 26 something years old. Holly always tries to talk to me on Facebook but i don't really try to talk to her on Facebook. I feel like i should take her off of my Facebook friend list because she's not really the kind of person i would hang out with, and she says she changed but i don't think thats entirely true because she likes to stir up drama from the past with the future.

but the problem is, i feel like if I take her off of my friend list, she would send me messages and text my best friends, complaining that i took her off and that my best friends would end up texting me trying to convince me to add her back on so she can shut up. Like I never really have stood up for myself before against people who are just plain mean to me. But I'm just starting to learn how. I've always been the shy kind of person that doesn't want to hurt people's feelings and always the person that has a shoulder for them to lean on or a hand to pull them up when they fell. But really nobody has done that for me except for my family. so honestly, i have no idea what to do with this girl. I blocked renee a long time ago when she was harassing me on Facebook. I had enough with renee, I even hear from my friends that she's still going on about me and spreading rumors about me that aren't even true. I have nothing to do with her but yet i feel completely helpless. Sometimes i just want to crawl up in a bed and eat a whole jar of ice cream and hide in my room.
If your friends believe stories someone you don't associate makes up about you, and try to pressure you to be friends with someone like that, do you really think they have your best interests at heart? Real friends don't do that. Please, don't be a doormat, and try to please other people. You have to do what's right and best for YOU. Also, these two girls are so much older than you? It sounds like they're still wanting to manipulate and take advantage of you. And they're total drama whores, to boot. Some girls just don't grow out of that 12 year old bully mentality, ever.
If she pesters you on Facebook, you can block her, and report her for harassment. I'm sure the cell company can do the same if she's texting you and you've told her not to contact you.
If she pesters you on Facebook, you can block her, and report her for harassment. I'm sure the cell company can do the same if she's texting you and you've told her not to contact you.

She says she doesn't want to be giving me her cell phone number because her father is paying for her cellphone bill. She is about 23 years old and i'm close to becoming 19 (i will be in august)

She likes to be involved with my life, i don't know why she wants to be all of a sudden. Its weird and I really do want to take her off of my friend list on Facebook but honestly i don't want to bring up more drama and because she'll bring up the "but i'm your sister" and the "i've been trying to be nice to you" crap. She's trying to be like... oh i don't know the word for it. But she's been basically following me around like a dog.

She even told me that the stuff that i told her about my opinions about this other girl that she's best friend with, who hates my guts, to the other girl and had the other girl harass me about it. it sucks. like I try not to be a doormat, and i try not to tell her too much, speaking of that i don't even know why i'm talking to her.
You are now officially out of high school, and old enough to decide who you'll allow in your life and who you don't allow. It's up to you to decide if you want to give people your energy- and I'm not talking about just physical energy. If someone is stirring up problems with you, don't associate with them. It's a simple answer. Remove them from your "friends" list and keep it moving.
If you don't want to have the guilt of removing them from your friends list, restrict them from seeing any information from your profile. Maybe let them only see the pages you like or comments you post on mutual friends.
Let them do the removing you as a friend or just ignore them so you don't have to deal with it.

Patience is always a virtue.
Try to talk to them about the idea of teaching deaf ferrets and deaf cats ASL. See if they throw fit or just politely brush you off. Then you'll know where you stand with them.
Let me get this straight, you're a musicians and you have girl problems? And, this is news because?

Dude, there is another one like her on the next block. Let her go........
It's girl drama, the worst kind!
Sorry, I thought she was 26. Seriously, they're not worth your time, and as was said, energy.
I had to let people go and move on. In the end it made my life much simpler. People that like drama are "energy vampires" and it's unhealthy for you to force yourself to deal with it when it isn't necessary. Right now it may seem like it will create more drama, but you have to remember, once she gets that you're not putting up with her crap anymore she will move on and you will be looking back on it and wishing you had done it sooner.
Take her off your friends list. Block Her. Stop answering anything she sends you over the phone no matter how tempting it may be or what she says. Don't ask about her, don't talk about her. Just try your best to become indifferent to her.
I agree with everyone saying to just block her and move on. Remember how before we were saying that you're done with high school, you're entering the real adult world now? These are some hangers on from that past, leave them there.
But, what would I say to my best friends if she complains to them about me removing her from my friend list?
But, what would I say to my best friends if she complains to them about me removing her from my friend list?

If she's really your "best friend", she will be understanding that it is your life and you have your own reasons. There is no reason the two of them can't still be friends, you're just not involved with that. Everyone can keep things separate. You shouldn't feel the need to explain yourself too much to your friend and justify your actions. It's your life. You're in control.
But, what would I say to my best friends if she complains to them about me removing her from my friend list?

Don't worry about her too much. Since the girl is not your best friend, you don't have to worry about her. Or just use your profile privacy settings and set it so she can't see any information on your wall.

You can message me if you want to know how to set it up. You know where to reach me! :)
But, what would I say to my best friends if she complains to them about me removing her from my friend list?

If your friends get mad because you don't want to hang around someone who doesn't treat you right, they are not your friends. I don't know anyone who hangs around people that treated them bad when they were in school. The whole purpose of being an adult is not acting like you are a kid. Lose the chick...
block them and move on...if you got true friends they accept us if they dont then they not friends in first place
fb is good but it do cause many problems they sound like bullies.Genuin friends would want to be with you when upset and they would ignor cowardly behaviour of these other people...i know it hard but you allowing these nasty people to win if you getting upset by them,box it up as that part of your life has gone...you got other adventures to have people to meet look at it like that
Honey, I'd block her, tie off all contacts of her, she isn't worth the tears over, as for your friends, you will find out who is your true friends.

I have been through all this lark, i am better person than i was 15 years ago, holding on people i thought that was my friends, turned out they were using me. I have few friends who i consider my best friends/family/close friend because they had been through thick and thin with me and supported me (or vice versa) emotionally/mentally, they are friends for life (one has been my friend for 20+ years, another 15+ years so on, I have known many of my friends for so many years)

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