That's impossible, FJ. Due to the many circumstances deafness can result from. I think Bott threw that out because this discussion is rather a silly one. Talking about a one size fits all...
There will never been a single cure for deafness due to the many causations. I humored you at first and answered your original question, but really, it's a silly question. There may never been a cure for every cause of deafness.
The people here also don't feel the need to search for that elusive cure. You should know that by now. Cures are meaningless when you're happy living your life the way you live it.
I'll be the first to admit that I would not want a cure for the birth defect I was born with. I've lived life this way, so what would the point be? Now, would I deny someone else that same cure? No, but this is an indvidual thing. Most people HERE ON THE FORUM are happy the way they are. Other people are disgrunted and search for that elusive "cure".
Which is better? Searching for a cure that's a long way off, or one that may never come, or learning to accept things the way they are, and, being happy living in your own skin?