A 5.9 Earthquake hits Va; felt all the way up in New York

I didn't feel a thing and I'm pretty close to DC. *sighs* I feel like I missed out on a lot. Never been in an earthquake before..

My sister lives 5 miles away from the epicenter. She was driving when it happened and her car basically bounced off the road.

Just looked at the USGS web site. there have been two minor after shocks. I bet folks near the epicenter felt it, but it was not felt in DC (that I know of).
A lot of people here felt it, but I didn't. I was in the basement when it happened.

That remind of the Twilight Zone show , when a guy was in the basement and a bomb when off. He was the only left alive!
Just looked at the USGS web site. there have been two minor after shocks. I bet folks near the epicenter felt it, but it was not felt in DC (that I know of).

I didn't feel the aftershocks.
I was in a dept meeting when it happened. My boss was going over the agenda and we were all sitting in a circle and I felt the ground shake. At first, I thought it was the construction going on then the lights flickered so immediately, I knew but didnt react until it was confirmed. My son's daycare said that the whole building was literally shaking back and forth and the cars in the parking lot were rocking hard sideways. I dont know about Mac..he is trying to get home but trains are running on reduced speed from Washington, DC where he works at.
I was in a dept meeting when it happened. My boss was going over the agenda and we were all sitting in a circle and I felt the ground shake. At first, I thought it was the construction going on then the lights flickered so immediately, I knew but didnt react until it was confirmed. My son's daycare said that the whole building was literally shaking back and forth and the cars in the parking lot were rocking hard sideways. I dont know about Mac..he is trying to get home but trains are running on reduced speed from Washington, DC where he works at.

I hope he comes home soon.
President T. Alan Hurwitz has ordered to close Gallaudet University. He said minor damage has been reported on several structures.
My friend, ‎Drago Renteria, said:

"Earthquake on the East Coast. Okay, I've been trying really hard not to roll my eyes, afterall there was some minor damage here and there (including to some Gally buildings), but come on... how can I not RFLMAO when I read comments like, "I survived the big quake" ??"

You east coast people are a-frickin-dorable. :giggle::giggle:
My friend, ‎Drago Renteria, said:

"Earthquake on the East Coast. Okay, I've been trying really hard not to roll my eyes, afterall there was some minor damage here and there (including to some Gally buildings), but come on... how can I not RFLMAO when I read comments like, "I survived the big quake" ??"

You east coast people are a-frickin-dorable. :giggle::giggle:

I wonder how guys in Califorina would react when they get snow.. I dont' suppose it snows much there.
What? Heck, yes, it snows! :lol:

k. I should have remembered that my big sister got snowed in by five feet of snow in the San Bernado area with a 3 years old baby for five days. My BIL wasn't able to come home for a few days cuz of the snow.
The real question is, Does the snow stick??? :)

He means "does it not melt"? I thot we all knew that, at elevation, there's snow year-round on our mountains. Riversider here...

Ahhh! Yes.. Year-round snow. :)

I grew up in Fresno, which is a desert and once on Christmas morning it snowed for a couple minutes. It was hardly a white christmas but still memorable and awesome!
