A 5.9 Earthquake hits Va; felt all the way up in New York

I was riding my bike past the monument, on my way home from work, and saw the crew filming the report for this. Saw the ABC news van and wondered what was up. Now I know. LOL.
I know this is an old post but I can't help but wonder why this quake was only a 5.9 and it was felt as far away as Canda and Georgia. A quake this size in California would not have been felt so far away from the epicenter. I lived there for 30 years and experienced a few quakes in that time. I am sure it must have something to do with the differences in fault lines but I don't understand what or how. Does anyone know? Just curious.
I know this is an old post but I can't help but wonder why this quake was only a 5.9 and it was felt as far away as Canda and Georgia. A quake this size in California would not have been felt so far away from the epicenter. I lived there for 30 years and experienced a few quakes in that time. I am sure it must have something to do with the differences in fault lines but I don't understand what or how. Does anyone know? Just curious.

simplest explanation - East Coast area is on harder bedrock while the West Coast area is on softer bedrock.. and also more fragmented from frequent earthquakes.

so in case of earthquake, I'd rather be in California than in New York.
I know this is an old post but I can't help but wonder why this quake was only a 5.9 and it was felt as far away as Canda and Georgia. A quake this size in California would not have been felt so far away from the epicenter. I lived there for 30 years and experienced a few quakes in that time. I am sure it must have something to do with the differences in fault lines but I don't understand what or how. Does anyone know? Just curious.

The earth in this area is much more dense than the West Coast. There is lots of solid rock below the surface, and this permits the vibration of the quake to travel greater distances.
The earth in this area is much more dense than the West Coast. There is lots of solid rock below the surface, and this permits the vibration of the quake to travel greater distances.

lithosphere yes. it's colder and harder in East Coast area. It's exactly same as striking a steel bar. DINGGGGGGGGG!
Thanks Jiro and TheWriteAlex. I did not know that. Makes sense now that I understand.
Two schools in our county were condemned. Businesses, homes, and churhes that are brick especially suffered extensive damage. I was at my friends house when glassesflew out of the cabinet as it separated from the wall. No injuries though :) )