87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language

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Checked any of the current sociological terminology used to describe American culture lately?
What point are you trying to make?

My point is, the assimilation of people from all countries and cultures into the unique American culture of the United States is called The Great Melting Pot.

American culture is the result of the melting pot process. That's why American culture is not the same as any other country in the world.
87% Say English Should Be U.S. Official Language - Rasmussen Reports

Nearly the same in a poll on that same question 4 years ago at 85%.
85% Support English as Official Language Of U.S. - Rasmussen Reports

I agree. English should be the official language of the U.S.

There is a bigger picture to it.

If someone moves to another country, then you want to be fluent in the dominant language. Usually most would not have the mindset of having others cater for them. This is common sense speaking at best, but it is only looking at the book's cover.

Part of the reason to why there is no utilization in the fluency unification of the english language may have to do with the fact that due to immigration and nationalization issues, legal forms and written contracts are catered in a matter that it's available in a non-native's language, like say Spanish on DMV tests or tax forms for example. Thus, applicants in this example would not see a need for understanding and acquiring english literacy.

Unless we all can communicate at ease together, we are not truly bound as one unified country. Unification of language should be mandatory to maintain cultural hegemony as unification would represent a host of underlying values, goals, socially constructed ideas. Without an universal form of expression, you can't really become a fully contributing member in that society, only isolated to small minority communities.

The use of language then would be the cohesion that brings this together, it seems more of a minor factor to the overall contribution to unification.

Look at math per example, in it's own world. If someone walked into class and insisted writing everything in base13 or another started using roman numerals.. what do you think would happen?
It's easy to see the principles of mathematics working universally behind worldwide languages - I don't think there is any country out there that doesn't use the standard numeral system and basic arithmetic. As a result, math can be used universally within languages across the world today. The same has to do with facial expressions, such as smiling, laughing or crying, and so on.

To cliff this up one, the true concept isn't about everyone doing a stop drop and roll - "learn english nowz!" - but actually that we need to find a means that we can communicate easily with one another. If the majority language was sign language in america, this would hold true to non-native and non-signers as well.
Thus, make English the official language in the United States. In the United States we are bound as Americans first. That's what makes this country of ours so great. We fight for our flag regardless of where we came from.
the idea of the "salad bowl" resonates more with me than "melting pot". For me, "melting pot" assumes a conglomeration of distinct cultural facets into more less a gray "mush", while "salad bowl" seems to retain more of individual unique-ness of heritage, ethnicity and creativity.
And the mere fact that I can discuss this generally is indicative of the privilege that I happen to have. For me it would be an injustice not to recognize both the privilege and the opposite of such, both historically and currently.
Salad bowl? Hmm...good analogy. Though I don't like olives. Bleh.
The melting pot, to me, is warm and nourishing, like hearty soup, whose ingredients blend harmoniously with hints of exotic spices that make it special.

The tossed salad analogy seems jumbled and confused with individual elements that never come together. It reminds me of people picking out the ingredients they want and leaving the rest behind.

Food analogies aside (I'm getting hungry), the United States should be a nation, not a mini-UN.

That doesn't mean we can't retain elements of the cultures we emigrated from but if we want to be Americans we have to adopt American language and culture. Otherwise, what's the point in moving to America?
If we make English the official language so that will mean no more printing documents in other languages?
Press "1" for English .... press "2" for deportation ...
Does any of the 30 states with English as the official language prohibit their own government agencies from using another languages when there is a compelling public interest for doing so?
How is it a racist view?

hey ... psssst ... she doesn't really know ... she was conditioned to answer "racism!" when it comes to border control.

Probably never heard of OTMs.
So, it's kind of like "I know what pornography looks like but I can't define it" while looking at the Venus de Milo statue? That kind of view?
That is a racist view.

post reported .. you were asked to explain why you called me a racist from another forum member and declined to explain. I think you just like feeling superior and calling people names.
post reported .. you were asked to explain why you called me a racist from another forum member and declined to explain. I think you just like feeling superior and calling people names.

I said the view is racist, not you, as a person. Big difference.

U never asked me to explain why I called your view racist. You made statemtents about me as a person.
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