2014 Travel Plans


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Mar 13, 2003
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Got travel plans for the new year?

I'm off to Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Thailand in March 2014 for 4 weeks with two friends. Very much looking forward to it!
Im planning to go to Singapore Vietnam and maybe Thailand in september but i would rather Hong Kong. I almost enjoy the planning as much as the holiday itself
Got travel plans for the new year?

I'm off to Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Thailand in March 2014 for 4 weeks with two friends. Very much looking forward to it!

Hoping to go camping with family this summer, or just spend time with them. I still have an $87 Amtrak e-voucher I'd like to use before it expires in 6 months.
No big travel plans for 2014. Just camping in the area.
Hoping to go camping with family this summer, or just spend time with them. I still have an $87 Amtrak e-voucher I'd like to use before it expires in 6 months.
As I understand it, you just need to book with the voucher, or part of it, before it expires. If you don't use the whole amount on that trip, the e-voucher with the new value will have a new expiration date. I'm not 100% sure about this. I just recently got my first voucher from Amtrak and have not used it. Also, it may depend on what type of voucher it is (refund or "sorry for the inconvenience you experienced").
Hope to:
Take a day trip (will be all day) train ride to Boston, spend a few hours then take the train home. Was going to do this last year until I lost my job.
Go to the annual gathering of train/Amtrak riders in Oct. if I can afford it. It will be on the west coast this year - most likely in the bay area.
If daughter and family move (Austin?, SLC?, CA?) may take a trip out to visit them. May incorporate that trip with the gathering trip.
As I understand it, you just need to book with the voucher, or part of it, before it expires. If you don't use the whole amount on that trip, the e-voucher with the new value will have a new expiration date. I'm not 100% sure about this. I just recently got my first voucher from Amtrak and have not used it. Also, it may depend on what type of voucher it is (refund or "sorry for the inconvenience you experienced").

That is correct. I can use part of it, and get a new date. However, I would prefer to use as much of it as I can prior to the expiration date, but it depends on my parents' plans for the day it's supposed to expire in June, and I don't know if they'll have plans by then or not. I am still pondering if I should send it to PA for a full or partial refund, because so much depends on what my parents might do. For now, I'll hold onto it, until I know more. Right now it's in a safe place.
I traveled in SE Asia in 2011, so if you want local deaf contacts, I can see if they would like to guide you in the area. I traveled for 4 months in VietNam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, China and South Korea and met numerous Deaf people in my travels. I kinda miss it, and wish I was travelling still.
Will be camping a few times this year as well as a trip to Cancun this Spring and as for Sea Gull RV Company, we will have, hopefully, a booth at Hershey, PA PRVCA America's Largest Show (business trip) and the Louisville RVIA National RV Show (business trip). Louisville as in KY. Also Elkhart, IN for business trips. All for 2014. I just got back from Louisville, KY and Elkhart early last month (December 2013), Hershey Show in September and Tampa, Florida in October.
I traveled in SE Asia in 2011, so if you want local deaf contacts, I can see if they would like to guide you in the area. I traveled for 4 months in VietNam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, China and South Korea and met numerous Deaf people in my travels. I kinda miss it, and wish I was travelling still.

That'd be mint - thanks mate! Will hit you up when time's closer :)

Oh, speaking of which - my friend's parents are going to Singapore for a week next month and they were wondering if there's a Deaf guide or something?

1. Vermont for skiing this weekend
2. Vermont again for skiing next month
3. Upstate NY (Lake George) for skiing next month
4. New Orleans in March (hopefully)
5. maybe Toronto again in Feb or March or both
6. will try to squeeze in Denver or Lake Tahoe for skiing
7. Portugal for business trip in May
8. Las Vegas for friend's graduation party in June
9. Quebec for New Year and skiing

no idea what my summer plan is... maybe West Virginia for rafting and camping or California to see my cousins and friends. I'm not too big on summer traveling because I'm not too fond of hot blistering heat. I actually travel more during fall/winter than in summer.
Well I just returned from Romania so that's done. I am going to Bike Week in Daytona in March!!!!!! I'm SUPER EXCITED about that!!! :D Then I am off to Colorado in June and another trip to Romania towards the end of the year! :D Usually once a month I travel to little places through Florida on my bike for the weekend but I don't really count that as traveling. :P
Well I just returned from Romania so that's done. I am going to Bike Week in Daytona in March!!!!!! I'm SUPER EXCITED about that!!! :D Then I am off to Colorado in June and another trip to Romania towards the end of the year! :D Usually once a month I travel to little places through Florida on my bike for the weekend but I don't really count that as traveling. :P

Are you gonna stop at a weed store while you are in Colorado? :D
No big travel plans for 2014. Just camping in the area.

I recall hearing about a place to camp at or near the Baltimore Harbor which has been in operation since the 1600's......I think the campground is called Bar Harbor and Marina.....ever been there?

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