Got travel plans for the new year?
I'm off to Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia and Thailand in March 2014 for 4 weeks with two friends. Very much looking forward to it!
you checkin out any muay tia?
As I understand it, you just need to book with the voucher, or part of it, before it expires. If you don't use the whole amount on that trip, the e-voucher with the new value will have a new expiration date. I'm not 100% sure about this. I just recently got my first voucher from Amtrak and have not used it. Also, it may depend on what type of voucher it is (refund or "sorry for the inconvenience you experienced").Hoping to go camping with family this summer, or just spend time with them. I still have an $87 Amtrak e-voucher I'd like to use before it expires in 6 months.
As I understand it, you just need to book with the voucher, or part of it, before it expires. If you don't use the whole amount on that trip, the e-voucher with the new value will have a new expiration date. I'm not 100% sure about this. I just recently got my first voucher from Amtrak and have not used it. Also, it may depend on what type of voucher it is (refund or "sorry for the inconvenience you experienced").
I traveled in SE Asia in 2011, so if you want local deaf contacts, I can see if they would like to guide you in the area. I traveled for 4 months in VietNam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, China and South Korea and met numerous Deaf people in my travels. I kinda miss it, and wish I was travelling still.
Well I just returned from Romania so that's done. I am going to Bike Week in Daytona in March!!!!!! I'm SUPER EXCITED about that!!!Then I am off to Colorado in June and another trip to Romania towards the end of the year!
Usually once a month I travel to little places through Florida on my bike for the weekend but I don't really count that as traveling. :P
No big travel plans for 2014. Just camping in the area.