2010 Winter Olympics!!!!!

Belarus?! They got a shitty team expect the one that they got very very very lucky against Sweden who was a heavy favorite in winning gold medal at the time in 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics.

Вы верыце ў цуды? Да!:lol:
it is not 1980.

Soviet Union is no longer in existence. :giggle:

That's what the media want's you to think..........Next thing you know the will try to convince us Burma was renamed. Or that Pluto isn't a planet
souggy, are you going to Vancouver for Winter games?
souggy, are you going to Vancouver for Winter games?

I had that conversation with him long while back. H said no because he is protesting against it. damn hippie :roll:
Why protesting against it?

because the Canadian government's spending the money on something that can be better used for other thing. or was it that the Canadian government's spending crapload of money that they do not have on Olympic? :dunno:

Souggy - get your arse in here!
Jiro.. I think it has to do with spending money on other things like improving the area in the Vancouver area like the housing and etc for folks on low income and other methods such as road improvement, and more... but well the city of Vancouver has had to see what can be doable to spend money on building new places for events like speedskating, bobsled racing and more... some places that have been built for the goal of future use after the Olympics is over and to be used as often or so...
because the Canadian government's spending the money on something that can be better used for other thing. or was it that the Canadian government's spending crapload of money that they do not have on Olympic? :dunno:

Souggy - get your arse in here!

:hmm: Usually new housing has to be built for the Olympic village. Seems they could have developed a plan to use this housing to help others later.

It's a bad economy to be hosting the Olympics but there was no way to forsee that when the bidding process was going on. The olympics can be profitable.
Oh yeah that Georgian luge guy was killed.. oh man terrible indeed.. my condelences for his teammates and teh country of Georgia on the unfortunate and untimely passing of a man...