Really? Being deaf is cheap? I disagree. Hearing aids are not cheap. Helping deaf individuals with interpreters is not cheap, captioning is not cheap, relay service is not cheap, schools paying for you to be in their school because you're a deaf student due to needed special services like tutoring, interpreter, CART, etc., is not cheap.
Sure, I understand it's natural and all that creme de lal creme stuff you talk about, but it ain't by any way cheap.
I agree with Endy, it is difficult for many persons with deafness to find a job as quick as the hearing. I am not saying it is impossible to achieve your dreams, but it's not easy. Vocational Rehabilitation is not cheap.
This is what is so odd about the Deaf Culture Pride that they are in denial about everything else that is free for them by our taxpayer dollars. Where do you think Relay Service, Captioning, Vocational Rehabilitation, Interpreters, and all of those wonderful technologies and services come from?
It ain't cheaper being deaf.
As for deafness cure in 10 years, well, I don't know about that. Last time I read about the hair cell regeneration, the years of finding a cure increased to 50 years. I haven't heard anything about the hair cell regenaration studies.