When it comes down to shooting up police cars, beating up other white people, destroying property, setting fires....yes I do!...And that's not a "peaceful protest"....
And your prior quote "Zimmy's going to jail!"....you, as a lot of other blacks, already labeled Z guilty....
I'm sure a lot of black parents do not teach their children to be Racist....and hopefully, YOU, as a "single Mom to a deaf black adult"...taught your son not to be Racist.
You are a very confused person.
What fires, destroyed property, and beating up other white people are you talking about? The one case you could dig up that doesn't even connect to the Martin case?
The Martin case is about justice. Justice that didn't happen when Zimmerman was turned loose the night he killed someone. Had he been arrested, all the marches, and all the activity to bring this to the country's attention, would not have been necessary. But because the state of Florida is known for unequal justice, it was necessary to bring it out.