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  1. RachelRene

    What Ticks You Off (Most) About Hearies?

    *This* I get this all the time, and it drives me batty. I think I can sum up the majority of my pet peeves: don't make assumptions. Don't assume that because I speak well I hear well. Don't assume that because I'm deaf I don't like music. Or that I do. Don't assume I want a CI, that it...
  2. RachelRene

    the Audist Network

    I think this dysconcious audism is what holds some of us back from accepting our deafness... what keeps us feeling like broken hearing people. When you grow up in the hearing world, with so much emphasis placed on oral communication, on hearing and speaking and working to fit in to that...
  3. RachelRene

    What happens when you don't know where your CI/HA is at all times....

    That's so sweet. :) My son is fascinated with my "ears," and if he manages to get ahold of them, he tries to put them in his ears (he's turning three this month). The Elk's Club helped me get my first set of ha's... recycled analogue BTE's that were not very comfortable. Had a lot of...
  4. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    Most personality tests seem to be really hearing-biased, don't they? I did the Myer's-Briggs test for work (similar to this one), and I think a lot of my answers were because I assumed a group of *hearing* people, *speaking* instead of signing... I have been called aloof many times. I was...
  5. RachelRene

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I wonder if they went home later, thought about that conversation, and had a lightbulb "wow, that was a stupid thing to say" moment. :giggle:
  6. RachelRene

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I think you're right... I don't think the hearing people who've said this are trying to be disrespectful, or dismissive, although sometimes it comes across that way. It's trying to find common ground, when really I just need them to go "Oh, okay, you need me to look at you when I'm talking to you."
  7. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    You're absolutely right--I've been realizing more every day that I need to make changes in who I choose to spend time with, and in what settings, and that I need to give myself permission to decline if I'm feeling too tired or frustrated to deal with it. I was actually okay with the bbq...
  8. RachelRene

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Does anybody else get the stream of hearing people who claim they totally get it because they can't hear conversations in the middle of concerts or noisy restaurants? It seems like every time I tell a hearing person that I'm HOH (one of these days, I'll claim the deaf label), they are suddenly...
  9. RachelRene

    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I am coming to understand this more and more. I'm starting to take a hard look at my current friendships, and thinking about what kinds of relationships I hope to have. Finding my own kind might be a good idea. :)
  10. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    *nodding* yes, this is the exact conversation I had repeatedly this weekend. My friends forget, quite frequently, because I usually work hard enough to keep up with conversation (which I can do one-on-one pretty well) by lipreading, body reading, etc that they don't know how little I actually...
  11. RachelRene

    Feeling Socially Awkward in the Hearing World

    This is how it was with our school... we had to fight hard to get it moved to the languages department... I know that part of it had to do with the agreement between the other major university in the state... to this day, my undergrad school cannot offer interpreting degrees, and we were limited...
  12. RachelRene

    HOw often do you talk with your significant other?

    Eek, that's excessive. Obsessive unwanted communication = not okay.
  13. RachelRene

    Growing Deaf Community on Google+

    From my understanding, the privacy on G+ is better than the basic settings on FB. You just need to go in to your settings and tweak them. That said, I curse spam bots, and have blocked my fair share. :)
  14. RachelRene

    Which method of calling a hearing person is more smooth

    I was just wondering the same thing
  15. RachelRene

    Just missed accidents without hearing aids on

    I *was* hit by a car when I was biking a few years ago... had my HA's on, and back then I could hear pretty okay with the HA's. The lady just didn't look, and turned in to me. Luckily, I wasn't badly hurt, but it was scary as hell. There's been a couple of times where I have come close to...
  16. RachelRene

    Pet Peeves

    Cats who puke on the floor! Bad cat...
  17. RachelRene

    Need advice

    I had a girl who learned how to sign "Want to go to dinner with me?" I thought it was so flipping sweet I of course said yes :) (Although, yes, I agree with the office romance warnings.)
  18. RachelRene

    HOw often do you talk with your significant other?

    I like to stay connected, both to my long distance lovies and my local lovies. I'm usually on at least one of my chat accounts throughout the day because of work, and I'm ridiculously connected to my phone... There are numerous im's back and forth, and I usually text at least 20 times a...
  19. RachelRene

    Cinnamon Challenge

    Oh. My. God. Is right. Thank you for the amusement though :) Kudos to you, Sunshine (and PFH) for trying it
  20. RachelRene


    I'm reading a book you might be interested in, called "Talking Hands: What Sign Language Reveals about the Mind" Thank you, Rebeccaj, for posting that link to the other thread... this is something I've thought about a lot as well. When I was taking ASL, my professor was not only CODA, but...