HOw often do you talk with your significant other?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2011
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This is for boy/girlfriends who doesn't live together.

How often do you talk with them? When I dated a hoh woman for 2 years, I we texted like maybe 12 times!! Yes, only 12 times!! That is because we both had old Sidekick phone. WE kept our AIM open all day long. WE would aim any time. SHe would aim all day long with me and carry phone. Do chores and at same time AIM with me.

Now I am dating a hearing woman. We text maybe 10 times a day and go on AIM maybe 2 hours a night. She doesn't have AIM on her phone. THat is ok because we text each other.

So I am curious how often do you talk to your significant other?

I'm kind of spoiled in a way. I'm not expecting anyone to text or AIM me 24/7, but sometimes I wish a person would text me like 40 or 50 times a day instead of 5 or 10 times. Do you think I'm asking for too much?
We text a lot. Sometimes 40-50. Depends how busy we are with work. He also sends me email letters when he needs to say more. I like those. We also talk a lot face to face so it's almost like we are never apart.
I like to stay connected, both to my long distance lovies and my local lovies. I'm usually on at least one of my chat accounts throughout the day because of work, and I'm ridiculously connected to my phone... There are numerous im's back and forth, and I usually text at least 20 times a day--like rebeccaj said, it depends on how busy things are.

For long distance relationships, I've started being a little more creative with staying connected... a private blog, for example, where we can post pictures, little letters, musings, etc... things that don't fit easily in text. It's a running conversation of a different kind. I also have a couple of word game apps that we play, and we use the chat feature to joke back and forth.

I've just started a game date night, as well... we are playing the same game, from different countries, but we keep the chat open so we can talk about it as we go.

As for you asking too much... well, I can't answer that. Some people are okay with more frequent communication (take me for example, I am pretty much constantly communicating :) ). On the other hand I have a friend who thinks her girlfriend is too needy because she calls once a week, and usually texts once a day. *shrug* Did you talk to your girlfriend about her expectations, and yours? Maybe she doesn't text all day because she can't because of work?
What's really strange is that I am not normally someone who likes too much communication during the day. It seems too needy :giggle: but because I'm dating hearie it has become necessary to communicate with alternative means.
I'm kind of spoiled in a way. I'm not expecting anyone to text or AIM me 24/7, but sometimes I wish a person would text me like 40 or 50 times a day instead of 5 or 10 times. Do you think I'm asking for too much?

Depends on the context. Judging from your reflection it seems your personality likes attention.
Do you have other people to talk to? Other friends who like to text 40 or 50 times a day?
Wirelessly posted

If you are in a long distance relationship, I can understand texting unlimited times due to being apart. If you are dating someone local it shouldn't really matter how much you text, it just means you are thinking of them through your busy work, school or what not schedule.
Personally, if I got 50 texts in a day, I don't have the time to respond to all them individually. Depends on my schedule for the day.
I don't have that many friends. Maybe few other guy friends that I text like 5 or 10 times or so a day. I also text often with customers who come to buy bikes from me. That keeps me occupied, but I do wish my girlfriend would text more often.

I would suppose that some people can live with only 5 or 10 texts a day from SO, but I like having more.

When we were friends to start with, we were texting 40-50 times a day. AIMing for maybe 3,4 hours. Now it is like 5-10 times, 1.5 to 2 hours. She does like to post pictures of her and me on facebook. A lot of them!! She is soooo proud to have me!!!
This is for boy/girlfriends who doesn't live together.

How often do you talk with them? When I dated a hoh woman for 2 years, I we texted like maybe 12 times!! Yes, only 12 times!! That is because we both had old Sidekick phone. WE kept our AIM open all day long. WE would aim any time. SHe would aim all day long with me and carry phone. Do chores and at same time AIM with me.

Now I am dating a hearing woman. We text maybe 10 times a day and go on AIM maybe 2 hours a night. She doesn't have AIM on her phone. THat is ok because we text each other.

So I am curious how often do you talk to your significant other?

I'm kind of spoiled in a way. I'm not expecting anyone to text or AIM me 24/7, but sometimes I wish a person would text me like 40 or 50 times a day instead of 5 or 10 times. Do you think I'm asking for too much?

depends - if both you and your girlfriend don't mind txting that often every day, then bonus for you both. my boyfriend dumped his girlfriend because she texted him 87 times addition to leaving 27 messages on his voicemail in one day. He found that scary and obsessive and promptly dumped her the next day.
depends - if both you and your girlfriend don't mind txting that often every day, then bonus for you both. my boyfriend dumped his girlfriend because she texted him 87 times addition to leaving 27 messages on his voicemail in one day. He found that scary and obsessive and promptly dumped her the next day.

Eek, that's excessive.

Obsessive unwanted communication = not okay.
Eek, that's excessive.

Obsessive unwanted communication = not okay.

Well, there are people who are chatty and use texting over IM. With the sidekick and smartphones these days, it's not really that hard to talk a lot.

Nothing wrong with people who have that personality, right?
I would agree nothing wrong with texting 87 times if you carry your smartphone/sidekick with you. It's not that hard to get up to 87 texts with someone if you really tried!!
Wow...I did the dating and relationship in the old fashioned way. Never experienced a relationship based on texting. I am learning a lot here.

My hubby and I text each other sometimes even in the same place. :lol:
I would agree nothing wrong with texting 87 times if you carry your smartphone/sidekick with you. It's not that hard to get up to 87 texts with someone if you really tried!!

It is if you have a job. He works in construction and tile-setting. his boss pays him to work, not answer his cell every 20 mins. Whenever he has a full day, he lets me know and I would wait till he gets off work then we would chat for a while telling each other about our days. He appreciates the fact that i don't expect immediate replies when he's busy at work. So much so that he actually txts me more often than I text him. :)
It is if you have a job. He works in construction and tile-setting. his boss pays him to work, not answer his cell every 20 mins. Whenever he has a full day, he lets me know and I would wait till he gets off work then we would chat for a while telling each other about our days. He appreciates the fact that i don't expect immediate replies when he's busy at work. So much so that he actually txts me more often than I text him. :)

Agreed. Currently, while my work situation does allow me to be somewhat attentive to my phone, it decreases my productivity after a while. Furthermore, I'm often around other people and I avoid texting during meetings, classes or conversations with others out of respect for those whom I'm around.

From your post, it sounds like you feel comfortable in the relationship, but you would appreciate more text from her. Have you expressed your interest/desire to hear more from her?

While she may be busy, she might also not know how much you value her text. From a girl's standpoint, I value other gestures/forms of communication more (letter, flowers, IM, etc) and thus I am not inclined to pick texting as my first form of communication if I want to tell someone how much I value them. If a guy tells me he values my text more than any other sort of communication, I'd try to make some adjustments.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of having a conversation via text. I much prefer computer keyboards for comfort and speed.