Need advice


New Member
Aug 19, 2011
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I'm not deaf or hearing impaired. I'm interested in a man at work who is deaf. We haven't spoken at all but smile at each other. How do I go about letting him know that I'm interestred? I can't just go up and talk to him. I don't even know if he can read lips. He's very sweet and I'd love to get to know him. Help. Tx.
If he has email send him a message that you'd like to text him and could you have his cell number to get to know him better.

But, beware the office romance. Not always a good thing.
Now you learn this ABC fingerspell with " H " " I " and surprise him on this Monday.
Really? Why not?

To Lindahannah: I'd also be careful with the office romance. Does he work in a different section than you?

How does he communicate at work? If he is holding down a job, he has to communicate in some way. Do you ever see him interacting with anyone else?

All that said - since a deaf guy here suggested you learn how to fingerspell "H I," that might be a good start.
I had a girl who learned how to sign "Want to go to dinner with me?"

I thought it was so flipping sweet I of course said yes :)

(Although, yes, I agree with the office romance warnings.)

Give him a "wink"...and a smile...a little :wave:...he'll get the message.

I actually thought about doing this and I should have on Friday. I see him every morning when I do my rounds in his area. Thanks, you pushed me along to do the "wink". I always give him a smile but he may think that I'm just being plain old nice and not know that I'm interested. Thanks!!

Problem is most deaf guys don't like to eye-contact hearing gals.

You're right about that. He always looked away really quickly at first but now he's starting to look at me and not look away. We smile and he doesn't look away anymore. I'm taking that as a good sign. We say hi but that's it. It's just harder to start a conversation because I know nothing about him. If he reads lips, etc. Thanks for your comments.

Really? Why not?

To Lindahannah: I'd also be careful with the office romance. Does he work in a different section than you?

How does he communicate at work? If he is holding down a job, he has to communicate in some way. Do you ever see him interacting with anyone else?

All that said - since a deaf guy here suggested you learn how to fingerspell "H I," that might be a good start.

Thanks so much for your comments. He only seems to communicate with another deaf man in the dept that he works with. Luckily we work in completely different sections of the building. It's a huge building and he works in the lab downstairs and I work upstairs in the office. I do have to see him each morning though when I'm doing my morning rounds. He seems to be passing my way more these days and he does seem interested because he holds eye contact more and more. Thanks so much...
Seems he's "interested"! a smile, a wink and a wave does work's almost like saying...."I like what I see"...and let's's awkward at first I know...but once you break the ice and just learn a little of the alphabet to let him know you'd like to communicate more...Good Luck!
You're an idiot. Obviously not very religious or you'd worry about what God would be thinking about you. Why would you even post something like this. I reported it, just to let you know. Not that you're worried about it since you have a warped mind anyway. Freak!

Don't waste your time reporting posts. Our moderators are out on vacation, and or clubbing.
You're an idiot. Obviously not very religious or you'd worry about what God would be thinking about you. Why would you even post something like this. I reported it, just to let you know. Not that you're worried about it since you have a warped mind anyway. Freak!

The Deaf are very blunt and open about pretty much everything. You'd be best to learn this before approaching nice Deaf guy at work.

I wish you the best. You seem sincere. A far cry from some of the new posters who have been coming here *begging* for a new Deaf boyfriend to show off to their friends.
You're an idiot. Obviously not very religious or you'd worry about what God would be thinking about you. Why would you even post something like this. I reported it, just to let you know. Not that you're worried about it since you have a warped mind anyway. Freak!

wow, it was just a joke. Sorry God didn't bless you with a sense of humor...
Okay: on all the offense taken at the sexually charged joke:

Poster comes in to announce that she has seen a deaf guy at work that she is interested in. Knows virtually nothing about him, has not even been close enough to initiate a conversation to see if he reads lips. Has no idea how to communicate with him. Yet, she is "interested" in him. What else could it be at that point other than a physical attraction. I don't see the sexual joke as being that far off base, given the circumstances.

Of course, there is always the off chance that she just has some sort of morbid curiosity in the "disabled guy", but I prefer to give her the benefit of the doubt, lol.

To the OP: how do you know if he is sweet if you have never had a conversation with him? He could be a complete letch or a class A azzhole.