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  1. DDU

    Another 1 trillion dollar injection?

    house = 239 rep to 188 dem senate+ 53 dems to 47 rep stalled stalled
  2. DDU

    Offended by ASL students?

    lol. good job twisting the story. the "rouge girl" said her father was deaf
  3. DDU

    New here and looking for some feedback...

    it's an attack on yet another questioner in a long list of questioners who expect the deaf to roll over and answer an endless stream of questions and then disappear. if you read the OP she was cramming and expected her trained monkeys to put up answers for her.
  4. DDU

    trip to south africa

    make sure you stop over in Somalia and get a boat ride.
  5. DDU

    Deaf friendly cars

    hyundai beats nissan hands down. hyundai engines are so good that ford buys them
  6. DDU

    Musically Inclined

    there are many deaf who appreciate music it all it's forms. if you read enough of the threads here you will see that. so welcome and participate
  7. DDU

    trip to south africa

    isn't PFH heading that way too? that would be great - Matajan and PFH having a party in south africa. best buds and BFF's
  8. DDU

    Deaf friendly cars

    a van is definitely not visual !! way to hard to see things around you. a lot depends on what you want to tow. i have a tow package on my sedan but limit it t not more than a sofa and stuff in the range.
  9. DDU

    why do weird people at Gallaudet or any colleges?

    no no no matajan. no girl talk that is weird in this thread. stick to the weird gally people. show us their pictures and we will decide if they are certifiable or not.
  10. DDU

    Deaf friendly cars

    windstar was a joke for years. made in canada with a list of issues. sorta like sunbirds which were historically awful. if you want a deaf friendly car does that mean you want a sound system with ass thumping bass?
  11. DDU

    New here and looking for some feedback...

    let's fail her. don't answer:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
  12. DDU

    cultural questions from a student

    Hello and welcome to AD. You will want to slow down with your need for input. Try putting up your email or a website where deaf can leave comments to your questions. There are many many reequests such as yours and there is a fourm rule about this. Would be better if you post 1...
  13. DDU

    Gally stand for but term do not exist anymore

    matajan can work for the government. a spin doctor that no one can figure out is an asset to any congressman
  14. DDU

    Gally stand for but term do not exist anymore

    there are more ivy league deaf gay for you than there are lvy league women. it only hurts the first time
  15. DDU

    Whats your ethnic background?

    ah, i see. that explains the penis fixation
  16. DDU

    Amtrak: All Aboard -- And Bring Your Guns

    free speech has it's restrictions as well as the right to bear arms.
  17. DDU

    how can i close this accounts

    if you close the account then it is like closing your mind. keep an open mind and keep the account.i wanted to quit because of a mod making false accusations. he blows me off but i can forget it and just keep an open mind. you can't always agree with people and they will not always agree with...
  18. DDU

    Wikileaks leak 250,000 classified files

    this guy has a real hard on for the USA. why dont he leak russian stuff?
  19. DDU

    update is facebook news again

    i saw. got me pissed that this 1 guy is trying to control the internet with a "social" aspect. holy crap, i don't follow no herd.
  20. DDU

    My kid wants a tattoo for Christmas.....

    you are the parent. when he is an adult he can get anything he wants. way too many parents give in. your son will not suffer greatly from a decision like this. he may hate you but will understand you when he is a parent