Search results

  1. M

    Picture Water Fountain

    True ... showed it to hubby and he was impressed! Thanks Vampy! :)
  2. M

    Summer Olympics 2008

    Yes, go figure! Curling has to be one of the most boring games and we, sarcastically, call their curling brooms, "broomsticks". :giggle:
  3. M

    Picture Water Fountain

    That's awesome! :thumb: ... but how it is done with water?? Very clever!
  4. M

    Summer Olympics 2008

    Thanks for the link, Woka. :) Didn't realize that this sport was only introduced in 1996 Olympics, I thought it was in the Olympics for years before that.
  5. M

    What color you like for clothes?

    Basically all colors except for red and yellow which doesn't quite suit me. The main color for me is burgundy/maroon which is my fav.
  6. M

    Summer Olympics 2008

    How come? Why?
  7. M

    New here.

    Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will enjoy this interesting site. :)
  8. M


    ^^ ... :lol:
  9. M

    Job motivation

    Jake ... Wait till you come back from your holidays in Japan which isn't far off and the US holiday as well. You'll be recharged after the breaks and go from there to make whatever decisions. So hang in there.
  10. M

    Report: Edwards' wife in anguish after affair

    Good one! :lol:
  11. M


    :laugh2: ... Gee, you're on fire, Woka!
  12. M

    No more lurking..

    Hi and :welcome: to AD! Do hope you will stay around with us and enjoy. :)
  13. M

    Summer Olympics 2008

    Aww, what about Australia? ... Sydney was an excellent one, if I may say so. :D Go Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi. :D
  14. M

    Summer Olympics 2008

    No surprises, there. China will win no matter what ... they came 2nd in Athens.
  15. M

    Coca Cola employees fired for using reward promotions

    Being a regular competition entrant, I thought it was common knowledge that employees do not enter their own workplace promotions/competitions. That rule has been around for "donkey's years".
  16. M

    hi =o)

    Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will stay around with us and enjoy. :)
  17. M

    They found Bigfoot Body!!????

    This should be interesting to know whether it's real or not. At least, they will have some answers with this deceased body presented to them.
  18. M

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    That's lovely but do hope your parents treat all of you just as equally. :) There shouldn't be any favoritism.
  19. M

    Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part IX

    Well, I can understand that but I'm sure they're proud of you anyway. :)