Who do you like/dislike? (Actor/Actress)


New Member
May 14, 2008
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Name the actor or actress you like or dislike. Good acting? Bad acting? Dry Humor? Funny? Hottie? Annoy? Whatever. You can post the pic too, If you want to.

I like actor-> Nick Cage, He was good in action and some romantic-comedy and drama movie.
Also Will Smith too because of good action movie.

I can't think of too many actor/actress on my list.
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im really like Julie Andrew she is my favorite actress

im really like Jim Carrey,Tim Allen makes me crack laugh in movies and also i do like the rock from WWE he is my favorite actor.
Love Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington. :)

Can't stand Jim Carrey as he really embarrasses me, really over the top. Also Adam Sandler as well.

Those who are 'wooden' and boring, are Keanu Reeves, Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon and Tori Spelling.
Tom Cruise. I have never liked the guy since his Top Gun movie, and I don't know why... He is not a bad actor, and I don't think he was a crazy person during his early years... But, I can understand why a lot of people don't like him today.

The only Tom Cruise movie I watched was War of the Worlds, because it is based on a classic movie, and it was directed by Steven Spielberg.

As for actors/actresses that I like... There's too many..:)
My favorite US actor/actress is:

Steve Martin (my number 1)
Bruce Willis
Harrison Ford
Denzel Washington
Morgan Freeman
Ben Affleck
Jim Carrey
Tim Allen
Pierce Branson
Martin Short
Matt Damon
Tom Cruise
Nick Cage

Jacylne Smith
Kate Jackson
Farrah Fawectt
Angelina Jolie
Sharon Stones


Mr. Bean
Tori Spelling

I will be back if I forget to add.
A few...

Robin Williams
Bruce Willis
Harrison Ford
Denzel Washington
Morgan Freeman
Ben Affleck
Jim Carrey
Tim Allen
Martin Short
Matt Damon
Leonardo DiCaprio
Jamel White (Family Matter as Urkel)

I do know I have some more but cannot think! *GRIN*

For Females, not a lot. cannot think!

for dislike..Tom Cruise. I used like him but not anymore. I can't think who else.
Peter Lorre

Tony Shalhoub

My favorite actors


Gillian Anderson
My favorite actress
I like Actor Morgan Freeman, Ice Cube, Martin Lawerence, Chris Tucker, and Eddle Murphy.

I like Actress Julia Robert, Janet Jackson, and I can't remember who are actress else.

I dislike Mr.T. When I was little boy, I used to like Mr.T.
My favorite;
Actor- Leonardo DiCaprio
Actress- Julia Stiles

Theres more that I likes. But they are my favorite ones.
i don't like orlando bloom, lindsay lohan, ashlee simpson, pete wentz, jessica simpson, john mayer, hilary duff,the jonas brothers.