Report: Edwards' wife in anguish after affair

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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Report: Edwards' wife in anguish after affair
Cancer diagnosis forced Elizabeth to decide quickly whether to leave

RALEIGH, N.C. - Elizabeth Edwards' cancer diagnosis forced her to decide quickly whether she would leave her husband after he confessed to having an affair, her brother and a friend told People magazine.

"She couldn't say, 'Well, maybe we'll work through this for years, or maybe we should separate for two years,'" said Hargrave McElroy, a friend, told the magazine for its Aug. 25 issue. "(The cancer) forced her to choose whether to move forward."

John Edwards, a two-time Democratic presidential candidate, admitted last week to having a short affair in 2006 with a filmmaker named Rielle Hunter, who was hired that year to produce short videos for his political action committee. The former North Carolina senator denied he was the father of Hunter's five-month old daughter, and offered to take a paternity test to prove it.

Through her attorney, Hunter rejected the idea of such a test and said she has no intention to speak publicly about the affair. Through a spokeswoman, both John and Elizabeth Edwards declined a request for an interview Wednesday.

Edwards has said he both ended the affair and told Elizabeth about his infidelity in 2006. He kicked off his second bid for the White House in New Orleans a few days after Christmas, at an event that Hunter attended and Elizabeth did not.

But Elizabeth was out campaigning soon thereafter, and continued to do so after the couple disclosed in March that her breast cancer has spread to her bone and could not be cured. In July of that year, the Edwards renewed their vows to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in the presence of a small group of friends and family, including their three children.

"There was anguish — excruciating anguish — for her in dealing with this," McElroy said. "She was angry and furious and everything, but at one point she had to make a choice: Do I kick him out, or do we have a 30-year marriage that can be rebuilt."

Edwards brother, Jay Anania, told People that his sister was focused on her children — 8-year-old Jack, 10-year-old Emma Claire and eldest daughter Cate, 26. When he reached her the day after Edwards admitted publicly to the affair, he said Elizabeth asked him to call later because she was reading with Jack.

"Jack reads to her an hour a day as part of his home-schooling," Anania told People. "The world is whizzing around her and she's cool as a cucumber, saying, 'Jack just started, can I call you back?"

Edwards' wife in anguish after affair - Politics -

He lost his job because he admitted his affair with Rielle Hunter... If he have to go then McCain also go, too because he did the same thing.. ? Oh well... :roll:
Second Democratic are on affair? Am I ponder? Is Obama gonna to have affair too?
Second Democratic are on affair? Am I ponder? Is Obama gonna to have affair too?

What....being a Democrat means that you are automatically going to have an affair?
Rush Limbaugh had an affair and hes a Republican., if I am not mistakened about this.
Its disappointing that Edwards did this, the sleazebag.
Rush Limbaugh had an affair and hes a Republican., if I am not mistakened about this.
Its disappointing that Edwards did this, the sleazebag.

I agree that it is disappointing, but it only came to our attention because he is a politician. We only hear about these things happening because the individual is a public figure. It happens all the time, and we don't ever hear a word, because it could be your neighbor or the guy down the street.

And those that are quick to speak out against Kerry, and judge his morals, are probably guilty of ammoral acts themselves.

Public figures are not different from the people we encounter in everyday life. They put their pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. They are subject to the same lapses in judgement as anyone is.

Considering the divorce rate in this country, I'd say that Kerry was reflecting the current trends.

And Rush was a very good example. An affair was only one of his transgressions. Depsite the fact that he claimed Rublican affilliation.
Rush Limbaugh had an affair and hes a Republican., if I am not mistakened about this.
Its disappointing that Edwards did this, the sleazebag.

yay! Someone shot me! Too bad for jillo! :giggle:
Second Democratic are on affair? Am I ponder? Is Obama gonna to have affair too?


It is common that some politicians regardless of their political party affiliation, have extramarital affairs.

BTW, I feel bad for his wife. She had been battling cancer while he cheated on her at that time.
Jillio - When someone chooses to be in the spotlight, especially as a leader - it is not unreasonable to expect solid integrity from a leader. Role models and all that. I was disappointed when Clinton chose to be creative with his cigar and whatnot, but I don't think Edwards, Limbaugh and Clinton are bad people. They simply made bad choices, just like many people. I do recognize that.

I'm not going to cry over spilt milk, so I'll paint this a disappointment and move on. :)

Think Hillary'd have an affair if she were president? haha
I really couldn't care less about other people's sex lives.
Jillio - When someone chooses to be in the spotlight, especially as a leader - it is not unreasonable to expect solid integrity from a leader. Role models and all that. I was disappointed when Clinton chose to be creative with his cigar and whatnot, but I don't think Edwards, Limbaugh and Clinton are bad people. They simply made bad choices, just like many people. I do recognize that.

I'm not going to cry over spilt milk, so I'll paint this a disappointment and move on. :)

Think Hillary'd have an affair if she were president? haha

:lol: Good question. Maybe payback was part of her motivation for seeking the nomination.:giggle:
i have people cover of Mrs.Edwards about John's affairs on Bernie Mac's thread you can check it out
He lost his job because he admitted his affair with Rielle Hunter... If he have to go then McCain also go, too because he did the same thing.. ? Oh well... :roll: [/FONT]

Oh he already conceded his nomination for the Democratic Party Presidentiial candidacy to Obama long BEFORE his extramarital affair with Rielle was made to public.

He did not lose anything but his reputation is already severely damaged. In first place he vigrously denied it until he was confronted with stronger and more convncing evidence which was published by the National Enqurier. In short, he blatantly lied to his Americans, especially his family. It is going to be very very hard for Edwards to rebuild his reputation and trust with his family and American people.

McCain has admitted to having extramarital affairs. At least he is telling the truth about extramarital affairs to his fellow Americans so that is a huge difference between Edwards and McCain.

I really couldn't care less about other people's sex lives.

Ditto! I personally don't care about Edward and McCain's adultery because their private matter should not be treated as a political issue but my point is:

It's disappointed because the private issues should keep private between famliy, not to the public in the first place.

I can't get why can't medias ask McCain for his opinion of adultery or nobody interest about his adultery but whines about Edward's or Clinton's affair?.
Oh he already conceded his nomination for the Democratic Party Presidentiial candidacy to Obama long BEFORE his extramarital affair with Rielle was made to public.

He did not lose anything but his reputation is already severely damaged. In first place he vigrously denied it until he was confronted with stronger and more convncing evidence which was published by the National Enqurier. In short, he blatantly lied to his Americans, especially his family. It is going to be very very hard for Edwards to rebuild his reputation and trust with his family and American people.

McCain has admitted to having extramarital affairs. At least he is telling the truth about extramarital affairs to his fellow Americans so that is a huge difference between Edwards and McCain.

Source? Arizona, the early years

Isn't that pretty typical behavior for anyone that gets caught in an extra-marital affair....whether its Joe down the street or a political figure?
Ditto! I personally don't care about Edward and McCain's adultery because their private matter should not be treated as a political issue but my point is:

It's disappointed because the private issues should keep private between famliy, not to the public in the first place.

I can't get why can't medias ask McCain for his opinion of adultery or nobody interest about his adultery but whines about Edward's or Clinton's affair.

Given McCain's relationship history, I don't think he is the one to ask!:giggle:
Oh he already conceded his nomination for the Democratic Party Presidentiial candidacy to Obama long BEFORE his extramarital affair with Rielle was made to public.

He did not lose anything but his reputation is already severely damaged. In first place he vigrously denied it until he was confronted with stronger and more convncing evidence which was published by the National Enqurier. In short, he blatantly lied to his Americans, especially his family. It is going to be very very hard for Edwards to rebuild his reputation and trust with his family and American people.

McCain has admitted to having extramarital affairs. At least he is telling the truth about extramarital affairs to his fellow Americans so that is a huge difference between Edwards and McCain.

Source? Arizona, the early years

Maybe I should say "damage career", not lost job... but the media written former sen. Edward? It look like that he lost his job as sen.?

Sorry, it make no sense... the private should be between husband and wife, not the public.

:lol: I can see many missing/denial on McCain's side in that source, you provided here... Here is source of McCain's ex-wife Carol's side.

The wife John McCain callously left behind | Mail Online

I know that she is not bitter woman but it's really sad to read her side about her experience with McCain... Is it okay what and how McCain treated Carol like that?

Is Cain's behavior okay, not Edward?

Anyway, Edward's wife Elizabeth's response:

Daily Kos: State of the Nation
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