Search results

  1. I

    Is this shallow/wrong?

    :gpost: The thoughts above helped me choose between Jon and a Miami Dade motorcyle cop! The cop was so much FUN to go out and do things with. He had a lot of baggage that I didn't want to deal with. Jon was pretty much laid back. I was ready for a serious relationship so I chose Jon. We...
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    The Word "Exciting"

    You Go Girl!! Keep on your students and they will do well!! When you READ, READ, READ, your literacy skills are awesome, no matter if you are deaf or hearing. However, for a deaf person, it is a HUGE DEAL. My next door neighbor is street smart but has horrible spelling and grammar skills...
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    Deaf or HOH involved in Real Estate ?

    Hi--I'm a native Long Islander. What town are you in? What town are you looking for a house in. I know a couple of realtors--but sorry no sign language. If you have to go with a hearing realtor, let me know so I can recommend a few. We're
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    The winds stopped blowing around midnight. It's sunny and gorgeous out. Fay may boomerang into the Gulf and back into the western part of FL after crossing over N. Florida. We're all good here! A good practice run for the BIG one someday.
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    Shawn Johnson got gold medal and show "ILY"

    Her mom put up the ILY sign from the stands before crying happy tears with her dad. Great to see! American athletes ROCK!
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    A lot of ADers grew up oral?

    HI--I had access to both worlds growing up. Learned to sign at 3 at a day deaf school, oral at home. My mom noticed that I'd talk better when I was not in a signing environment, especially every summer at the riding (horses) camp. So she started to work on getting me mainstreamed in our local...
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    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    Sounds good--and it might help when she tries to talk to you, or suck you into a gabfest that would get you two into trouble, put your hand out and tell her loudly (for witnesses you may need) you are working. That you don't want to talk to her then keep working. Then the nutjob ought get...
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    Deaf people and SSI

    There's some discrimination going on in Miami, Fl. No speak Spainish, no job. It helps to be bilingual. So hearing people are learning that they can't get a job becuase they do not have a skill needed for the job, not just the deaf. Ha!
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    should women respect or accept men with diversity?

    should women respect or accept men with diversity? Yes as long as they're nice to begin with. Honest niceness rules.
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    Too Busy for a Friend.....

    Aw, that's very touching. Thanks for sharing.
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    Tmobile Customer Service SUCKS!

    I just asked my guy....he said no trouble at all with T-Mobile. I guess there are bad and good salespeople at Tmobile just like bad and good relay operators, ya know?
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    Perhaps the stupidest reason why I got in trouble at work.

    Dixie, try to avoid her as much as possible, and don't give her any more ammunition. I can give you stories about my own battles, including calling out managers in the kitchen. Never mind the A-hole who took my knife to help cut the lemons for the bartender. Or the worker that stole a grumpy...
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    baby monitors

    When you get your monitor, get the Baby Cry Signaler. It helps!!!!!! I have both the monitor and the Baby Cry Signaler.
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    Another Q' about hearie familys communicate....

    My sister used to make me play this game with her when she would just spell the first letter of whatever she's saying to my questions. Who's coming over? K who? Kelly? Karen? Kevin? you get the drift til I get the person right. I'd yell at her, if she went to all that trouble nodding, and...
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    oooo, that has to HURT!!! Retard is the right word!! I'm definitely showing my guy the video! Hurricane parties are great but not to do anything dumb. You know what's funny? I came down to Miami for my intership right after Andrew. LOTS of devastation. We had plans to go see my aunt in Port...
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    Dramas? Me think not...

    If you want serious drama, look in :giggle:
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    My little boy's baby tooth fell out.

    Oh yea, I can't wait to share the fun Tooth Fairy experiences with the little ones when they get to that milestone in their lives. I know my guy would too! He was so excited to hear about first day of preschool yesterday. BTW, I learned the Tooth Fairy was not real thanks to my mom's very...
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    Conversations in Threads

    Now I completely understand why this thread started. I wanted to reply to Doug RN through a PM to his Melaleuca comment in a thread that has nothing to do with Melaleuca. I wasn't able to "talk" to him so I put something in the thread to let him know I appreciate his post and continue on the...
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    Tmobile Customer Service SUCKS!

    I will ask my guy about how service went with his pager when he had problems with his SIM card. :wave:Brian, calling a TTY line does NOT excuse what happened with Shel90. That is so frustrating. I would be so pissed already if it were me. I am NOT a patient woman when it comes to shoddy...
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    Anyone Surfing?

    You must be very good at it. I found it to be very hard to get going without some serious wind. I'd be happy on a Hobie Cat 16 anytime. So I can do "wheelies" (I don't know the term for doing it with a catamaran) People who get out there and have some serious fun ROCK in my book.