My little boy's baby tooth fell out.

Your post sure brought back memories for me. I know exactly what you mean. Watching our babies grow up is exciting and sad at the same time. Enjoy these moments, jolie. They are once in a lifetime.
That was so cute! My son had his 5th tooth 6th is lossen! oh boy!! He is excited cuz of money! 1st tooth fell out was speical, I had brand new DVD (forgot what movie it was) and hid it under his pillow and took his tooth. After that just the money. :)
There are some really cute children's books about losing a tooth. (This teacher can't resist but to share, lol). To name a few: Dear Tooth Fairy by Alan Durant and Vanessa Cabban; Titus' Troublesome Tooth by Linda Jennings and Gwyneth Williamson; and Dave and the Tooth Fairy by Verna A. Wilkins.

Congrats on this milestone. The milestones make motherhood/parenthood so enjoyable! :)
I remember in elementary school when a teacher told us about our teeth falling out. I haven't lost any yet so I thought they'd suddenly pop out and shoot across them room. :lol:
Thanks, Everyone :)

Boy, Yesterday morning I woke up before my son woke up. When he woke up later in the morning, He startled me a little bit because he came out of nowhere and ran at me saying "Mom! Mom! Look! I got the money!!". He could not contain his excitement, haha. So, I said "Oh that's great! Let's count how much you have." He was eager and quick to sit down, then he counted the $$. His eyes were bulging and his face was gleeful then he said "Wow!! I got $2!"

After a little while, He said "I want the tooth fairy to come back to give me some more money!" I said "Honey, The tooth fairy can't come back to give you some more money and you'll have to wait until more of your tooth falls out to get more later on." It was just cute of him to wanting more, haha.

Later on in the afternoon, He could not even stop talking about how happy he was getting the $ from the tooth fairy, lol.

The best part of this was seeing his reaction. :)

My older daughter who will be 4 this November, lost her lower canine tooth when she fell on a "arm rest" on her old bed right after sprouting that tooth two years ago. The tooth was very new, and did not have a chance to completely root itself to the gum area...... The arm rest hit right underneath the new tooth and pushed it completely out. It was a total tooth extraction! It happened so fast that I got a cold cloth on her mouth before she had a chance to know what really happened. We took her to the ER just in case it could be attached. So she has a gap in her smile until the adult tooth comes in few years from now. So far her teeth is holding straight up, no spacer needed. The whole thing happened right in front of me, no chance for me to grab her. Her daddy was in the room pronto after I called for him!:shock:

Because of how it happened, I didn't even bother to tell her about the tooth fairy. Not to match trauma to the good tooth fairy experience. That will happen when she loses her teeth just like everyone else. (shudder). Oh yeah, she learned NOT to jump all over that bed! She tries to jump on OUR bed instead. :roll:
That's cute.

This reminds me of a time I lost a tooth. I put it under a pillow that was on the floor.

When I woke up and found $1 under my pillow in bed, I immediately checked under the pillow on the floor... my tooth was gone. That's when I realized... the Tooth Fairy was real! ;)

I figured it out later on when I got older. ;)
That's cute.

This reminds me of a time I lost a tooth. I put it under a pillow that was on the floor.

When I woke up and found $1 under my pillow in bed, I immediately checked under the pillow on the floor... my tooth was gone. That's when I realized... the Tooth Fairy was real! ;)

I figured it out later on when I got older. ;)

Haha, Yeah - I'm sure all of us have went through this one time or another finding out that it wasn't real. By the time I was around 8 or 9, I figured it out pretty quick to know it wasn't real. A friend of mine was telling me about it at the dorm and naturally, I didn't believe her because I thought it was real. So, when I came home for Christmas break, I decided to pretend I was asleep. Sure enough, I saw my mother and step-father putting the stuffs front of the tree that are supposedly to be from "Santa Claus". After that happened, I asked my mom about it and that is when she "let" me in and told me that all of the santa claus, tooth fairy, easter bunny, etc weren't as real as I'd like to think.
Oh yea, I can't wait to share the fun Tooth Fairy experiences with the little ones when they get to that milestone in their lives. I know my guy would too! He was so excited to hear about first day of preschool yesterday.

BTW, I learned the Tooth Fairy was not real thanks to my mom's very groggy morning. She forgot the night before. When I woke her up--"Mom, the tooth fairy did not come. What happened?" She was like Oh No, got up to go looking for the money on my bed. She found the money and went back to sleep. What she didn't count on was me seeing her get the money out of a wallet on the way to my bedroom. LOL. I was little, but not that little! :lol:

Vamp, that was awesome, your parents were on top of the ball with you. Kudos to you and your parent!!
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