Search results

  1. Dennis S.

    Gay Marriage

    Look at SecretBlend's definition on the first page -- IT DOES INCLUDE GAY MARRIAGE! 4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage. All you posters missed it...
  2. Dennis S.

    Subtitles on Netflix Watch Instantly -- sortof.

    Wait, I have NetFlix, but I haven't tried the "Watch Instantly" feature. Are ANY of the movies closed captioned? Some? How does one get a closed captioned "Watch Instantly" movie?
  3. Dennis S.

    Will Captel phone solve this problem?

    CapTel would probably be perfect for her. It's a rather simple, straightforward device, and not complex to use at all. However, she would have to be willing to put up with the fact that the words do not show up instantly after they are said -- sometimes it takes a few seconds for the words to...
  4. Dennis S.

    Dad sells son's 90-dollar video game online for more than 9000

    FAKE. $9,000 for a video game that is easy to find? No, I don't think so. $300, $500, maybe, because you'd have to export it to Australia. Not $9K. Shenigans.
  5. Dennis S.

    Laurent, South Dakota: Deaf Town

    There hasn't been a news release in months, and no blogs either. My take on that is: 1) No interest in such a town, or at least people interested in putting their money where their hands are. 2) The location in SD, while not the most popular, at least generated interest in terms of...
  6. Dennis S.

    Laurent, South Dakota: Deaf Town

    It lost popular support when the designers moved it from SD to IN.
  7. Dennis S.

    Canada complaint to VRS

    Then someone who is in politics needs to vote for that. Write your representatives. Complaining on here will not accomplish what you want.
  8. Dennis S.

    Canada complaint to VRS

    You need to talk to these guys. Canadian Association of the Deaf / Association des Sourds du Canada Specifically, look at this page: » Deaf Issues » Canadian Association of the Deaf There's a paragraph: The only contact email I see is
  9. Dennis S.

    Bad news day for Dems,liberals and hippies

    It's all a lie. "80%" of their media network? What media network? And how the heck do they know exactly what percent they've destroyed? If you know 100% of the network, you destroy it all, not "80%." This tells me they're making up numbers as they go along. A "significant" portion of...
  10. Dennis S.

    Summer 2008.. Ader...Weight Loss Support Group :):)

    We need a weight GAIN support group for us bodybuilders! Original weight 1/1/07: 160 Current weight 11/1/07: 175lbs I need to get a body fat measurement. I'm hoping to get down to 6-7%. I estimate I'm at 8-10% today. My abs still aren't showing up.
  11. Dennis S.

    Cell phone VIRUS ...

    XBGamer, read this: Howstuffworks "How Cell-phone Viruses Work"
  12. Dennis S.

    Cell phone VIRUS ...

    It's a little bit true. Very rarely are there viruses that can do any harm to your phone. So rare that it's like being struck by lightning. There are just so many different cell phones out there that programming a virus for one kind of them just isn't likely to get very far. It's not like...
  13. Dennis S.

    For those who have CapTel: Phoneline service

    You'd need 2 telephone lines. Since Time Warner only provided 1 telephone line, I never set up two lines at home, but I have it at work. I would think in order to get two lines, you'd either have to: 1) Ask Time Warner for a 2nd line. Dunno if this is possible. 2) Get regular phone...
  14. Dennis S.

    If you were me, Would you report ?

    Even the bill wasn't paid on time, there's always a grace period for utilities shut off unless you've missed payments before. That's why you usually have to deposit something when you get new service. This shows that there's a history of not paying bills -- taking a lavish vacation while not...
  15. Dennis S.

    Mata Expo

    No closed captioning programs for iPod.
  16. Dennis S.

    Using telephones for t-cons at work. How well do you do?

    I was reading recently about a service available in the U.S., called Relay Conference Captioning.... maybe it can be adapted for your use. Nextel | Conference Captioning Seems like you can email questions to Sprint at or Might want to...
  17. Dennis S.

    Relay + Nominal Fee = Cochlear Implant

    This is the ONLY law that I'm aware of that uses STATE RELAY funds for funding UNINSURED children's CI. UN or UNDER insured kids. NOT ALL KIDS in the state. VRS and IP Relay are NOT used to pay for this. Only 7-1-1 and TTY relay. That's it. And the writer needs to spell TSUNAMI...
  18. Dennis S.

    CapTel for cell phones or SK?

    Not to my knowledge. I've heard rumors of some tech coming out soon, but nothing for sure.
  19. Dennis S.

    22 year old guy having sex with a 16 year old girl

    Um, his last activity was before I posted. Check his profile. He ditched us before I said anything.
  20. Dennis S.

    tty vs captel phone

    If you have a version of the phone that has a USB port on the back, you can plug the phone into the computer. When you make a call, the captions are shown on the screen of the computer, and when you want to print them, you print from the computer. But you have to have the conversation with...