Canada complaint to VRS


Premium Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Why need to free for application to videophone help american sign language. I should setting for Canada vote want to decision to good idea. I think so communication to us counsillor, doctor, hospital, friends, family, school, dentist.

That is important to in Saskatoon development to growing change better right now. I think so seems good benefit support to funds raising for us. Deaf parents and children want to sign language to visual impaired to dad and mom.

I understand important to human code right.


pls can tell me about to discuss negotation to do arrangement to plan set change new province.
hmm... my guess that Canada can't afford to have VRS because they're busy spend lot of money from tax toward medical for everybody in long line. Are you read me, german mother???
The Canada doesn't have what USA provided. If you think that should be "Free" due your rights or Deaf communities rights over there. Gather make a group and propose to your government or president or what word you use over there.

You can ask Sorenson a how or research but.... VRS provider in USA wouldn't do any action until you do your own empower into deaf communities then thing make happen. Best the LUCK!
You need to talk to these guys.

Canadian Association of the Deaf / Association des Sourds du Canada

Specifically, look at this page:

» Deaf Issues » Canadian Association of the Deaf

There's a paragraph:

Video communication (video conferences, video mail, web-stream video, etc.) is one of the most important new developments for Deaf people, as it will allow us easy communication via Sign language. Video Relay Service (VRS) which allows Deaf and hearing people to communicate in their own languages (Sign for the Deaf, and voice for the hearing) is one of the exciting new developments. Other countries have pioneered this service, but Canada continues to lag far behind. The CAD has worked long and very hard to bring VRS to Canada, but the regulatory and business climate in this country has been slow and unresponsive. It is frustrating to see our years of hard work pushed aside so that VRS becomes yet another Deaf-targeted service owned and operated and delivered by non-Deaf people.

The only contact email I see is
hmm... my guess that Canada can't afford to have VRS because they're busy spend lot of money from tax toward medical for everybody in long line. Are you read me, german mother???

Well, if we get a big surplus every year in the federal budget... I don't see how that would be a problem.
Then someone who is in politics needs to vote for that. Write your representatives. Complaining on here will not accomplish what you want.
Still battle long way... to get vrs in Canada

Unless if Deaf Canadian who willing sign the petition and fight for it.. but problem is Advocacy isn't strong expose enough as "weaker teether".