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  1. P

    Do you know what this word mean?

    Are you familiar with the sayings... "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." and "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime." I say combine the two ... Teach everyone else who got lemons how to make lemonade!
  2. P

    Sandra Day O'Connor retires

    For more info. on Karl Rove. <-- Clicky-clicky
  3. P

    Enabling-Let's discuss!

    Excellent topic -- enabling often goes hand in hand with co-dependency. Read the other thread for more info. on that...
  4. P

    oh oh, Steel's new GF

    Hey Steel, get that woman to show you her O face. :lick:
  5. P

    Deaf student proved doctors wrong; she's headed to Yale

    I wonder if motivation, attitude, and perseverance were factors. I was the only hoh person in any of my schools so I can't really comment on the success or lack thereof when it comes to other oralized folks.
  6. P

    Afraid of dying

    I'm not afraid of death itself, it's a part of life. What I am afraid of is the loss of control and/or suffering that often precedes death.
  7. P

    Gitmo Inmates Attacked Guards

    Why should they? The powers that be should only care about how U.S. personnel conduct themselves. Obviously we don't need to worry about how prisoners conduct themselves, they're prisoners, that's how they behave. In any case, I prefer the word "detainee" because that's a more fitting...
  8. P

    ban fraternity

    A few points I'd like to make... - The fraternity that this kid died in was unauthorized. As in, not legally sanctioned and recognized by the university. Universities usually make fraternal organizations adhere to some sort of established standard of conduct before allowing a fraternity or...
  9. P

    Sandra Day O'Connor retires

    He (ravensteve) can't take a thread off-topic if we ignore his posts. I think that'll be my policy from now on based on the crackpot posts I've seen. If your child has a temper tantrum, kicking and screaming, the last thing you do is give them attention until their behavior improves, is that...
  10. P

    Afraid of dying

    Miss P, Knowledge is power -->
  11. P

    Gitmo Inmates Attacked Guards

    Steve, care to answer my question?
  12. P


    You may be right about that. Personally, I've never wanted to try functioning without amplification. I've done so well and come so far that trying to function without amplification would lower my quality of life immensely. I doubt it too. Health care is a racket, and a necessary one...
  13. P

    Sandra Day O'Connor retires

    I am sad to see Justic O'Connor go. :( I'd like to see someone similar to O'Connor replace her. She hated being labeled but I would definitely call her a conservative moderate. She bucked the trend ... She was the 1st woman appointed to SCOTUS, she was the most pragmatic of the 9 judges...
  14. P

    Gitmo Inmates Attacked Guards

    Riddle me this, steve... What does being liberal/conservative have to do with denouncing retaliation by guards on prisoners?
  15. P

    No Gas at 711 Store...

    7-11s in Michigan do not sell gas, but 7-11s in Utah do. I think it has to do with distribution networks more than anything.
  16. P

    "Tone of voice" and being deaf/HOH

    I learned to read people's feelings through facial expression and body language. At first I had a very difficult time but I persisted and learned to the point that it became a "gut instinct." I only developed it through practice practice practice! People who can hear fine have difficulty...
  17. P

    Do you know what this word mean?

    Brian, I really like your thoughts on this! Well said!
  18. P

    caught between two worlds

    Why do you get nervous when people talk to you? Everyone has a different reason. You didn't mention if you have HAs or CIs. Do you?
  19. P


    I assure you I'm not shy about putting my opinion out there. Yikes. It seems like you think there's some sort of widespread health care conspiracy?