ban fraternity

Other old childhood friend of mine who left Gally in 2002, he had experienced of attempting to join the fraternity there and pledged...but a bunch of frats gave him the hardest time such as hazing. Why? He was fat, not strong enough, and nerdy. Come on, give it a break. Who gives a fuck about the looks. What is it so point to look perfect to be in frats or soros? Still really low low of 'em.
Douglas said:
Other old childhood friend of mine who left Gally in 2002, he had experienced of attempting to join the fraternity there and pledged...but a bunch of frats gave him the hardest time such as hazing. Why? He was fat, not strong enough, and nerdy. Come on, give it a break. Who gives a fuck about the looks. What is it so point to look perfect to be in frats or soros? Still really low low of 'em.

I agree, they only made some people feel bad about themselves.
Making some people feel that their is something wrong with them.
Everybody is human beings, even me, I don't know why
people criticize how we act and all...
Ain't nobody better than the others.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
well it is too late now.... I got my 2 college degrees.... :deal:
I am glad that I am out of college life.... and don't have
to worry about fitting in.... My focus now is to get a job
or establish my own business.
I don't want to waste my time, trying to figure out people and
learn how to get along with them... I realized that friends are not important.
It is their loss.... I didn't get a chance, and they didn't give me a chance,
they could always dismember me from sorority if I didn't do well.
But oh well....
I heard about reincartination, if I come back with a pretty face in
another life, I get a chance to reject them from joining sorority, haha. :laugh2:
Your attitude towards Greeks is the same as it applies to everything else. Being negative doesn't get you anywhere. When you want to apply for a job, you can't stand there thinking... "I'm too ugly to work." That means, you're thinking only about what you THINK is going on. You're not giving others a chance to judge you. You can't judge others before they can judge you. For all we know, some of those people could be reading this thread and seeing how you feel towards others. That's the REAL attitude, and that makes them NOT want you.
VamPyroX said:
Your attitude towards Greeks is the same as it applies to everything else. Being negative doesn't get you anywhere. When you want to apply for a job, you can't stand there thinking... "I'm too ugly to work." That means, you're thinking only about what you THINK is going on. You're not giving others a chance to judge you. You can't judge others before they can judge you. For all we know, some of those people could be reading this thread and seeing how you feel towards others. That's the REAL attitude, and that makes them NOT want you.

I don't want people, why people think I want them, they came to me,
and I don't want around me.
All I wanted to do was go to college out of town, to study film, not
have roommates, wish frat boys go away, and have a peaceful easy life.

I don't like people saying, "What I am going to do with you?"
Like they wanna take control of me,
and I don't want them controlling me, I know what I want in life, and
I'm gonna get it, and I ain't gonna have anybody to dictate me
on how I should live my life.

I know I can get a job somewhere out there, but I am making up
excuses not to work...
and my mom went with me to find work, I just filled out job applications,
and did short interviews, and they never called, and I happily told my mom, "See, nobody want to hire me, now I can do what I always dream of, such as making film and stuff."
A few points I'd like to make...

- The fraternity that this kid died in was unauthorized. As in, not legally sanctioned and recognized by the university. Universities usually make fraternal organizations adhere to some sort of established standard of conduct before allowing a fraternity or sorority associate themselves with that university.

- Stereotyping members of greek organizations is just as pointless as stereotyping race. One bad apple does not mean the whole crop is bad.

- Every fraternity or sorority has it's own "flavor." Even under the national organization, once Delta Chi chapter will be radically different than another Delta Chi chapter (just using an example).
Douglas said:
Uh-huh, it's actually true. Have you had been a Gally student? My buddies as Galladuetians, they'd been there, done that as they told me the whole experience story. As when they found out about it and didn't like it. It was not worth for them to be part of it because of that.

Never went to Gally, maybe that's why I had a good experience with fraternities. Besides, these experiences didn't happen to you -- you're hearing it "from a buddy" who probably, in all fairness, is exaggerating his experience.

There will always be bad people and bad apples to ruin good experiences, but at CSUN, I had a great time with great deaf friends that I still hang out with to this day. Greeks don't stay greeks if they're being abused and forced to pay for their friends. Many, many, many people choose to remain greeks. The evidence just isn't there to show that ALL greeks are BAD and should be disbanded.
Miss*Pinocchio said:
I don't want people, why people think I want them, they came to me,
and I don't want around me.
All I wanted to do was go to college out of town, to study film, not
have roommates, wish frat boys go away, and have a peaceful easy life.

I don't like people saying, "What I am going to do with you?"
Like they wanna take control of me,
and I don't want them controlling me, I know what I want in life, and
I'm gonna get it, and I ain't gonna have anybody to dictate me
on how I should live my life.

I know I can get a job somewhere out there, but I am making up
excuses not to work...
and my mom went with me to find work, I just filled out job applications,
and did short interviews, and they never called, and I happily told my mom, "See, nobody want to hire me, now I can do what I always dream of, such as making film and stuff."

Sounds like you're the one who wants to be around people yet be negative. Change your attitude and you'll get the job, friends, and fun you want.

Go pretend to be really positive for a week and see if that gets you somewhere you want to be instead. I do that for the fun of it and I have a blast because people are MUCH NICER to positive people. Try it!
Dennis said:
Sounds like you're the one who wants to be around people yet be negative. Change your attitude and you'll get the job, friends, and fun you want.

Go pretend to be really positive for a week and see if that gets you somewhere you want to be instead. I do that for the fun of it and I have a blast because people are MUCH NICER to positive people. Try it!

Okay I will, I'll do it when I turn 45 years old.
To both of Ms PeeRaven and Mr. PeeRaven

This thread has to do N O T H I N G with politicans! does this talk about politics??? Why do 2 of you both have to attack the politicans like me. Some AD members may have politicans in their family, I know one of them does but not telling who, and myself inculded. So think twice before you attack on us... Leave politicans out of this thread and other threads. Why do you have to bring up politics in every thread even if it is :topic: Seesh..... Politicans do have right to join any clubs they wish to. They was in college before entering politics.
Pvt. Parts said:
A few points I'd like to make...

- The fraternity that this kid died in was unauthorized. As in, not legally sanctioned and recognized by the university. Universities usually make fraternal organizations adhere to some sort of established standard of conduct before allowing a fraternity or sorority associate themselves with that university.

- Stereotyping members of greek organizations is just as pointless as stereotyping race. One bad apple does not mean the whole crop is bad.

- Every fraternity or sorority has it's own "flavor." Even under the national organization, once Delta Chi chapter will be radically different than another Delta Chi chapter (just using an example).
You're right. Those who are not associated with the university are usually called, "Underground Fraternities". We have a few of those at RIT. One of them was shut down for having a keg party in the basement as well as having people sleep in the basement, which is against the NY state law. After getting shut down, they continued to run on their own. From time to time, we can see them mingling around off campus. Another fraternity was shut down because they forced a kid to climb a 2-story building. He got stuck and security had to take him down. Because of that, they got shut down. Yet, they still run off campus.
This thread has to do N O T H I N G with politicans! does this talk about politics??? Why do 2 of you both have to attack the politicans like me. Some AD members may have politicans in their family, I know one of them does but not telling who, and myself inculded. So think twice before you attack on us... Leave politicans out of this thread and other threads. Why do you have to bring up politics in every thread even if it is Seesh..... Politicans do have right to join any clubs they wish to. They was in college before entering politics.
It Has everything to do with politics! Colleges are ran by the democratic party.And fraternities are mostly liberal clowns becoming future lawmakers. FYI Senator John Edwards was in a fraternity. And colleges are ran by the democrats why you think they wont fire colorado professor Ward Churchill after his bizare comments about 9-11 victims.
ravensteve1961 said:
It Has everything to do with politics! Colleges are ran by the democratic party.And fraternities are mostly liberal clowns becoming future lawmakers. FYI Senator John Edwards was in a fraternity. And colleges are ran by the democrats why you think they wont fire colorado professor Ward Churchill after his bizare comments about 9-11 victims.
For your information, Bush and Kerry were both from the same fraternity. I bet you didn't know that!
Dennis said:
Never went to Gally, maybe that's why I had a good experience with fraternities. Besides, these experiences didn't happen to you -- you're hearing it "from a buddy" who probably, in all fairness, is exaggerating his experience.

*SMH* Try a lot more than one buddy and both her and his. I said buddies.
*shrug* It's not worth arguing with you. You heard what you heard, I experienced what I experienced. So sorry that hearsay from whatever group of friends you hang out with makes you feel that you have to dislike ALL fraternities and sororities.

I bet you many of the people you like and admire are fraternity or sorority members. You just don't know it yet. Would you be more tolerant if you find out your parents were Greek in college?
VamPyroX said:
At most colleges and universities, Greeks <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='make up'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">make up</a> for almost 1/5 of all organizations. Yet, Greeks usually manage to earn more community service hours than non-greeks combined. I think it's good to keep fraternities and sororities. They're a learning experience. They just need to have stricter rules.

Guess what? :shock:
Dennis said:
I bet you many of the people you like and admire are fraternity or sorority members. You just don't know it yet. Would you be more tolerant if you find out your parents were Greek in college?

I bet you many of the people you like or dislike and don't admire fraternity or soronity members, too. =P I DID know what it was like.:whistle:

Nice trying too hard. Both of my parents went to college AND they never joined fraternity and sorority.:duh: