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  1. P


    Reincarnation? I think it's possible, just like heaven and hell are possible. We can't prove any of it, can we? But we can believe in it if we'd like. Regardless of what awaits me in the afterlife I treat people how I would want to be treated, because in the final analysis that's how...
  2. P


    I think Reba may be a dyed-in-the-wool Catholic!
  3. P

    Tipping System

    Liebling, I've been to Germany before and loved it there! We ate out quite a bit but didn't tip the waitresses. 1) Customers do not have to tip the waittresses, but it is definitely frowned upon if you don't. 2) In America, poor people rarely dine out. If they do, it's typically...
  4. P

    Interracial Relationship

    I'm white and I've only dated white girls. I think it has more to do with my social setting than my attitudes about other races, as I love people of all ethnicities and race! Dude ... I hate to burst your bubble, but I did a report on John Gray for my senior thesis in college. Well, Mr...
  5. P

    How would you like this job?

    To my knowledge, morticians are paid very well. I'm sure they have a really warped sense of humor as well. :D
  6. P


    I concur with Cookie Monster's sentiments completely. It's definitely worth addressing with a therapist. This is off-topic but I'll bite... The experience you had may fall under the definition of hostile environment harassment. However, this type of sexual harassment is difficult to...
  7. P

    Have any of this happened to you?

    I call them "Internet Tough Guys" or "Internet Bitches" because they wouldn't do that if they didn't have a puter screen to hide behind.
  8. P

    Tipping System

    As a former manager in a restaurant, I may be able to answer your question, Liebling. The reason the wage is so low for servers is because it is classified as a sales position, and our government allows this because they know that what isn't paid in wages is more than made up for in tips 95%...
  9. P

    London Lands 2012 Olympics

    :topic: = steve
  10. P


    I was bullied by plenty of different people growing up. I can count 8 off the top of my head. I don't have any emotional scarring from all of my bullying because I always fought back and always knew they had their own problems that they were taking out on me. I didn't really take it...
  11. P

    win $1 million dollars!!!!

    A million bucks? I'd spend it on hookers & blow! Just kidding. Actually if I came into $1 million today I'd pay off my mom's debts, pay off her house, and pay for my brother's college education. What little I'd have after that I'd put into long-term investments for myself. :D
  12. P

    another member of the dhh world

    Hey Meg I understand what you're saying! I just don't think there are very many oral folks to offer their personal experiences here, for whatever reason. I don't want to take this any further :topic: so I'll leave it at that.
  13. P

    piercings and tattoos

    Both ears pierced but don't wear earrings anymore. 2 tats -- both symbolic to me and I'll keep those private if you don't mind.
  14. P

    4th of July Trivia Questions

    On the other hand, the world would not know the horrors that a nuclear weapons wrought if we had not bombed Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Not justifying their use at all, but how would we know how truly dangerous they are if we had nobody to witness it's use during wartime? Imagine if the first...
  15. P

    another member of the dhh world

    Sorry to hear that it's nerve damage, meggysmom! :( Now you know what it is and what you're dealing with so you can move on to the next step. Now see, I'm not so sure about that. I don't feel that the viewpoints shared by people here are all that balanced. Yes, I think this site is...
  16. P

    About Hawaii

    I spent 5 weeks in Hawaii in July/August of 2001 and spent half of what Miss P did. Yikes!
  17. P

    Slugging is one way of beating the high cost of gas.

    :smash: Apparently math & physics aren't RS' strong suits.
  18. P

    Afraid of dying

    You aren't the only one. This is actually far more common than you think!
  19. P

    Hearing For One Day

    Did a truck in fact pass you when you heard it? I have had this happen to me plenty of times before and my audiologist told me it was more than likely phantom hearing, very similar to the phantom limb phenomena that many amputees experience.
  20. P

    Is he Deep Throat?

    Reba, don't be embarassed. Watergate was a critical point in the U.S.' history and it was a very good example of why checks & balances in our government is necessary. Nixon was doing his damndest to abuse his executive powers.