

New Member
Jan 26, 2005
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Did God punished us by giving us diseases or cause us to be deaf...
cause he knew we would support wickedness?

Is the Indian's religion right about this?

They believe if a person steal, that person will born without hand in the next life.

Is it possible, if a person didn't listen to our parents or wise people,
and then in next life, that person will be born deaf?

Is it possible, I was a beautiful woman in my past life, and did
some sins, and now I was born with face deformity?

Is it possible God punish people before they were born?

Or is it the Devil? or sh*t happened?
You bet lev,,,The same reason why GOD made you a monkey Levonian. If you didnt make a monkey outta GOD! He wouldnt make a monkey out of you.
Why does everyone theorize that disabilty is the result of bad karma?
My ears don't what? I have never experianed being a hearing person, so for me, it isn't that big of a deal. Maybe God or whatever Gods may be created me to be hoh so that my eyes would be sharper...maybe God created deaf people to be deaf so they would have higher IQs. It's sort of like the way a person who's a carrier for Tay-Sachs would be protected against dystentry or cholera.
There is no reincarnation.
Pvt. Parts said:
I think Reba may be a dyed-in-the-wool Catholic!
Huh? I have never been a Catholic.
Reba is right! There is no such thing as reincarnation because our spirit body has claim to only one physical body and no more than one! When the time of resurrection happens, the spirit body (everyone's that lived on this earth and passed away) will be reunited with the same physical body it had since birth. I should add that when this process of resurrection happens, the physical body will no longer be decomposed nor decayed nor disintegrated nor vaporized, but completely and perfectly restored... meaning restored to physical perfection just as the spirit body is always perfect. This refers to only about the appearance of the spirit body and the physical body.

I don't expect many to understand what I said here, because not many understand the process of resurrection or what it is. This takes lots of time to explain, so I stop now.
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deafdyke said:
Why does everyone theorize that disabilty is the result of bad karma?
My ears don't what?

THANK YOU!! Your beliefs are what you make them. And ok, for example... lets say you did get reincarnated from a person who, I dont know, listened too much in another life and God said "hmm, you listen too much, Ill make you deaf when you come back to earth." ok...what now? Your here on earth, your deaf... are you going to dwell on that forever? Life is what you want it to be, and if you want an answer, then you will be in a life long search for the unknown.

Sometimes face deformities are part of genetics. Thats just a part of life.

Just go with what you have and dont worry about what your past life did. You have a chance to change the life you have now, to make it better, beautiful and wonderful for yourself and everyone around you.

Lots of hugs,
let you know, i am not relate within Hindu Indian's belief.. I just believe in Anicent Jewish and Ancient Egyptain's belief which they believed that human will be re-birth human again as over and animals are reincarnations itself from billion years to now, they are nothing change itself..Yes I do believe in the re/in/car/nation of human series. re/surre/ction which mean re-genernation.

Did you know that re-in-car-nation and re-gene-r-nation are same meanings! no question..

You had heard people told you, saying " there is no reincartion".. I would tell you, my specific sayings " there is no jesus christ ".. see my point.. Jesus already spoke of resurrection, or regenernation or re-birth or born again in holy scripture. Plus why jews and disciples suddenly recoginze him, they said unto John, Jesus, Paul, saying, " you are elijah, or jeremiah or one of old prophets." Because he knew that he was regenernation [aka reincarnation] of series prophets. Since Jesus claimed that " I am of Israel, of isaac and of Abraham himself " But modern christians who did not get or not understand what Jesus's words of scriptures.. MMM...

KEY: Just ingore people said "there is no re-in-car-nation". they are full of shyt! you better stick with your own believe what you are in beliefs.. smile
Dont be so sure reba. I know this guy can put you in deep sleep and make you learn your past life. Like this guy did to me i was a soldier in a civil war i was killed in a battle. So i could been in a past life.
ckfarbes said:
...Did you know that re-in-car-nation and re-gene-r-nation are same meanings! no question..
Sorry, no, they are not the same meaning.

Reincarnation means one spirit born into a new body after the death of the previous body.

Regeneration means one body born with a dead spirit that (the spirit) is made new and alive thru trusting Christ.

Resurrection means one spirit reunited with its formerly temporal dead body as a new immortal living body (but still the same person).

Limit: one body per customer.
ravensteve1961 said:
Dont be so sure reba. I know this guy can put you in deep sleep and make you learn your past life. Like this guy did to me i was a soldier in a civil war i was killed in a battle. So i could been in a past life.
Demon presence can immitate "past lives" but most pre-birth regressions are good old-fashioned hoaxes.
I am nut if I tell u this but I had a wake up from past lives. I tapped into God's love and saw all kind of life out there. God lived in all and shared some of them with me. There were past lives of two people which it was impossible for me to live at the same time. One was a young Jew who was gassed at the death camp and other was an American soldier fought a battle against German on the beach during world war two. No way for me to live two life at the same time. Now I know reincartion does not exist.
Resurrection. The resurrection consists in the uniting of a spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided. The resurrection shall come to all, because of Christ's victory over death. Jesus Christ was the first to be resurrected on this earth (Acts 26:23; 1 Cor. 15:23; Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5; cf. Matt. 27:52–54). Others had been brought back from death, but were restored to mortality (Mark 5:22–43; Luke 7:11–17; John 11:1–45), whereas a resurrection means to become immortal, without blood, yet with a body of flesh and bone.

BORN AGAIN. See also Baptism, Baptize; Begotten; Children of Christ; Conversion, Convert; Natural Man; Sons and Daughters of God

To have the Spirit of the Lord cause a mighty change in a person's heart so that he has no more desire to do evil, but rather desires to seek the things of God.

I will put a new spirit within you, Ezek. 11:19 (Ezek. 18:31; 36:26). Those who believed on Christ's name were born, not of blood, but of God, John 1:12–13. Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God, John 3:3–7. We can be born again by the word of God, 1 Pet. 1:3–23. Whosoever is born of God does not continue in sin
(Guide to the Scriptures)

Hope this clears the air. :)
Jazzy perhaps this explans your past life. You were a german soldier and then you were assigned to the SS.You were part of hitlers SS staff and you witness the death of serveral jews. And after you might been excuted by one of hitlers staff for not following orders.
Reincarnation is as easy as saying " I'll be back " on your deathbed.

Reba said:
Sorry, no, they are not the same meaning.

Reincarnation means one spirit born into a new body after the death of the previous body.

Regeneration means one body born with a dead spirit that (the spirit) is made new and alive thru trusting Christ.

Resurrection means one spirit reunited with its formerly temporal dead body as a new immortal living body (but still the same person).

Limit: one body per customer.

I don't want to start an argument here. I nothing any partculiar with religious.

The doctrines of this Man contradicts your essential teachings and meanings. I am who shares His word with no one and of Whom which there is non like Him.

You loves to take their eyes off who they may really be by your own mis-interpertation as you desire to take my eyes off who I am. I know you no matter what! I reject your mis-interpetation of meanings from my prespective meanings. I will not be deceived if I have studied the prophecies of scripture. Here is the mind which has wisdom.

Let me tell you in some detials:

Carnal which mean flesh.

Genernation which is race or people's genes.

i read in scripture the most saying " genernation to genernation" which mean "re-genernation".

resurrection which like Jesus live and dead and rose the same human as nothing change itself.. Did Jesus told you that he took flesh without blood while he rose?

I notice you talk about spirit tooo much and lack of verses.. I however believes that spirit is a person. I no need to talk about spirit without man.. i am here to talk about flesh and blood representative on earth that what Jesus had spoken.. Once jesus told " spirit shall be born again of spirit and flesh shall be born again of flesh.. Is not that obvious clear his doctrine to you through scripture? Why Nicodemus [ the ruler of jews], who saith unto him, ...." can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?".. Jesus never told him, you are wrong and your doctrine is wrong.. he knew Niicodemus's questions as Nicodemus knew that his answer. no question. so far Jesus knew his answer is accurate!

but You and I can see a word is material as Blood and flesh of the earth. How long will You be ignorant to looking for a God that is not the word of flesh and blood as you are?

I'M the only one I see. I'M the only one I read about.
I'M the only one that counts. I'M therefore - superior.
I forget addtion on saying this:

I claimed to be him will reincarnate in human series. Think about it for a moment- the powerful leaders, beginning with God was manifest in the flesh and blood of the Leaders, could get the people to do anything they wanted by convincing them that they (the leaders) were "god in the flesh's" chosen representative on earth.
Nesmuth said:
Reincarnation is as easy as saying " I'll be back " on your deathbed.



I do believe in reincarnation. Bec my hubby had recurring dreams from past in history (in several eras). Kinda weird. I had to wake him up from it daytime or nighttime)...he explained so much in details that I never heard before. I do believe in it.