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  1. S

    Gas or Charcoal Grill

    Oh great, so I'm really screwed *standing at barbeque with cigarette in mouth* :rofl:
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    Gas or Charcoal Grill

    I chose charcoal because food tastes better when you can use whatever chips you want. However, gas is less work and you dont have to worry about your charcoal being left outside in rain..... :whistle:
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    What kind of electronic store that you love to shopping?

    Like I couldn't tell you're a 'Tripping the Rift' fan :whistle: Of the 2 choices, I also voted Best Buy. The first (and last) pre-built computer I owned, I bought from Circuit City.... it was overpriced, it sucked, and there was no support. Since then I build my own, and the only thing...
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    Can we have a test thread?

    Exactly! Also, if you're testing a new sig or something, a 'Test' thread still isn't needed because you can look at any of your old posts and the sig will have changed. I never understood the need for a Test thread. :dunno: Oh, plus if you make mistakes in your post, you can still edit...
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    IP Addys...

    Teresh, from reading your posts here and elsewhere, you seem to have good knowledge of networking. Because the topic of 'proxy' has come up here, and with your explanation, I would like to ask you about local proxies...... I know I could 'spoof' my IP by configuring a proxy (basically my...
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    GUESS WHAT!!! :o(

    Well, Im not sure what's wrong with your pc, but most times it is not hardware problem. I hope your sister's bf knows about computers and can fix it for you. Otherwise, I'd offer to help. GL
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    Looking For Deaf People In Videos

    and what kind of videos are you looking for? Inquiring minds want to know. :3some:
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    IP Addys... You can't get their name (unless you hack into their computer), but with the link I gave above, you can get all kinds of info, like what town they are from. Also, if you use Zonealarm, ir has feature that will tell you what kind of access was attempted on your pc...
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    A Question For All Males Here

    I think it's like same thing as if a guy sees a woman working on her car or doing carpentry or something. We men are impressed by that sort of thing, a woman who isn't afraid to do work traditionally thought of as "man's work". That's why so many men like women who are 'tomboys'. These are...
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    Need advice regarding Messenger

    If you update your Windows to SP2, then Messenger will show up in Add/Remove Programs.
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    a very serious question for men here...

    Yes Angel, you're right, and I guess you reinforce the link that rockdrummer posted. Hitting them back will surely not make them stop. You somehow must just walk away, or it will only get worse. It's easy to say 'leave and call to cops', but I know that it's easier to say than to do. As...
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    a very serious question for men here...

    'for rest of night....'? I'm sorry, but that there is a sign. They ever hit you or act forcefully on another night? It's definately physical abuse, and will only get worse. If girl started it? While I know that some women are as crazy or more than guys, even if girl slaps a guy for what he...
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    a very serious question for men here...

    Yes, Cheri is right.... Abuse can be something other than physical. Emotional/Mental abuse isn't any different.
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    a very serious question for men here...

    No worries dude. It's just that I personally avoid violence in any case, although I know I can handle myself and although not a big person, if trouble starts at a party, I get in to help straighten things out. I'm confident in my abilities as the son of a US Marine who never lost a fight...
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    a very serious question for men here...

    *chiming in again* I do believe about as strongly as AJ.... maybe it was too many Popeye cartoons when I was a kid, but you never under any circumstances hit a woman. When I was 16 almost 17 years old, I was pretty serious with a girl, and I came back from spring break visiting my...
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    Happy 420

    I hate hippies too.... they smell too bad. At least stoners shower. :rofl: :smoking: P.S.-BTW, Thnx Levonian, for posting Wiki link.... I was gonna cause I figured many people not know what 420 is, but you beat me to it Happy 420!
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    A deaf driver on reality TV show

    At first I was a little confused on how to vote so I'm just gonna say how really quick. When you get to on left side just below Navigation, there is 'Vote now for your favorite'. After you click that, you get a list of banners with picture and name of each racer...
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    a very serious question for men here...

    I wonder why this is directed at me. Yes I know there are battered men out there, but that has no bearing on this topic, and I didn't bring it up. I still won't hit a woman, and I ask you to please stay on topic for my friend.
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    a very serious question for men here...

    Once again, like Roadrunner, I'd walk away. If, as you say she was bigger than me and holding me down, well I know how to get out of that situation..... nobody has ever been able to hold me down. If she was so big that I wasn't strong enough to get away, well I wouldnt have gotten in that...
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    a very serious question for men here...

    I'm with Roadrunner. I was brought up with learning that you never hit a woman. I will however defend myself, such as grab her arm as she swings at me or blocking punch, but I would not hit her. Once she realizes striking me is worthless, she'll stop. If she doesnt, I'll hold her arms until...