Kalista said:
Send it to the hospital. Let us know which room and name of the hospital. We will call the florist to delivery the flowers to that room to cheer up.

lol funny bring it to the hospital lol :lol: :rofl:
Hey, everyone I gotta go now see ya'll when I come back dont know when and hopefully on monday :) bye bye :wave: :)
Hey EVERYBODY!!! I am here!!!! that I am at home but I am borrowing my youngest sister's cpu just only tower of computer :) .. my mom have 3 computers but one is my mom's , one of my 2nd sister's computer and one of my youngest sister's so I borrowing from my youngest sister's computer for few days till my computer back :)
Update Update Update!!!!

update update update!!!!!

My computer is back!!!!! but one plm is the interent wont work connection which I tried to fix it and wont work that I did tried in my computer so my youngest sister's boyfriend tried to fix it too as he is computer whiz and still not working so he took my computer with him at my mom's home to try to fix it and I will phone call at my school how the tech guy download my msn messenger and was fine from interent but why not work at my home :dunno: which make me pissed me off so the guy fix it and will let me know on sat :) .. and also he took my 80 GB to make sure if it is true that my 80 GB is damages or not cause I might not believe the tech guy at my school so will find out on satuarday. So I am still using my youngest sister's computer for a while till my computer to get fix!!! :)
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SherryCherish said:
that's great, hopefully soonest for you to get computer to back on! :)

yeahhhh I hope so so will find out on this sat :) .. I told my mom that I dont trust my cousin's boyfriend anymore! cause he was mess up on my comptuer which make me mad :mad:
Thats great ya got your computer back, but ouch about internet not working etc. Hopefully your cousin's boyfriend will get the internet running for ya.

So hopefully soon you will get your computer back again, and give back your sister computer, so ya can do whatever ya wanna to do on your own computer with graphics etc or so.
~SG~ said:
Thats great ya got your computer back, but ouch about internet not working etc. Hopefully your cousin's boyfriend will get the internet running for ya.

So hopefully soon you will get your computer back again, and give back your sister computer, so ya can do whatever ya wanna to do on your own computer with graphics etc or so.

eh? my cousin's boyfriend??? nope wrong! it is my youngest sister's boyfriend lol lol lol yeah I hope so I get back my computer soon but cannot install my photoshop till I get another harddrive first :)
DeafMonkey said:
eh? my cousin's boyfriend??? nope wrong! it is my youngest sister's boyfriend lol lol lol yeah I hope so I get back my computer soon but cannot install my photoshop till I get another harddrive first :)

Oops heh for my typo. Yeah will be fresh start for ya when you get your computer back. :)
I'm glad to have you back, DeafMonkey... but watch out, not too much monkeys around your computer... :D
Liebling:-))) said:
I'm glad to have you back, DeafMonkey... but watch out, not too much monkeys around your computer... :D

yeah I am back last Sunday night cause I borrowing my youngest sister's computer for a while till her boyfriend fixing my computer cause at my school tech guy put something look like mess up so I let my youngest sister's boyfriend fix on my computer so I hope so bring back on sat :fingersx: :lol:
More update!!

Yesterday I called at my school one of my teacher talk about my computer that the interent doesnt work to connect that I asked her to tell tech guy why my computer the interent doesnt work then she asked the tech guy about it and I told her that my computer is at my mom's home that my youngest sister's boyfriend is fix my computer and then later my teacher asked me if I have sympatico and I said no i do not have then ask me if i am use cogeco? I said yes and she said install it from Cogeco CD but I told we tried it but not work and I told my teacher that we tried everything but not work then my teacher asked me that tech guy will come to my home to fix it but I told her that I said to teacher " I told her my computer is not at my home it is at my mom's home that my youngest sister's boyfriend took my computer at my mom's home to fix my computer" then my teacher said oh ok and that it. When my computer is work from the interent and I will ask my youngest sister's boyfriend or my mom how he fix it ? and will let me know what is going on then I will tell my teacher about it .

My teacher is not pay attetion what I said that I told her my comptuer is at my mom's home cause she ask me the tech guy will come but i told her already twice my computer is at my mom's home already cant come my home and fix my computer lol :lol:
Well, Im not sure what's wrong with your pc, but most times it is not hardware problem. I hope your sister's bf knows about computers and can fix it for you. Otherwise, I'd offer to help.

SimpleMan said:
Well, Im not sure what's wrong with your pc, but most times it is not hardware problem. I hope your sister's bf knows about computers and can fix it for you. Otherwise, I'd offer to help.


everything as I tried like in local area, network, firewall, etc etc and my youngest's boyfriend same thing still not work so he took my comptuer and look up more as he is computer whiz so I hope so get back on sat if cant then he is still fix but take his time cause he spend time with my youngest sister. :) so I can be patient unless I use my youngest sister's computer :)
SimpleMan said:
Well, Im not sure what's wrong with your pc, but most times it is not hardware problem. I hope your sister's bf knows about computers and can fix it for you. Otherwise, I'd offer to help.


:eek3: With a hammer???

:whistle: ...umm..runnnnnn DeafMonkey!! Don't let him catch ya! :lol:

But that's really nice of you to extend an offer to help-- :thumb:
More Update!!!!!

I asked my mom today when she pick me up for food shopping and I asked her how it go with my computer? sound like my computer went still not working as my youngest sister's boyfriend tried to fix but went out not work so my 2nd sister called her friend's boyfriend who build homemade of my computer so her friend's boyfriend is going to fix my computer and I asked my mom about my 80 GB harddrive that I said the tech guy at my school said it is damages cant fix and my mom said dont think so it should be clean them out and start over again so my sister's friend's boyfriend will look it up in my 80 GB so I will wait to hear from him :). my computer is homemade build by my sister's friend's boyfriend as his own store business of computer that I buy in 4 yrs ago. My mom told me that my sister's friend's boyfriend will bring my computer tonight as I hope so!! :fingersx: lol :lol:

I told my mom about at my school the tech guy would come to my home to fix my computer and I told my teacher no my computer is not at my home then my teacher said oh ok and my mom said NO! dont let tech guy to fix my computer and I told her yeah I wont let tech guy come to my home to fix it again no thanks so I let my sister's friend's boyfriend to fix it :) .
Whew more update!!!

My mom was talked to me about my comptuer that she told me that her best friend and her best friend's husband took my 80GB Harddrive bring with him last night and he will look up it up in my 80 GB harddrive and will let me know in couple of weeks oh boy that took so long about my computer :lol: so long!!! oh boy haha.

My computer is stilllllll SICK! look at the picture :rofl: ha!
