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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    :zzz: That is me bowing out and giving up on the topic
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    How do you guys like your ice cream?

    ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    How do you know? Like I said I will listen to his wife over his niece.
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    I have never heard MLK say anything about gay rights but I will listen to his wife cause most likely she knew him best Rod 2.0:Beta: Coretta Scott King on Gay Rights
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    Whoa, I just looked at her Wiki page. She is for equal rights unless you are gay :hmm:. Gonna have to search further
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    Summer photo of Obama and Putin together

    Exactly what I was thinking.
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    Summer photo of Obama and Putin together

    :rofl: At Jiros pics
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    :wave: Can I come. I got a pocket full of ones from my garage sale :naughty:
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    Which term best descibes your political views

    I voted and forgot to post. I voted None of the Above. It depends on the issue for my view. I think it is stupid to strictly follow one way for all issues.
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    Hurricane Earl

    You better prepare in case it stays on the projected path :eek3:
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    Microsoft raising Xbox Live fees

    Good thing I am on PS3. And if they start charging I am done with online gaming.
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    [(o)] Photo Challenge: Anything! [2nd]

    Were was this taken. Looks like a nice place for a bike ride.
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    Career dreams shattered by disability?

    I wanted to be a SEAL when I was growing up. But I wouldn't say the dream was shattered cause I always new I wouldn't have a chance to try.
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    Who better to handle a crisis...Obama or Bush

    I say Bush is better at the immediate action necessary for a crisis, but Obama is better at dealing with the long term effects. But that has to do with their personalities. Bush doesn't think and Obama thinks too much. Can we please find the middle ground.
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    Dual OS on laptop

    Awesome, I can pick your brain if I have problems.
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    I know I'm just bored and decided to play.
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    I tried
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    Do you favor legalization of marijuana?

    So were do you stand on this issue
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    True. It is easy to say a pic was taken somewhere. Especially when there is no background to identify. I give up on finding an Asian person. I even watched a few videos and can't find any other people of color. I thought I found another black person but it looks like he is working so...
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    Restoring Honor Rally at D.C. Today.

    You got me there. But the caption on the side says "Pashai Oway, 6, of Arlington, Va., holds an American flag while attending the the 'Restoring Honor' rally, organized by Glenn Beck, in Washington, on Saturday, Aug. 28, 2010"