Search results

  1. kristy2078

    Deafness and isolation?

    I wasn't isolated, because I was always involved in something--youth sports, Girl Scouts (even Boy Scouts because of my brother), sleepovers with my hearing peers, camping, etc. Lunch period in high school was a different issue, because typically cliches show up and students went into their...
  2. kristy2078

    insurance coverage for HAs and CIs

    I ran across a webpage that lists states that require coverage for HAs or CIs. State Insurance Mandates for Hearing Aids Hopefully your state is on this list :)
  3. kristy2078

    Is There Good Money Being An Audiologist?

    Imagine this: --your income is limited to however many clients you can see in a day --most hearing devices are expensive, so your compensation is determined by insurance rates or however many people can pay for your services and products --hearing aids are replaced maybe every five years or...
  4. kristy2078


    By law, you can use the device to use with any videorelay service. You are not limited to using only Sorensen But since you already made the plans to change the device, it's moot anyway (though, you can still use the ZVP with any VRS). As for the flashing system, I looked up Z20 and I see...
  5. kristy2078

    Any envoy medical esteem recipients out there?

    I would be particularly worried about the battery bit for quite a few reasons. I also think I know why they have that minimum 40% unaided speech comprehension score--deaf people with worse speech comprehension skills are less likely to benefit from implants, thus the company wants their...
  6. kristy2078

    Great White sighting near the coast of MA

    If you are out on the water and you see people waving or hollering, you can bet they weren't waving 'hi'. Great White near the coast of Massachusetts
  7. kristy2078

    Lives in danger as many seek refuge from extreme heat

    Why worry about keeping the attic cool if no one is going to use it? Just open up the vents and focus a big fan at the attic door so hot air can go through up and out. Cooler air "settles" in the lower levels. Plus, use dehumidifiers. These will cut down on the humidity factor and make the...
  8. kristy2078

    Anderson Cooper announces he is Gay

    I agree, it's not that important and it doesn't matter if people close to him know and the rest doesn't. But, being gay can come with dangerous territory. If it had been widely known in the first place, would he have been able to be hired and keep his job? What about safety if he goes out to...
  9. kristy2078

    Heat wave sweeps across U.S. Northeast

    .... I was being sarcastic.
  10. kristy2078

    This is how you create jobs....

    We could be using less fuel, but you know in another thread, people have said that higher MPG cars are not available in the US. We could reduce our fuel consumption by about half if such technology is available in the US. And, how much of the domestic fuel is going to be exported, anyway?
  11. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Broken promises and failures according to your beliefs.
  12. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Don't forget Bush and the sub-prime issues. But you did prove my point that this didn't start during Obama's time. Obama was advised by his military committee not to just pull our soldiers right after election. Also, he knew that pulling them all out right away would mean oppressed groups...
  13. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Your question is very subjective, because whatever answers I give, you will disagree because you don't agree with Obama's ideas.
  14. kristy2078

    Texas Dad and the rapist/molester....

    No. But... a Google search yields many discussions about the use of excessive force with the SYG law. It doesn't take a lawyer to see there are problems with SYG.
  15. kristy2078

    This is how you create jobs....

    It's only temporary.
  16. kristy2078

    Nevada inmate shackled before giving birth sues

    Yeah, kick the guards in the balls and tell them to run and see for themselves.
  17. kristy2078

    Heat wave sweeps across U.S. Northeast

    I wonder if Al Gore is feeling a little better about his predictions, compared to the big winters we had a few years ago :P Though, my area did get snow on Halloween and Thanksgiving last fall (but none on Christmas!! GRRR!! :mad:)
  18. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    NOW you are getting off track and whacking around the bush and avoiding the heat. Can you honestly expect a president to just pick up the pieces and fix everything in four years? No citation needed there...
  19. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Ok then, what's the fact about the mortgage crisis? During whose presidency did it start? How about the current Middle East wars--did they start during Obama's presidency? How about Romney--is Medicare safe after all?
  20. kristy2078

    "President out of touch....plays golf during bad economy..."

    Off topic... Do you have an OCD about that? Links? Come on, a lot of that stuff is common knowledge. We know that the mortgage crisis started before Obama took office. We also know that Bush had an original goal to go after Bin Laden, but he totally went off track and started new wars...