Anderson Cooper announces he is Gay

same here, its a whoope-doo, big fucking deal, its no body business to know who or what they prefer, oh ok just don't fuck animals thats all

:laugh2:....yeah...and who cares of someone rather take it in the rear. To each his own and whatever floats your boat.
:laugh2:....yeah...and who cares of someone rather take it in the rear. To each his own and whatever floats your boat.

it's a common misconception that gay people take it in the rear all the time.
:whip:ah! sexist language!, 'his own' , should be 'their own' even girls like to use strapons and take it to the rear:giggle:
Well, being "so cute", maybe he got hit on by a lot of he decided to come out nationally. But whatever the case, sure is a 'convenient' time to come out.

What is convenient about it? Is his show up for awards? I don't think they do sweeps week during July.
No, it wasn't FoxNews. :roll:

A couple years ago, TCS read an interview with Cooper where he talked about his live-in boyfriend. It didn't seem to be a big deal.

Well, I don't follow celebs. If I wanted to, I would watch TWC or whatever that show is.
I agree, it's not that important and it doesn't matter if people close to him know and the rest doesn't. But, being gay can come with dangerous territory. If it had been widely known in the first place, would he have been able to be hired and keep his job? What about safety if he goes out to war-active areas or areas where gays are stoned to death? Maybe this was a big reason for him. Another possible reason is to avoid people acting stupid around on on TV. Recently, a female Fox reporter had to deal with sexist pigs of coworkers on screen, and that was shameful. There was nothing she could do about their freedom of sexist speech except to walk off the stage. So with Cooper, I would hate to think of his coworkers letting loose gay jokes and puns around him.

I don't think not talking about personal background is a sign of shame. I actually would prefer it if professionals don't indulge in their personal beliefs, especially religious beliefs if their jobs are not affiliated with a religion--same goes for politicians and state/federal members. I don't care if I knew some background information about them as long as they are doing their jobs.
Yea, I read that in newspaper.. I was surprised!. Im sure he will lose some of his viewers.
I will be glad if we see the day in my lifetime when nobody cares.

I am never expected to announce my heterosexuality, and I just can't see why the world feels the need to know about anybody's preference either way.

I already don't care - and I don't know why with all that's going on in the world today - this was the story that made it to publication - over Egypt, over the massacre of children in Syria, they went with a reporter's love life....:roll:
Yep, ya know it.. a lot of small town folks really hate gay ppl. That is just the way it is. Bigger cities accept them b.c they're everywhere. :lol:

That's true...whether anybody likes it or not. But I wouldn't actually say "hate"...maybe "dislike" or thinking they are "sick".....
That's true...whether anybody likes it or not. But I wouldn't actually say "hate"...maybe "dislike" or thinking they are "sick".....'s ridiculous. Be proud of who you are! Too bad Im not gay b/c in my state, they have huge gay parade,maybe biggest in USA.. looks a lot of fun.. I like their gay flag. very colorful.:D I'd be embarrassed if Im against gay ppl, a homophobic. same as being a racist or audist.'s ridiculous. Be proud of who you are! Too bad Im not gay b/c in my state, they have huge gay parade,maybe biggest in USA.. looks a lot of fun.. I like their gay flag. very colorful.:D I'd be embarrassed if Im against gay ppl, a homophobic. same as being a racist or audist.

wow. you re all grown up, boy! :D LOl you know im kidding. I agree what you just said.
I will be glad if we see the day in my lifetime when nobody cares.

I am never expected to announce my heterosexuality, and I just can't see why the world feels the need to know about anybody's preference either way.

I totally agree -- *so what?!* I am sorry our society is still so backward... :roll:
Great...found out Jillian Michaels is a lesbian.. She a hottie.
Anderson Cooper announced he is gay. He says he will not talk about it on the air. He wanted people to know he is gay and that he is not ashamed of it. the same time when CNN's rating is rock bottom.
