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  1. HelloKittyGal

    Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child

    Yes, in the article. I wasn't starting any bashing at all nor do I want to create one. :sure: I see where javapride might have gotten confused.
  2. HelloKittyGal

    Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child

    Ummm, javapride. I don't think you understand completely my feelings about lesbians and gay. I was not in any way referring to them about their lesbian background. I said that I dislike the issue of them trying to have a deaf child. Ok? Lastly, if you think that I hate gay and...
  3. HelloKittyGal

    675 Batteries?

    Boult, yes I understand. It was a internal device change. The problem I have is that AB promised to have the external device available to all implantees regarding their internal device, but no, they broke that promise. It makes me a bit sad. I am also disappointed because I feel they are...
  4. HelloKittyGal


    I have been curious as to what it is. I don't get the whole picture because people say, "Wicca is not what you think it is." It just annoys me because I find good Wiccans who don't do harm and others who do. What's the point in having different Wicca definition? It's what it is using powers...
  5. HelloKittyGal

    I need job so bad...

    Where I live, we only got 2 counselors for the deaf. One is deaf oral and signs. The other one is hearing who has a Deaf brother. They always directed me to them, and if the last one I had was out of town or whatever, they would tell me to wait for her when I had no choice to wait for her...
  6. HelloKittyGal

    Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child

    I don't think it is the first time I heard of this :o . I think the lesbians need to get a life. :wtf:
  7. HelloKittyGal

    Museum of Menstruation

    I tried a discussion about the seasonale pill in another forum, but they just bitched about it (maybe they were on PMS?). :type: You can read about it at I really disagree with this pill, and I am not too happy that they are advertising this pill on t.v. with all women dancing...
  8. HelloKittyGal

    675 Batteries?

    Sorry that it went that way for you! That's a nightmare for anyone. To be honest, sometimes I wish I had the Nucleus or Medel because their BTE last longer! The BTE battery that I have is the thicker one because with the older model Platinum--the thin ones will not last long enough..would be...
  9. HelloKittyGal

    In memory of..

    Ahh, I see thanks. Well, RIP to both!
  10. HelloKittyGal

    Bush Plans to Rape Our Forests

    Yes, I took a class about the oil drilling in Alaska. I don't like Kerry, but I also don't like that Bush has no concern for the environment. I really do not like that one bit. We need to protect the environment and Bush sure needs a tour of the world about it's environmental problems. I...
  11. HelloKittyGal

    In memory of..

    Doesn't the article say that he killed two people? Or did the other one survive?
  12. HelloKittyGal

    In memory of..

    What?! I thought he was killed because the other person was anti-gay. I think it's horrible how someone could kill someone at a university! Now I don't know who is sane at Gally.
  13. HelloKittyGal

    675 Batteries?

    Oh. I would be confused too.
  14. HelloKittyGal


    I use the word hearing impaired and it does not insult me. I use it because it suits me better and people respond to me better than when I use the word deaf. That's just my case, but I don't think hearing impaired is an insult. Hearing Impaired just means you can't hear well and it is used to...
  15. HelloKittyGal


    The Post Office can pay really good.
  16. HelloKittyGal

    Implanted Hearing Aids!

    Why would someone consider mild to severe hearing losses as deaf people? :dunno: I asked my CI doctor if I could have this other one from Symphonix but he said I had too much of a hearing loss for that. Severe-Profound.
  17. HelloKittyGal

    I need job so bad...

    ha, is that true? Yes, it doesn't hurt to find another counselor. They could turn out to help you better than they did to me. The second deaf counselor was hearing who had a deaf brother. :dunno: We have GoodWill. The post office pay really good money. Up to 40,000 with experience...
  18. HelloKittyGal

    675 Batteries?

    Clarion BTE do not use 675 batteries. Nucleus and Med-EL BTE do use 675 batteries. Could be Malfoyish have the Clarion?
  19. HelloKittyGal

    I like science fiction. Does anyone else?

    I don't enjoy Sci-fi movies. Star Trek bore me to death. Babylons and other weird movies just bore me out. I like reality movies LOL. I like funny movies, but not dirty funny movies such as Anger Management (saw it recently) and it's a big "boo!" Thumbs down.
  20. HelloKittyGal

    How do you write from ASL to english grammer?

    Yes. Also, chatting online with someone who doesn't have much grammar problems. I also think it helps to start with children's books then move up to then young adults (teenagers), then to adult books.