I work odd jobs through craigslist.org
I work as a hauler/mover, housecleaner (this is more of my "main" job), dogwalker, petsitting and babysitting.
Craigslist.org has a lot of good post for various jobs. I like to work for cold hard cash than being on a payroll. I cannot stand the idea that my pay is deducted for the taxes, et cetera... I would like to work for my dollar and keep the WHOLE dollar, not to have my 75 cents going bye-bye then only keep a quarter.
I charge 10bucks per hour and I have been worked the whole summer. Will stop when the fall semester arrives because I dont have time for working anymore and I am covered by SSI now so the funds are not of my major concerns.
I suggest everybody to check out craigslist.org-- they have wanted ad, you can sell your clothes, desks, you can discuss about how to treat your child's cough, you can find somebody who want to give out free stuff, you can find MILLION of things that you can do!!
Keep in mind that craigslist.org doesn't exist in every city, but it has each metro city's CL.ORG so look for your city in the list on right colum.
LA, SF and NYC are packed with many job offers...! (so jealous of them)