It's a very long story, and one that came to be AFTER the surgery...when I was called by the audiology department - they wanted me to help them place an order for the new hardware. Then they called back a couple hours later, leaving a message on my machine saying "Never mind, we were told by Advanced Bionics that you may use your old hardware, even with the new implantation - it is compatible with your new internal device."
This is where I, myself, got confused, because I DID tell them to go ahead and put in the Nucleus. How in the world would a Nucleus inner device be in any way compatible with an AB outer device? I asked the audiologist this, and she then tells me that I didn't have the Nucleus. I was shocked and asked how this was so, because I did request the latest Nucleus. The audiologist was mistaken when she put in for the wrong one.
I was livid, to say the least! Surgery was over with and there was no way now to correct this error. I spent quite a few days crying and shooting darts at Advanced Bionics and at the hospital. Ah, but I was later told that I would not have been able to change the brand/company name of implant I had ANYWAY because Advanced Bionics was the one paying for the re-implantation surgery. So - wouldn't have been a choice anyway. That did make me feel a little better, but what I wonder about is if that was even true. I mean, my insurance covered the surgery...and they did make it appear as if I did have an option in the first place. Sounds like ass-covering to me...but I dropped it.
Satisfied with the CI I have now, anyway. :::shrug::: Not in any position to do anything about it to be honest. Gives me a headache!
Anyway, hope that clears a little of this up for ya, Levonian.

I still remember your kind gesture the night before surgery. Was very nice of you to make up that thread. Very much appreciated by everyone. Let me know by PM how many batteries you might be interested in and I'll throw some figures at you...
I have the AB Auria...and it does not use 675 Batteries. I thought I would be able to make use of them, but no, I'm not.