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  1. B

    20-10 or 2,010???

    20-10 for me. I'd sign it the same way. Out of curiosity, how do you all sign 01-09? I've noticed most folks down here go for 2-0-0-8 or simply 0-8
  2. B

    How did you learn ASL?

    My senior year of H.S. i picked up the class since I'd completed all my required courses and then some and it somehow turned into a major and soon a career!
  3. B

    Chuck E. Cheese robbed by 3 armed men!!

    Haha that little chick has got spunk! But why, oh, why does it just stand there???
  4. B

    6-years old Philanthropist

    I think that's spot on. Society beats the innocence out of us!
  5. B

    College Cracks Down On Cross Dressing.

    This would be something to complain about if it were a state school and they were infringing on their students freedoms, however it's not a state school but a private school and they're free to enforce whatever rules they see fit. It's an all-male school so that's not an issue.
  6. B

    What's Louder than Jet Engine?

    a jet engine???? No wonder the guy couldnt sleep
  7. B

    Post your gas prices Part II

    $2.49 in SW Miami
  8. B

    Schwarzenegger to Shriver: Put down the cell phone

    haha swift action from the Governator
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    I am not deaf ,however...

    Or Miami! You're certainly lucky to live in Broward since most Deaf events take place up there rather than Dade! Bit of a drive for me
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    In the football game, a seven-years old boy was tackled by...

    Wrong place and the wrong time for the kid, Just his luck there were two bucks gearing to fight nearby.
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    Men Are Better Friends

    It's the unwritten guy code of honor
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    Truth About Cats And Dogs : A Comparison

    Hey, it's a fact-finding mission!
  13. B

    Maine Couple Wins "Wife-Carrying" Competition

    Sounds great! I wish they had pictures of the event
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    Grapes (Fruit)

    Grapes with seeds are a MAJOR pain
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    Writing About a Deaf Person

  16. B

    Hi from Sunny Florida!

    :welcome: to AD! I'm from Miami, myself.
  17. B

    Blind 7-Year-Old Boy Sees With His Ears

    Argh beat me to it! :giggle:
  18. B

    New mammal species has an ear for evolution

    Fascinating stuff. Al the more interesting when you have the before and after but not the in-between.
  19. B

    No, YOU get out and change the tire!!

    they'd better be some magical tires that change themselves cause I wouldnt go out there!
  20. B

    7 Things to do when ur Internet Goes Down...
