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Britain's loudest snorer
oh lordy!
Mrs Chapman, 60, snores every night at 111.6 decibels - eight decibels louder than the roar of a low-flying jet - much to the dismay of long suffering husband Colin, 62.
The retired bank worker could drown out the sounds of a spinning washing machine, diesel truck, farm tractor or speeding express train.
She regularly wakes herself up and her husband Colin has had to retreat to the spare room at least five nights a week for the 18 years they have been married.
She has snored throughout her entire life and one of her earliest memories is waking up to her sister pinching the bridge of her nose when she was five.
Over the years Mrs Chapman has tried nose bands, pills, visited the doctor ''countless'' times and even considered invasive surgery in a bid to cure her snoring.
Last weekend she took part in a two-day snoring 'boot camp' at the Hilton Warwick Hotel - where the extent of her problem emerged.
She was the loudest of the six chronic snorers, four men and two women, who took part in the clinic designed to promote natural remedies to their problem.
She said advice from experts at the camp had already helped but her snoring would probably never go away.
Mrs Chapman, from Deeping St James, near Peterborough, Cambs., said: ''I was shocked to hear how loud my snoring was at its peak. I knew I was noisy but not that noisy.
''It was a bit embarrassing to be told in front of everyone but it was all good fun by then.
''The experts said it was the loudest they had ever experienced. I can sympathise with my husband now who is always complaining.
''They recommended tips for healthy living but I won't be giving up alcohol totally just yet - that's too much to ask.''
Around 75 per cent of the UK population are believed to be snorers with the condition most prevalent in middle-aged men.
The exact cause is known but too much food or alcohol, and problems with the nasal passage and soft palate at the back of the throat are thought to have an effect.
oh lordy!