That very thing happened to a friend of mine down here in Florida. He got pulled over for speeding and ended up having the cop pull a gun on him as he was reaching for a pen and paper to be able to explain that he was Deaf and he'd have to communicate that way. All would've been avoided if there...
Hey! That was only 'cause the Phoenix, the disemodied force of universal life, had never before needed to deal with human emotions such as love, anger and betrayal. She gets a pass from me :P
This was my hair when it was down to my chin and plenty wet:
This was the resulting cut when my aunt got her hands on it:
Shoulder-length or bust! It's just cause I'm a...
My hair's a medium curl and up until two years ago I'd gotten my head completely shaved but now it's just past my bottom with shoulder-length being my goal (mom hates it)
I disagree. I think it's just something to let the drivers know to be extra careful when driving in that certain area.
Check out this link:
"(Near Sidewalk with Dead End) Caution: Deaf and Blind Children"...
I don't think it's limited to nearby schools because there's a similar sign near my home and the nearest school (elementary) is a little over a mile away. I think its just the parents that requested a sign be placed due to their child and wanting an extra safety measure.
Pretty lousy friends if you ask me. I don't believe there's anything wrong in having feelings for your friend but, once you stop thinking about your friends happiness, then you're not much of a friend.
I only say this from my own experience because I'd developed feelings for my current...
I'd never bar them from watching a horror movie. Kids, for the most part, know what they can handle and if they asked me to watch a scary movie id let them and watch it with them.